Wednesday, July 10, 2013

The Elite Media and Bush 43 - Immigration Reform

Lets Get Real:

Thus folks are you seeing a theme, most of the time the left wing media see Bush 43 and Tony Blair as War Criminals over Iraq, but this shows that politics is an ART, the left can turn on a dime when it suites them, not actually gushing articles, but both the Guardian and the CNN want to paint the worse picture of the Republican House, the talking points of the Oval, the left must think that the people are simple or thick, when this debate is over the left will go back to Bush/Blair bashing, but on this issue Bush 43 and the elite media is RIGHT, the House should pass either the Senate bill on Immigration or draw up something that is close but has a Republican print on it, its time to get a move on, the politics and the policy are right, its the House that is stuck on the wrong road, time to change lanes House. 

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