Sunday, March 31, 2013

The Bells of Saint John - Doctor Who Review

Sidebar 1: As this blog covers North Korea, Syria, Iran Israel, US Politics, its not a light blog read, as its Easter lets have some fun. 

The Doctor Who News Page: Reports that Doctor Who was the top drama on Saturday night, it has 6.18 million viewers in the overnight ratings ( lets recall this should go up with the those that have recorded the show ), now lets review the show.

Lets Get Real: 

It was a great show to introduce the new companion Clara, for the 3rd time, and she got to live this time, it was also subtle that Clara was not the minx of the previous two intros, she wanted adventure but felt she had to look after a family, the Clara of the previous two incarnations gave the impression that she had been around with the Doctor in way, always seeking adventure, without quite knowing why she had such vigour for adventure, as an example, you can see Clara's computer skills take shape from this episode, thus go back and watch the 1st show folks.    This makes Clara quite a mystery, who is she, how could she place herself  is so many different time streams, with the knowledge to help the Doctor without knowing him, if you see what I mean folks, also watch the Christmas special, the caring side of Clara as a nanny.   Clara very interesting character.  

Thus every day use of wi - fi was given a horror dimension, the Internet was seen as a place to steal the souls of people, great twitter joke, who cares what kind of breakfast you have, or your latest romantic adventures,  the show also had a dark side, it releasing Clara the Doctor knew that some people had no bodies to go back too, thus they were dead, what is life you might ask, would you live forever in the internet, making your own world up, how depressing is that, life is about the real world, living, as the 9th Doctor said, having fun in Paris.  Great start to next eight weeks.   Also some great news last night, the 10th Doctor and Rose are coming back for the 50th Special, does life get any better, yes it would have a TARDIS, go back and record ALL those shows wiped by the BBC Taliban in the 60s and 70s. 

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