Telegraph: Reports the following on North Korea, " Analysts believe that the North could launch 500,000 rounds of ammunition on the South within the first hour of an attack... ".
Lets Get Real:
The North COULD cause massive death and destruction to the South folks, but it would lead to the end of the North Korean Regime, the US would wipe out the North, China its ally would find its on holiday, anything as long as it does not have support its suppose ally, also it would have to deal with a flood of North Korean Refugees over its border, it would be a nightmare. Thus the above is not going to happen, in less the Stalinist North Korean Regime wants to kill itself off, the hard and bloody way. One can see the hot rhetoric as a bad strategy to get the US back in to talks and for the usual blackmail, e.g the North goes back in to its box as long as the US and its Allies feed the poor people of the North, the problem is as stated in this blog and in other sources the worry that if the Oval looks weak with the North the infection could make Israel worry that the Oval will be weak with Iran when the time comes, also the lack of US action of Syria means that the Oval has to be tough with North Korea, the Oval is weak folks, but its gets other people killed, over seventy thousand in Syria at the moment, and the million of Refugees in Lebanon, Jordan, Turkey, etc,. The Oval will be tough with North Korea, if no other reason it has no choice, when you have no choice it takes the pressure off in many respects. The crazy North Koreans can splutter all they like, NO DEAL FOLKS.