Saturday, March 16, 2013

US Missile Defence and North Korea - Korean Crisis

BBC News: Reports on remarks by the new US Defence Secretary Chuck Hagel, Secretary Hagel has stated that the US will increase its missile defence on the US West Coast due to developing North Korean Crisis. 

Lets Get Real:

What the article does not mention, great surprise, is the fact that in the 1st Obama term, the missile defence shield on the West Coat was scaled back, in other words Obama made a major strategic mistake and it will cost the US millions to put this right, yes the President in charge of US policy towards North Korea, Iran and  Russia.   As the article notes the funding of the increase West Coast funding comes at the expense of defending Europe against Iran.   The Missile Defence shield to protect Europe always annoyed President Putin of Russia, Obama was caught in a off microphone moment telling the Russian PM that once he was re -elected he would have more ways to move, in other words to appease Russia.   The US Congress should demand that the Oval keep the funding for Europe at the same level, how about cutting welfare to defend the US and Europe.   Or is welfare funding more important to Obama than the defence of the US and Europe. 

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