Tuesday, July 09, 2013

Muslim Brotherhood THREAT - Crisis in Egypt 3

Lets Get Real:

The Egyptian Army has to ACT fast, it has to suppress the Muslim Brotherhood, otherwise the Brotherhood will use deaths as PR to get the West to turn against the Army, then they could retake power and move Egypt down the road that Iran started in 1979.    Thus the Army has to ACT fast, either arrest leading supporters of the Brotherhood or exile them for life.  In any new elections the Brotherhood has to be contained, there have to be other centres of power, either through the Parliament or the Court system, the Muslim Brotherhood will use democracy but they will never give up power once they are given it or retake it, thus the Army has to be fast, smart, and keep the public on side, thus they need better PR, and not to shoot people in public, its not smart or good policy, make people think that they should support the MB.    Thus better strategy and PR from the Army, do not give the opposition the tools to beat you, this is the time to win and make it stick folks. 

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