Wednesday, March 27, 2013

The End of David Miliband ? - Future Labour Leader ?

Lets Get Real: 

Lets be generous folks, and not think this move is political, rare on here, yes folks, one can see why the former Foreign Secretary has taken this move, if and its a big IF Ed Miliband does pull it off and wins the 2015 General Election the 1st man through No 10 would be his brother David, he would in essence have to offer him job he wanted, and I mean any job with the exception of the PM post, thus not a happy Shadow Cabinet.   The worse outcome for Ed Mililband giving this 2015 case study would be for his brother to take a job, and could never be sacked, moved or anything else, not happy idea for a new PM, it would be worse than having Gordon Brown as your Chancellor, also lets play this out, a new Labour Government under Ed Junior would get in to trouble, thus low poll ratings, thus talk in the tea rooms of  a new leader, yes his brother, thus further nightmare for Ed Junior.   Now lets get real, DM thinks his brother will not win, so why stay around, the Labour Party is not going to have a 2nd Miliband as a leader, thus get out and get a real job and make some money, wise and ruthless, he would have made a great Labour Leader. 

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