Tuesday, March 19, 2013

US,UK, France vs. Syria - Syrian Crisis

Telegraph: Reports on remarks by the new US Secretary of State, former Senator John Kerry, the Secretary   stated the following, " The United States would not object to Britain and France arming Syrian rebel groups now fighting to topple the regime of Bashar al-Assad,.. ".

Lets Get Real:

This is Libya ALL over again folks, the Oval is leading from behind, while the face of this latest fight with be UK and France again, Old Europe taking over the leadership of the West, the EU as with Bosnia is being slow, Germans as the article notes is resistance to arming the Syrian rebels, but this is different from Bosnia folks, Syria does have weapons of mass destruction, what if the Assad Regimes moves its chemical weapons to its terrorists allies in Lebanon or Gaza.    The Civil War has already gone over regional borders in Lebanon and Iraq, if Israel has to create a buffer zone in Syria to protect its border it could lead to a regional war.   Thus the Syrian Civil War as with the Libyan conflict needs to end soon folks, if it goes on it will get worse, the Assad Regime is toast, the Regime in Tehran is already creating armed groups in Syria to become active once Assad falls, thus the West needs to play its hand in Syria and fast, the more the Country falls apart the more chance of a regional war and the end result a nuclear armed Iran. 

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