Wednesday, March 27, 2019

The END of ObamaCare ? - Trump Era

Lets Get Real:

POTUS has just been cleared by the Mueller Report and by the US Attorney General, NOW POTUS is not taking a rest, he is back in the arena, the Trump Administration has asked a FEDERAL COURT to revoke ObamaCare.  One doubts that a Court will throw millions off healthcare, there would be an outcry, the case will end up in the Supreme Court.   This could cause a problem for the Chief Justice, the law survived last time due to the Chief Justice, as he made it a TAX.   The removal of the tax could make the law illegal, thus will Chief Justice Roberts try something new to save the law or will he vote with his conservative colleagues to overthrow the law.  If this does happen the President and the Congress will have to think hard about developing a new system as to allow those with a pre - existing condition to get medical over.   This could be the BIG FIGHT for 2020, once you give a benefit to people it's hard to take it back. 

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