Saturday, March 16, 2013

What do about North Korea - Korean Crisis 3

The New York Times: Reports that the latest actions of North Korea are down to the fact that the Obama Administration has not allowed itself to be blackmailed by North Korea.

Lets Get Real: 

Folks, North Korea is a nuclear armed power, it has a million man Army on the border with South Korea, even China has lost its influence with the North, the US does not have a choice, it will need to feed the poor people of North Korea, has to get NK back in to the box, the more NK regime feels under threat the more chance it will take military action and hit one of the disputed Islands on the border between the North and South.   It might even go further folks, what if North Korean troops try to take over one of these Islands, the South would then have to react, any Government that did not would fall, the US would have to back them up, its a out there option folks, very risky for the North, but from their view it might be the only way to get attention.  Or worse, yes folks worse, they could sell their nuclear technology to Iran, NK has been warned by the Oval that this would be a red line, thus folks, what next in this chapter, thus far a lot of hot air out of NK, lets see what happens, what ever happens the Oval and the West will be faced by the choice of the lesser evil. 

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