Sunday, March 31, 2013

The North Korean Threat - Korean Crisis 2

Lets Get Real: 

The North COULD cause massive death and destruction to the South folks, but it would lead to the end of the North Korean Regime, the US would wipe out the North, China its ally would find its on holiday, anything as long as it does not have support its suppose ally, also it would have to deal with a flood of North Korean Refugees over its border, it would be a nightmare.   Thus the above is not going to happen, in less the Stalinist North Korean Regime wants to kill itself off, the hard and bloody way.   One can see the hot rhetoric as a bad strategy to get the US back in to talks and for the usual blackmail, e.g the North goes back in to its box as long as the US and its Allies feed the poor people of the North, the problem is as stated in this blog and in other sources the worry that if the Oval looks weak with the North the infection could make Israel worry that the Oval will be weak with Iran when the time comes, also the lack of US action of Syria means that the Oval has to be tough with North Korea, the Oval is weak folks, but its gets other people killed, over seventy thousand in Syria at the moment, and the million of Refugees in Lebanon, Jordan, Turkey, etc,.     The Oval will be tough with North Korea, if no other reason it has no choice, when you have no choice it takes the pressure off in many respects.   The crazy North Koreans can splutter all  they like, NO DEAL FOLKS. 

North Korean Update - Korean Crisis

Lets Get Real:

This shows how silly the North Korea threat is folks, the North needs this factor complex for foreign currency so it can buy treats for the Regime and fund its nuclear ambitions, and the end of the day the Oval is right, this a rhetorical threat at best, its for show, also clever, its Easter Week, so it gets more attention, as on the whole reporters and bloggers have better things to do, have a holiday, thus to fill the airwaves they stress this story.   In less the Oval and this blog is wrong, the Pyongyang Regime can be told to get lost, they are not going to do anything, they can not risk that the new South Korea President will act if South Korea is attacked, either on the mainland or one of its Islands.   Also the US has made it plain that the US will support its Asian ally, the North must be aware that China will not back them should they go mad, so a non story folks.   It would not surprise this blog if the North set off another nuclear test, or another ICBM, but that ALL that is going to happen folks, North Korea is all talk no cattle as they say in great State of Texas. 

The Bells of Saint John - Doctor Who Review

Sidebar 1: As this blog covers North Korea, Syria, Iran Israel, US Politics, its not a light blog read, as its Easter lets have some fun. 

The Doctor Who News Page: Reports that Doctor Who was the top drama on Saturday night, it has 6.18 million viewers in the overnight ratings ( lets recall this should go up with the those that have recorded the show ), now lets review the show.

Lets Get Real: 

It was a great show to introduce the new companion Clara, for the 3rd time, and she got to live this time, it was also subtle that Clara was not the minx of the previous two intros, she wanted adventure but felt she had to look after a family, the Clara of the previous two incarnations gave the impression that she had been around with the Doctor in way, always seeking adventure, without quite knowing why she had such vigour for adventure, as an example, you can see Clara's computer skills take shape from this episode, thus go back and watch the 1st show folks.    This makes Clara quite a mystery, who is she, how could she place herself  is so many different time streams, with the knowledge to help the Doctor without knowing him, if you see what I mean folks, also watch the Christmas special, the caring side of Clara as a nanny.   Clara very interesting character.  

Thus every day use of wi - fi was given a horror dimension, the Internet was seen as a place to steal the souls of people, great twitter joke, who cares what kind of breakfast you have, or your latest romantic adventures,  the show also had a dark side, it releasing Clara the Doctor knew that some people had no bodies to go back too, thus they were dead, what is life you might ask, would you live forever in the internet, making your own world up, how depressing is that, life is about the real world, living, as the 9th Doctor said, having fun in Paris.  Great start to next eight weeks.   Also some great news last night, the 10th Doctor and Rose are coming back for the 50th Special, does life get any better, yes it would have a TARDIS, go back and record ALL those shows wiped by the BBC Taliban in the 60s and 70s. 

Friday, March 29, 2013

NK and Attacking the US - Korean Crisis 3

Lets Get Real:

This could almost be a comedy sketch folks, the North Koreans are not going to hit Hawaii or the US, they do not have the ICBM as of now to hit Hawaii or the US on target and any such strike would mean the end of North Korea, as the US would wipe the Stalinist Regime off the face of the earth, the results, million of North Koreans would die,  high levels of radiation would hit South Korea and China, millions of people in the region would face radiation sickness for years, in the long term you would get a united Korea, the North would be a no go area for years, that might suite China and the US, thus folks no need to head for the bunkers, this is a bad joke.    What NK might do is it try to take over a contested Island on the border between the North or South, even target South Korea Ships,  on the whole the action will be local, depends what South Korea does, with a new President in the South the Government might react, well if there is an invasion then they have too, the US would have to back the South, lets see what North Korea does, if it does anything. 

HOT AIR or REAL THREAT FROM North Korea - Korean Crisis 2

Lets Get Real:

Well folks, its either time for North Korea to shut up or do something, they look weak, pathetic and mad, the have risen the hot war rhetoric for a weeks now, feels like years, this kind of war rhetoric is not new, but the level in a short period is new, so what next?    As noted a in  recent CNN article the war like rhetoric might be for the new young leader to show his military that he is up to the job, what will that take, an attack on a South Korean Island, an invasion of such Islands, an attack on a South Korean Naval Military Ship, moves in the DMZ, or no action, that would really would look weak, so we shall see folks, it could be time for the Oval to have a chat with Jimmy Carter, off the record and off the radar, ask him to visit to North Korea off his own back, with no Government approval, see what they want, lets face it, his talks in the 1990s is one of the reasons for this present mess, NK did not keep their word to him about their nuclear plans, lets see if he can get some payback, face or honour is suppose to mean a lot in Asia, NK might think they owe Carter for their breach of trust, lets see, no harm in sending a former President over, as long as he makes it clear its his idea, not from the Oval.   Just an idea folks. 

North Korea on Stand By for ATTACK - Korean Crisis

BBC News: Reports that Stalinist North Korea has placed its forces on stand by to attack US interests. 

Lets Get Real:

One one to wonder is North Korea ( NK ) either MAD or playing a very subtle political game, any attack on US base on worse the US mainland would mean the end of the NK.   Even the Oval with President Obama behind the desk would have to take action, so what in the hell does NK want, the US has offered direct talks if it stops in nuclear ambitions, the NK have never kept their word in any agreement, is NK looking for a Presidential visit, as in Nixon goes to China, do they want President Obama to come to Pyongyang, well if that is the plan they are going about the wrong way, if the Oval went to NK now it would look like total appeasement, it would worry Israel that Obama is about to sell them out when it comes to Iran's nuclear plans, Iran would press on with its nuclear  plans and the Assad Regime in Syria  might be tempted to use its chemical weapons on its own people if it saw that kind weakness from the Oval.   Is NK planing another nuclear test or missile test, all this hot rhetoric has to get a release, or NK will look weak and pathetic, that is the dangerous points folks, the end result. 

Thursday, March 28, 2013

North Korean END GAME? - NK Crisis

CNN - North Korea: Reports the following from North Korea, " .. Pyongyang vowed to shut down a key military hotline with South Korea. ".

Lets Get Real: 

Thus folks the rhetoric from North Korea has gone HOTTER and HOTTER and nothing, no attacks on South Korean Islands, or attacks on South Korean Naval vessels, not another nuclear test, no actual targeting of Japan or US Military bases, so what is the point you have to ask folks.    The linked article has an interesting answer, its to build support for the new leader, Kim Jong Un, the question that it raises, is the new leader so weak and under threat that he has nearly taken North Korea over a cliff or has Pyongyang miss read the Oval.    President Obama can not afford to be seen as weak when it comes to NK, he has to worry about Iran, any weakness from the Oval and Iran will see it as a green light to go nuclear, also Israel will have seen the Obama weakness over Syria, and will be worried that when it comes down to it the Oval will allow a nuclear armed Iran, in other words folks Obama has to be tough about NK even if leads to War.   That is what weakness gets you folks, the North Koreans, Syrians, and Iran see Obama as weak, what ever you think about Bush 43, he was not seen as weak, a Cowboy yes, but not weak.   Thus the Oval is facing the consequences of its weakens in the 1st term, its going to get hotter folks, neither side can afford to lose. 

The Money of Cyprus - Cyprus Crisis 2

Lets Get Real:

The dirty secret of the EU is out folks, the template for future bailouts will be for the savers in EU banks with over a 100k to lose up 40% of their savings, no matter if your Russian or not, or a small business.   An interesting BBC 2 Newsnight report on Cyprus showed how small business in Cyprus will be hurt, as the Bank is the common link between customers to a business buying products for its business, if the transaction is over a 100k it could be hit with the 40% tax, thus everyone in the lines gets hit, the idea that this will stay in Cyprus is a MAD view of the global economy, somewhere folks the Cyprus link will have consequences outside the Cyprus and it will hurt the global economy, its a GLOBAL economy folks, the idea that you can collapse the banking system of Cyprus and for not results outside Cyprus shows a real lack of understanding how the everything is connected.   The Banks in Cyprus bought a lot of Greek bonds, with the haircut they lost millions, even billions, did the banks in Cyprus insure their bonds against this, and those that have Cyprus bonds will be looking to get some money back or to get rid of them, then they will have insurance, you get the idea folks.    This is not over folks, also if you have big savings or a small business in the PIGS Countries time to move your savings to non EU Countries, or turn your assets in to gold etc.   The financial crisis of 2008 is not over folks and the policy of theft by the EU is going to make it a lot worse.  

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

The Cost of the EU - Cyprus Crisis

Lets Get Real:

Thus folks the Banks in Cyprus open tomorrow, the Government has bought in limits in how much the people of Cyprus can take out of their own accounts, the State is telling its OWN people how much of THEIR money they can have, think about that folks, this is not the USSR, Cuba, this is the EU in the 21 Century, its like something out of the early late 1940s folks, those heady black and white days!!.    The question is what next for Cyprus, well advice to the poor and I mean poor people of Cyprus, GET OUT OF THE EURO, its not going to make Cyprus stronger, its going to kill the economy of Cyprus.   The EU has decide to steal the money of Russian savers, on the theory that it is dirty money, and the savers can not say a thing, blackmail in other words folks.  It will be interesting to see how the people of Cyprus react tomorrow, will there be lines of people wanting to get THEIR money and out and be told NO.  How will they react, News crews from around the world will be watching folks. Watch this Space. 

Afghanistan Front News

MOD: Has announced the name of the UK Soldier that died of his combat wounds yesterday, the Soldier was " Lance Corporal Jamie Webb, of 1st Battalion The Mercian Regiment (Cheshire) ".  Our thoughts are with the family of Lance Corporal Webb. 

The End of David Miliband ? - Future Labour Leader ?

Lets Get Real: 

Lets be generous folks, and not think this move is political, rare on here, yes folks, one can see why the former Foreign Secretary has taken this move, if and its a big IF Ed Miliband does pull it off and wins the 2015 General Election the 1st man through No 10 would be his brother David, he would in essence have to offer him job he wanted, and I mean any job with the exception of the PM post, thus not a happy Shadow Cabinet.   The worse outcome for Ed Mililband giving this 2015 case study would be for his brother to take a job, and could never be sacked, moved or anything else, not happy idea for a new PM, it would be worse than having Gordon Brown as your Chancellor, also lets play this out, a new Labour Government under Ed Junior would get in to trouble, thus low poll ratings, thus talk in the tea rooms of  a new leader, yes his brother, thus further nightmare for Ed Junior.   Now lets get real, DM thinks his brother will not win, so why stay around, the Labour Party is not going to have a 2nd Miliband as a leader, thus get out and get a real job and make some money, wise and ruthless, he would have made a great Labour Leader. 

Gay Marriage 2

Lets Get Real:

The Supremes it seems have no backbone on this subject, its a matter of deep civil rights, in the 1960s African - Americans had to fight to get their Civil Rights and the US Politicians, Democrats and Republicans saw it as the right move to support such efforts, yes it cost the Democrats the South but it was the right thing to do, a narrow view of civil rights is not what the US should be about, its about freedom to be, and the State, local or federal has no right to decide what marriage means, as in the negative, that does not mean that Churches or other religious establishments have to carry out marriage services, that would be wrong, that would be the State saying that a Church etc has to see marriage the way the State sees the ACT, people should be allowed to marry, outside a Church.   Sad day for the US Supreme Court should it duck this issue.  

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Brotherly Love NOT - The Miliband Brothers

Guardian: Reports on the shock news that David Milliband, the older brother of Ed Miliband and former UK Foreign Secretary is to resign as a MP and move to New York. 

Lets Get Real: 

Thus why prize victory for Ed Miliband, he stabbed his elder brother in the back to become Labour Leader, according to reports it has been a disaster for the Miliband family, lets face when you ask the general public about Ed Miliband the first thing they mention is that he stole the job his brother had wanted all his life.    The Labour Party is ahead in the polls at the present, it should be pointed out that when Ed Miliband is on the screens for a while the polls go down for Labour, the BBC and Guardian do not seem to cover EM much, less press the better it can be argued, one can say from memory that Tony Blair pre 1997 had much more better press that EM junior.   The Labour Party is ahead in the polls at the moment because of the austerity drive of the Coalition Government, but as we get closer to the 2015 General Election the Labour Party will have to produce policies; the UK is broke folks; thus it can not promise to spend money that is not there, then we shall see what Ed Miliband is made of, can he sell Labour in the heat of a General Election, interesting folks. 

Gay Marriage and the US Supreme Court

BBC News: Reports that the US Supreme Court heard arguments today on the legality and banning of gay marriage. 

Lets Get Real: 

This blog has come around to the idea that gay marriage is a Civil Rights question, thus lets hope the Supremes allow gay marriage, and over turn laws that ban same sex marriage.   It not easy folks, a lot of people would object to the idea that gay marriage is a Civil Rights issue, they argue that Civil Rights is about seeking justice for those that face restrictions based on gender or colour, one should not dismiss this view point, that is what liberals do all the time, what is needed is a counter argument that argues that we are in the 21st Century, Rights are about allowing people to be what they want to be, in way a Classical Liberal theory, or Conservative, as long as people are over the age of consent; 21 would be good age for gay or straight people; and people are not being forced to do anything they do not want to do then its should be open to the individual to do what he or she likes, the US Supemres should lead, its the right thing legally, and the Conservative thing to do, watch this space folks. 

Death in Afghanistan

MOD: Reports that a UK Soldier has been killed in Afghanistan, the Soldier was from the " 1st Battalion The Mercian Regiment  ".  Thus since 2001 the UK has lost 441 of its Armed Forces Personnel in Afghanistan, of that total it has lost 398 in combat/hostile action, while 43 have died due to illness, accidents or other incidents. 

Lets Get Real:

One has to ask why folks, the UK, US and NATO is getting out of Afghanistan next year, why are we still losing our brave and heroic Soldiers, the general opinion is that after 2014  Afghanistan will fall back in to Civil War, the Taliban might even retake Kabul, how does the UK Government justify to those heartbroken families why their husbands,wives, sons, daughters are getting killed in a War that is lost and that the West has no interest in winning, and what is worse can not win.   Our BRAVE Soldiers are being lead by donkeys folks. 

Monday, March 25, 2013

The EU wants to STEAL your MONEY - Cyprus Crisis 3

Lets Get Real:

There you have it folks, the dirty secret is out, the next Country to ask for a bailout will have to steal from its savers, think about this folks, will the EU dare ask Greece, or Italy or Spain to raid and steal the money of its savers.   What if France needed a bailout, will the left wing President Hollande steal the money of French savers to protect the Euro, will Greece revolt should they need extra funds and are told to steal from their own people.   How can the EU grow in economic terms if it is attacking the rich, why build a business if the tax man is going to steal what you and your workers have produced, the EU has failed to learn the lesson of the USSR.  This policy of theft will end baldy folks, it always does, the EU is so up the backside of the Euro it can not see straight any more, the politicians of the EU have lost the backbone to say NO, it will happen folks, and the results will be short term disaster, but then the EU can grown, the Euro is killing the EU, the Euro needs to be buried and fast, otherwise it will take the EU with it, what price the Euro folks. 

Russia and Cyprus 2 - Cyprus Crisis 2

Lets Get Real:

What if Greece, Spain come cap in hand again to the EU, will Germany again state that savers with large savings have to give up a majority of it, can the Western Banking system cope with the idea that the State, that has not gone through a Revolution phase is stealing the money of savers.   At least in 1917 with the fall of Tsarist Russia the State that would become the USSR has a Communist Agenda, you knew what you were getting, Germany is demanding that a democracy steal from its savers, with no proof of wrong doing, its just wrong folks, no one seems to get that fact, just because its Russian money it should not be seen as safe money to steal.    The Euro has become an end it itself for the EU, it mus be protected at all costs, even if it destroys the economic structure of the EU, one day someone will be brave to say NO, lets hope it is soon folks, democracy can not last when theft is so open and with no blow back. 

Russian and Cyprus - Cyprus Crisis

BBC News: Reports that Russia thinks that EU is using the Cyprus banking crisis as way to raid Russian money. 

Lets Get Real:

Thus Russian Bear would be right folks, the German Government wants to show its voters that it is using Russian money to bailout Cyprus, not German money, the German taxpayer is sick to death of bailing out bankrupt Countries, War guilt only goes so far folks.   The the old USSR would have sent in the Soviet Fleet if this had happened in its time, it shows how Russian is no longer a Super Power, if this was US money the EU would not dare, but Putin's Russia is an easy target, the Russian money is Cyprus is seen as dirty money, either from tax avoidance or illegal acts.   This is act of stealing from the EU could lead to the destruction of the Euro, who is going to trust banks in the PIGS Countries, if you have over a hundred thousand in these banks it would be wise to transfer them to outside EU banks, or to turn the money in to gold or other assets. They day you have to steal money to keep a currency going it OVER folks, the watchman shall come to pick up the Euro, its only a matter of when, the die has been cast folks, who shall weep for the Euro. 

Thursday, March 21, 2013

North Korea threatens US Bases in Japan - Korean Crisis

Lets Get Real:

Yes more bluster out of the Stalinist North, the question will they actually do anything, as the article notes they have had air raid drills, cyber attacks on South it seems from the North, the rhetoric is bloody hot, the question is WHAT NEXT?   Will they attack the disputed South Korean Islands on the border of the North; the North has told those on the Island to leave; they have made that threat, or will they go ALL IN, attack the Islands, direct cyber attack on South Korea, cause friction with US bases on personnel, it would be a risky move, the Oval would have to move and react, talking would not cut it folks.

Then folks talking is what North Korea might want, lets agree North Korea is not insane, okay is a big ask, could all these action be a SHOW, to force the Oval to send Secretary Kerry to the North for TALKS.    The question is can the Oval afford it, it will be seen as appeasement, thus the Oval needs a secret back channel as the President Kennedy had during the Cuban Missile Crisis, where is the modern Robert Kennedy when you need him, there needs to be talks, but under the radar, get the North back in to the box, while allowing for further talks.  Its a delicate operation  folks, if the Oval looks weak it links back to Israel and Iran,  if such talks become public the Israeli Government might think that Obama will sell them out to Iran, while Tehran would be looking for such talks.  Yes folks the North Korean Crisis has results outside Asia, watch this space folks. 

Selling Cyprus - Cyprus Financial Crisis

Lets Get Real: 

Folks this sounds like the Reformation, when yo have to sell your Church to pay off your debts its time to look at your soul, is the Euro worth going to hell if your a believer.    The EU wanted the Government of Cyprus to steal from the savings of its people, now the Government wants to steal the pensions of the people of Cyprus and use the Church as a political asset, what if that bluff is called, are Churches in Cyprus going to taken over by franchise shops, get your local coffee or tea or sandwich at your local Church, Car Park yes, no funerals.   This is a mess folks.    The Russians are going through the roof, there are allegations that the Russian money in Cyprus is dirty, or worse, it seems that the EU thought the Bank Tax would just hit the Russians, it scope was beyond that, now the Government of Cyprus is trying to sell Cyprus to the Russians, the Russians are either bluffing or they do not seem that keen according to reports.  Thus folks will the EU really allow Cyprus to go under, or will they have to fold, it would be ironic if Cyprus bought down the Euro. 

Obama and a Palestinian State - 2nd Obama Term

BBC New: Reports on remarks by President Obama on his visit to the West Bank, the President stated that the US still supports the creation of a Palestinian State and was critical of Israeli building policy on contested land. 

Lets Get Real: 

Thus the question what is the Oval going to do about the Israeli building policy on land that would be part of the a Palestinian State, the answer, NAFF ALL, the Oval can not force Israel to stop building, any move would be countered by the US Congress, the new Israeli Government is not going to stop or reverse its policy, the new Coalition Government would fall, thus results folks, NOTHING.   The two State solution is DEAD in the water folks, the Dead Sea Scrolls have more activity going on,  the US State Department and the UK Foreign Office and the EU are PRO Arab, on the whole they do not have the power, thank goodness, they are weak and appease, those that support a REAL Palestinian State have to come with a new solution, can not think of one at the moment but it has to be new, the present two State Solution is political dodo folks, its a rotten corpse on the body politic. 

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Here comes the Russian Bear - Cyprus Bailout

Lets Get Real:

Thus folks could Cyprus bring down the Euro, the demand that Cyprus tax the savings of its people came from Germany, the Coalition Government in Germany faces a General Election soon and the Germany tax payer is tired of paying for the PIGS.    It can be postulated that Italy and Spain could be asked to tax the savings of its people in the near future, will any Government dare or will they go cap in hand to Russia, this could be a major strategic threat to the West and to the US.   The Germans have to reverse course and fast, they have to bailout Cyprus with no robbing the money of the people of Cyprus, is after all private money, okay the Russian money is seen as hot, even dirty, but that is what currency and banking laws are for, to prevent dirty money becoming clean.  If your the Government of Cyprus you will take almost any deal from Russia that does not mean that it has to steal the money of its own people.    Interesting days ahead folks. 

Obama in Israel - Middle East Visit

Lets Get Real:

This is typical folks, its the usual suspects, the uber left wing media, they wan the US President to order Israel about, its typical of the mindset of the US State Department, and the UK's Foreign Office, always pro Arab and anti Israel.  Every modern US President has tried for a Middle East Peace deal at one time or another, to give Jimmy Carter some respect, his handing of the peace deal between Israel and Egypt was a high light in such matters,  Reagan had to threaten the US and Israeli relationship when it invaded Lebanon in the mid 80's, and Reagan would have pulled the plug, Israel came to heel and fast, while Bill Clinton was close to getting a Palestinian State created, but  the Palestinian leadership walked away from the best deal they had been every offered.    Thus POTUS knows that the Israeli Lobby in the US is still strong, and Jewish voters tend to vote Democratic, thus there is the 2014 Mid Terms, and Obama wants to retake the House, thus he can not afford to lose one of the central pillars of the Democratic Party, the Jewish vote.  In many respects this is a sight seeing tour, the Israeli Government is worried about Iran and Syria, the Palestinian question has been solved, the poor  people of Palestine are never going to have their own State, elite uber media, just get over it, its a fact of life. 

Regulating Guns in the US - 2nd Obama Term

BBC News: Reports that a measure to ban assault weapons has been dropped by the US Senate. 

Lets Get Real:

The Oval and the Democrats should have taken the political heat and push for very strict gun laws, the US does not need millions of guns out there, the US Citizen on the whole can always call on the Police or private security for protection.   The Democrats on the Hill are worried about the 2014 Mid Term Elections and then the Presidential election of 2016, in other words politics is more important than saving lives.    The Oval should have made gun regulation a legacy quest, it should have kept the issue on the Hill in till the Congress was willing to save US Citizens from gun violence, the UK has very strict gun laws and is a better society for it, yes there are killings with guns, but its rare, on this issue this blog is very firm, its better to lose an election doing the right thing than allowing people die, shame on the US Congress and the Oval. 

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

US,UK, France vs. Syria - Syrian Crisis

Telegraph: Reports on remarks by the new US Secretary of State, former Senator John Kerry, the Secretary   stated the following, " The United States would not object to Britain and France arming Syrian rebel groups now fighting to topple the regime of Bashar al-Assad,.. ".

Lets Get Real:

This is Libya ALL over again folks, the Oval is leading from behind, while the face of this latest fight with be UK and France again, Old Europe taking over the leadership of the West, the EU as with Bosnia is being slow, Germans as the article notes is resistance to arming the Syrian rebels, but this is different from Bosnia folks, Syria does have weapons of mass destruction, what if the Assad Regimes moves its chemical weapons to its terrorists allies in Lebanon or Gaza.    The Civil War has already gone over regional borders in Lebanon and Iraq, if Israel has to create a buffer zone in Syria to protect its border it could lead to a regional war.   Thus the Syrian Civil War as with the Libyan conflict needs to end soon folks, if it goes on it will get worse, the Assad Regime is toast, the Regime in Tehran is already creating armed groups in Syria to become active once Assad falls, thus the West needs to play its hand in Syria and fast, the more the Country falls apart the more chance of a regional war and the end result a nuclear armed Iran. 

Obama in Israel - Iran Crisis 2

Lets Get Real: 

Israel will want to know how long the Oval will wait for the Tehran Regime to have real talks, not just talks for the sake of talks, the Oval has stated that Iran is a year away from the bomb, well if the US thinks that in public, we are really talking about six months.   The US and Israel can not wait for Iran to have the bomb, thus we are talking a military strike within six to seven months folks, or eve before that, lets recall Israel hit Iraq in 1981 without  telling President Reagan, and in 2007 it hit Syria after the US would not take action.  One can assume that the Israeli Intelligence network the Mossad have better info that than either the CIA or MI6, Israel will hit when it thinks it has no choice.  As for Syria, the Israeli Defence forces are keeping a close eye on any movement of high grade arms to the terrorists allies of Assad, then we come to the Palestinian question, its over folks, the Israeli Government of what ever Party will never allow a real Palestinian State, the World can have a fit, so what, it does not matter, its OVER FOLKS.   The poor people of Palestine are going to get shafted again, its just the way the world works. 

President Obama's Message to Iran - Iran Crisis

Lets Get Real:

I have had no illusions about the difficulty of overcoming decades of mistrust.  It will take a serious and sustained effort to resolve the many differences between Iran and the United States.   This includes the world’s serious and growing concerns about Iran’s nuclear program, which threatens peace and security in the region and beyond.  Iran’s leaders say that their nuclear program is for medical research and electricity.  To date, however, they have been unable to convince the international community that their nuclear activities are solely for peaceful purposes.  That’s why the world is united in its resolve to address this issue and why Iran is now so isolated.  The people of Iran have paid a high and unnecessary price because of your leaders’ unwillingness to address this issue.  

Finding a solution will be no easy task.  But if we can, the Iranian people will begin to see the benefits of greater trade and ties with other nations, including the United States.  Whereas if the Iranian government continues down its current path, it will only further isolate Iran.  This is the choice now before Iran’s leaders.     I hope they choose a better path—for the sake of the Iranian people and for the sake of the world.  Because there’s no good reason for Iranians to be denied the opportunities enjoyed by people in other countries, just as Iranians deserve the same freedoms and rights as people everywhere. Iran’s isolation isn’t good for the world either.  Just as your forbearers enriched the arts and sciences throughout history, all nations would benefit from the talents and creativity of the Iranian people, especially your young people.  Every day that you are cut off from us is a day we’re not working together, building together, innovating together—and building a future of peace and prosperity that is at the heart of this holiday. .. "
Lets Get Real:
How many times does Iran have to show its heel to the Oval for the Oval to get the message that every time it acts like Neville Chamberlain it is pushing Israel to take action, Iran wants the bomb, it has seen how North Korea blackmails the West and gets away with it, the Tehran Regime will have talks, endless talks, give PR concessions and then take them back and then have more talks.   The sole aim for Tehran is to buy time either to create the bomb or to get the bomb from North Korea.   The fall of Gaddafi has shown Tehran what happens when a rogue nations gives up its weapons of mass destruction.   Thus the Oval is playing with its own ego, great surprise, it happens to them ALL, sooner or later, the question is how long will Israel wait, can it wait for a year as Obama has stated, the Oval thinks it will take that long for Iran to get the bomb.  What does Mossad say?    The clock is ticking folks. 

Monday, March 18, 2013

Stealing your Money - Cyprus Savers - EU

Lets Get Real:

Thus folks it has finally happened, the Euro is forcing a Country to steal the hard earned money of its savers and the Russians.   Think about this folks, a EU Country is planning to raid the savings of its people, if this happens in Cyprus expect this model to be followed in other Countries that ask for a bailout.  One can see the PIIGS sooner or later asking for another bailout, the exception being Ireland, they seem to have gotten their house in order, and are back on the bond market.   The rest it can be argued will need some form of bailout in the future, thus savers in Italy, Spain can expect to have their money stolen sometime in the future.   The really rich will have gotten their money out already, thus it will be the Middle Class and the real poor that will get shafted by the the EU and the Euro.    One can a bank run on Thursday in Cyprus, the people if they have a brain will get ALL their money out, thus Cyprus will need extra funds from the EU, what else will Germany ask for, will the demand the mineral rights for Cyprus, will Cyprus have to become a economic colony of Germany, you argue that is out there, what about stealing the savings of the people of Cyprus. 

MI6,CIA and Iraq - Iraq 10 Years On

Lets Get Real: 

Thus folks the BBC and the Guardian are never going to allow Tony Blair to forget about Iraq, the mind set based on some shaky pillars, at its core is the opinion that Blair and Bush lied the US and the UK in to the War, that they believed what they wanted to take as the truth.     Folks Democratic leaders spin, its part of the game, but going to WAR is far to important, Bush 43 and Blair were backed by Western intelligences in the opinion that Iraq had weapons of mass destruction, lets recall after 9/11 Western voters wanted action, they did not care about due process, they wanted to break the terrorist threat to the West, after 9/11 everyone thought that there would be another major attack on the US, and lets recall 7/7 in the UK and Spain etc.   Thus leaders had to act based on the evidence they had, if they had waited you get in to counter factual history, that can take you down any road you like, its like what if President Kennedy had not been killed in Dallas in 1963, would the US under Kennedy gone in to a full land war in Southern Vietnam, depending on the historical record pre 22 November 1963 you can argue the case either way.   Thus its an interesting academic exercise but does not help with the what did happen, Iraq today has it problems, religious violence, a 40% rate of unemployment, but its free, as even the BBC News has reported people are free to say what they like, and the economy is starting to grow, it will take time, but Iraq today is better off today than pre March 2003.    This blog takes its hat off to Bush 43 and Blair, they made the hard choice, we in the West should thank these leaders. 


Read the DRAFT Royal Charter on  the press folks. Click here:

Regulating the UK Press

BBC News: Reports that Coalition Government and the Labour Party have have agreed on  Royal Charter for the regulation of the press, with those outside the regulation facing heavy fines should they get caught breaking the law. 

Lets Get Real:

All the major Parties have stated that they have won, PM David Cameron has stated that there is no actual law to regulate the press, while the Liberal Democrats and Labour are happy that those papers outside the new Royal Charter will have to pay a higher fines should they break the law.    The press is still judging the result, this blog if the three Parties were agreeing on any subject would be heading out to be critical, but it seems a fair deal, the political hacks can not change the system later, no Government pressure, while those papers that break the law have to pay.   This just might be a good day for the press folks, lets see what happens, the devil is always in the detail.  

Saturday, March 16, 2013

What do about North Korea - Korean Crisis 3

The New York Times: Reports that the latest actions of North Korea are down to the fact that the Obama Administration has not allowed itself to be blackmailed by North Korea.

Lets Get Real: 

Folks, North Korea is a nuclear armed power, it has a million man Army on the border with South Korea, even China has lost its influence with the North, the US does not have a choice, it will need to feed the poor people of North Korea, has to get NK back in to the box, the more NK regime feels under threat the more chance it will take military action and hit one of the disputed Islands on the border between the North and South.   It might even go further folks, what if North Korean troops try to take over one of these Islands, the South would then have to react, any Government that did not would fall, the US would have to back them up, its a out there option folks, very risky for the North, but from their view it might be the only way to get attention.  Or worse, yes folks worse, they could sell their nuclear technology to Iran, NK has been warned by the Oval that this would be a red line, thus folks, what next in this chapter, thus far a lot of hot air out of NK, lets see what happens, what ever happens the Oval and the West will be faced by the choice of the lesser evil. 

Picture of Saddam Hussein on the Gallows - Iraq War

Telegraph: Reports on Iraq ten years after the Iraq War started, it has has pic of Saddam Hussein on the gallows, the article notes the following, " Minutes before being dispatched by a hangman's rope, Saddam Hussein's defiance was so theatrical that he seemed to be acting out a heroic deathbed scene. "

Lets Get Real:

Thus folks in a few days it will be 10 years to the day that the Iraq War started, the cost in lives and treasure for the US, UK and Iraq was and is great; the impact is still having consequences for Iraq;  the question often asked was it worth it and was the only winner Iran.   In the political arena it damaged the political standing of Bush 43 and Tony Blair, it can be argued that the mess of Iraq post invasion and the lack of weapons of mass destruction lead to Tony Blair being forced out by his Chancellor Gordon Brown.  In the US the long war allowed for the raise of then Senator Obama to President Obama, the Republicans with Iraq and the near banking collapse never had a chance in 2008.   The perceived failure in Iraq has cast a long shadow, the West has allowed over seventy thousand Syrians to die without taking action as it is afraid of another Iraq.   The Tehran Regime now does not have worry about Iraq, it in fact uses Iraq air space to send arms to the Assad Regime in Syria.   Thus folks what does Iraq equal ten years on, Saddam Hussein was an evil man, killed thousands of his own people, started regional wars, and used chemical weapons, at the end of the day Bush 43 and Tony Blair were right, they made major mistakes, but their hearts and faith took the right path, the mistakes were in the post planning for Iraq, the dissolution of the Iraqi Army was major mistake, it sent thousand of Iraqi men out on the streets with no jobs but with weapons, thus the turmoil of the following years, it took years for the US to gets is strategy  right in Iraq, thus the Bush surge of 2007, the UK Army in Iraq allowed it itself to get pushed on to the Basra air base and was not trusted by the US or the Iraqi Government, in other words it was a disaster for the UK, thus Bush 43 could correct the mistakes, while Blair was out, thus the results of the War folks. 

US and North Korea - Korean Crisis 2

Lets Get Real:

At the end of the day folks, the US has to allow itself to be blackmailed by North Korea (NK), NK has the bomb, it can sell it to rogue nations that want the bomb, such as Iran, thus the US and the West has to take the lesser evil path, feed the poor people of North Korea while its Government builds more nuclear bombs for more blackmail, its not a great choice, its the only choice.   The problem for the US and the West is Iran folks, the thought of Iran with the bomb should keep policy makers up all night, if Iran gets the bomb the Middle East will have an arms race the following day, Saudi Arabia with its oil wealth could buy a bomb off the shelf, via the US folks, then the US could keep an eye on it, thus the Oval has every reason to keep Iran from the bomb.   In his latest remarks President Obama stated that Iran was a year from the bomb, lets see what Mossad says about that thinking, at the end of the day its a race folks, the Tehran Regime wants the bomb, it has seen how well treated North Korea is, it has also seen how when Gaddafi gave up his weapons of mass destruction he become weak and open to NATO attack, thus a rogue nation like Iran is better off with the bomb, well the Regime is better off, the Middle East and the World is very much worse off, time is clicking away folks. 

US Missile Defence and North Korea - Korean Crisis

BBC News: Reports on remarks by the new US Defence Secretary Chuck Hagel, Secretary Hagel has stated that the US will increase its missile defence on the US West Coast due to developing North Korean Crisis. 

Lets Get Real:

What the article does not mention, great surprise, is the fact that in the 1st Obama term, the missile defence shield on the West Coat was scaled back, in other words Obama made a major strategic mistake and it will cost the US millions to put this right, yes the President in charge of US policy towards North Korea, Iran and  Russia.   As the article notes the funding of the increase West Coast funding comes at the expense of defending Europe against Iran.   The Missile Defence shield to protect Europe always annoyed President Putin of Russia, Obama was caught in a off microphone moment telling the Russian PM that once he was re -elected he would have more ways to move, in other words to appease Russia.   The US Congress should demand that the Oval keep the funding for Europe at the same level, how about cutting welfare to defend the US and Europe.   Or is welfare funding more important to Obama than the defence of the US and Europe. 

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

The 2014 Mid Terms, NOW - 2014

CNN - Politics: Reports the following on the political fight between Democrats and Republicans for 2014, “ Déjà vu: 2014 wars begin over Medicare, budget ”. 

Lets Get Real:

Thus folks, the Oval wants to retake the House in 2014 as it will allow Obama to push his welfare agenda before 2016, those Democrats and Republicans that want to replace President Obama in 2017 will want to see what effect the Oval has on the House and Senate races.  If President Obama can retake the House and increase the Democratic control of the Senate this might increase the chances that VP Biden might run, yes folks, they are that out of it, on the other hand should the Republicans keep the House and narrow the difference with Democrats in the Senate the Clinton Camp might decide its the right time to place some distance between Hillary Clinton and President Obama.    Thus expect a book on her time as Secretary of State not to be that great about the Oval should Syria and North Korea develop in to major crisis points in the 2nd Obama term.   On the Republican side should the Republicans doe well in 2014 then expect former Governor Jeb Bush to consider 2016, the question is the US ready for a Bush 45, also hot on the heels of Bush will be Governor Christie of NJ, a larger than life character who has that common touch, and does not have a father or brother who were Presidents.   Its early folks, but not to early, 2014 starts now, let the polls start. 

North vs. South - Korea, - Crisis 2

Lets Get Real:

If this is the best that North Korea can do then the South, the US and Japan can sleep easily tonight, this just shows that North Korea is a paper tiger, with bad manners, all rhetoric no cattle as they say in Texas, the Oval should carry on with its policy of treating North Korea as unworthy and rogue State, a State that can't really follow through with its threats.  This is not to say that the North might not try some low level warfare, that can be expected, but on the whole it can be dismissed, China its elder brother in many respects should be allowed to deal with this pain in the backside Stalinist throwback, at the end of the end of the day its ALL RHETORIC, no real substance, the Regime will fall as long as the West does not feed the poor people of North Korea, make its own Government feed them, then they might stop wanting to become a nuclear armed power. 

North Korean Update - Crisis

Lets Get Real:

Folks as the article notes the US does not think that the North Koreans will actually attack the US or South Korea,  but the US thinks that  “ ..Pyongyang remains an unpredictable and serious threat because it is difficult to gauge.. ”, it would not surprise this blog if North Koreans pressed their luck with small attack, enough to show it had followed through with its threats but without enough damage to cause South Korea or the US to react.   Thus the South Koreans and US Forces should be alert over the next few days, weeks and even months, the North Koreans like to be in the news, they like to force the hand of the US.   Also its a form of rebuff to China, the only Super Power in the region.   The one problem is should the attack have a bigger result than expected or the US takes this as a step to far and seeks even further UN sanctions or even takes military action, this folks it is a matter of watching this space, its going to get hotter before there is peace between the North and the South. 

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

The US Policy towards North Korea - Korean Crisis Update 2

The White House: Remarks by Tom Donilon, National Security Advisory to the President on North Korea, ..The United States will not accept North Korea as a nuclear state; nor will we stand by while it seeks to develop a nuclear-armed missile that can target the United States.  The international community has made clear that there will be consequences for North Korea’s flagrant violation of its international obligations, as the UN Security Council did again unanimously just last week in approving new sanctions in response to the North’s recent provocative nuclear test….. the United States refuses to reward bad North Korean behavior.  The United States will not play the game of accepting empty promises or yielding to threats.  As former Secretary of Defense Bob Gates has said, we won’t buy the same horse twice.  We have made clear our openness to authentic negotiations with North Korea.  In return, however, we’ve only seen provocations and extreme rhetoric.  To get the assistance it desperately needs and the respect it claims it wants, North Korea will have to change course. Otherwise, the United States will continue to work with allies and partners to tighten national and international sanctions to impede North Korea’s nuclear and missile programs… is clear that the provocations, escalations and poor choices of North Korea’s leaders are not only making their country less secure – they are condemning their people to a level of poverty that stands in stark contrast not only to South Korea, but every other country in East Asia….we unequivocally reaffirm that the United States is committed to the defense of our homeland and our allies.  Recently, North Korean officials have made some highly provocative statements.  North Korea’s claims may be hyperbolic – but as to the policy of the United States, there should be no doubt: we will draw upon the full range of our capabilities to protect against, and to respond to, the threat posed to us and to our allies by North Korea.  This includes not only any North Korean use of weapons of mass destruction—but also, as the President made clear, their transfer of nuclear weapons or nuclear materials to other states or non-state entities.  Such actions would be considered a grave threat to the United States and our allies and we will hold North Korea fully accountable for the consequences… ”.

Lets Get Real:

This is about Iran folks, the worry that the Oval has is that at 3am it will get a knock at the bedroom door with the news that either Israel has hit Iran or Iran has just let off its first nuclear bomb.   In bad outcomes a Israeli strike is less bad for the Oval, as it would have no choice but to support the its close ally, the US Congress both Republicans and Democrats would place to much pressure for the Oval to refuse such support.    The North Korean Crisis it never going to end, the North Koreans are never going to start a full scale war with the South as this would lead to the fall of the Regime, also if it attacked the US the present land that contains North Korea would no longer exist, it is that simple folks.     The negative for the Oval is that it can not really do anything, North Korea is a nuclear armed power, with a million man army on the border between North and South Korea, thus the US and its allies can not really do anything either, thus one can see back door concessions of food via China, with the hope that the North Korean Regime gets back in to the box.     This is why the US and Israel can never allow a a nuclear armed Iran, it would make North Korea look like happy hour, a good happy hour, yes folks that bad. 

Troublesome Child = North Korea - Korean Crisis Update

Lets Get Real: 

This is typical of North Korea folks, its throwing its toys out, expecting the West to pick them up, in other words it wants the US and the West to feeds its people while it spends its money on becoming a nuclear armed power.   The Obama Administration has been right so far in its policy when it comes to North Korea, no more concessions for doing the right thing, thus while the US and South Korea follow through with joint military drills one can postulate that North Korea might try to shell a South Korean Island or sink a South Korean Naval Ship, it would not be the firs time folks.   Thus what should the Oval do folks if that happens, that is tricky folks, there has to be  reaction, but not a reaction that leads to a full scale war, one can argue that if North Korea shells South Korea the military forces of South Korea should take out the arms shelling them, that would be a defensive reaction, it would be up to North Korea if they react, one can assume that the North would not react, as any over reaction could lead to a full scale war between the two sides.   The North would lose folks, as the US would support the South, up to but not including nuclear arms.    It can be assumed that China would not want to get in to that fight, the North Koreans have shown contempt for China, every time China has told them to behave they have told China to get lost, without China the North Korean system would fall apart.   Thus folks expect more tension in Asia.