Lets Get Real:
Well what a day, another humiliation for the UK, the PM of the UK having to beg for an extension to Article 50. At the end it is pretty clear that the EU thinks that the May Deal is DEAD AS DODO when it comes to the House of Commons, thus 2 deadlines, if the May Deal pass then the extension is till 22 May, if the Deal does not pass the deadline is 12 April. In press conference after the EU Summit the PM seemed to agree that her deal was still going on, the Zombie Deal is like something out of the The Walking Dead TV series, it still keeps coming. Thus what can we expect next week, the Government will place a SI ( allowing the 29th March Deadline to be changed ), then we can see the following series of events, the May Deal is bought back if the Speaker allows it, then that is defeated for the third time, the House of Commons has votes on what DEAL it wants, thus a vote on a 2nd Brexit Vote, the Labour Plan, a DEAL with a customs union, , Norway Option, the UK in the single market, thus freedom of movement, the revoking of Article 50. While this is going on expect the PM to come under pressure to resign. Thus a Conservative leadership contest, the winner could be another Remain supporter or more likely a Brexit supporter. The new PM will need a mandate, thus a general election. The Conservatives are punished for Brexit, the lack of a CLEAN BREXIT and the Labour Party under Jeremy Corbyn wins the election. The UK whatever agreement is still the EU and the REMAINERS have won, as predicted.
The PM is seems can not be allowed out by herself, any other PM would not wait for hours in different room while the EU 27 discuss the future of the UK. A Churchill or a Thatcher would have WALKED, dam the rules and demanded changes to the withdrawal agreement under the threat of NO DEAL. The PM said sorry in essence for the harsh statement last night, she looked weak, do you see POTUS saying sorry, the great US Presidents JFK only said sorry once for the Bay of Pigs, while the Gipper said sorry for Iran - Contra. The PM must have been watching either Sky or BBC News, this blogger watched for hours, it was full remainers or those with an interest for the UK to stay in the UK, hardly balanced, but then neither channel is trying these days. Both networks mentioned the Revoke 50 website, one could see they were happy. Thus as predicted the UK will stay in the EU, those that are furious should have peaceful protests, also join the Conservative Party to DE-SELECT those MPs that have no understanding of DEMOCRACY. The Hard Brexit supporters had BREXIT in their hands and they threw it way, they will not be forgiven, neither will the Conservative Party.