Wednesday, March 13, 2013

North vs. South - Korea, - Crisis 2

Lets Get Real:

If this is the best that North Korea can do then the South, the US and Japan can sleep easily tonight, this just shows that North Korea is a paper tiger, with bad manners, all rhetoric no cattle as they say in Texas, the Oval should carry on with its policy of treating North Korea as unworthy and rogue State, a State that can't really follow through with its threats.  This is not to say that the North might not try some low level warfare, that can be expected, but on the whole it can be dismissed, China its elder brother in many respects should be allowed to deal with this pain in the backside Stalinist throwback, at the end of the end of the day its ALL RHETORIC, no real substance, the Regime will fall as long as the West does not feed the poor people of North Korea, make its own Government feed them, then they might stop wanting to become a nuclear armed power. 

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