Wednesday, March 27, 2019

Will the Labour Party Support a Common Market 2.0 - Brexit Update 3 - NO BREXIT

Lets Get Real:

This would surprise this blogger, being in the Single Market would mean that should Jeremy Corbyn win a General Election he could not due to EU Law take over large areas of the economy.   Also those Labour MPs in Leave seats would find tough to explain to voters why the Labour Party would support freedom of movement.   At the next election the Labour Party can not afford to lose LEAVE SEATS if it wants to form the government.  In reality Jeremy Corbyn is more of HARD BREXIT supporter than this blog, but a majority of his MPs are Remainers, thus he trying to keep his PARTY TOGETHER, once he takes a side he could lose voters in the Midlands and in the North, working class areas that have immigration at the top of their concern.   At least Parliament will have to make its mind up as to what it wants, of course it could be a disaster, with nothing gaining majority.   Tomorrow night should be fun if you are a political geek. 

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