Tuesday, March 19, 2019

What would President Reagan THINK of Trump? - Trump Era

Lets Get Real:

It must be CLEAR to those that are kind to read this blog that this writer thinks the Gipper was the greatest President EVER.   The Reagan Revolution changed the domestic and international agenda.   President Trump bends over backwards to please Putin's Russia, he does not want the US to lead the World, the very opposite of President Reagan.   Let's be clear on the Reagan record, in the first term on the domestic front, he cut taxes, cut welfare, increased defence spending, challenged the the USSR in Afghanistan and Central America.  In a famous speech he called the USSR an " EVIL EMPIRE ".   He showed US leadership by invading Grenada to remove a Communist Coup.  In the 2nd term he started the process of ending the COLD WAR with President Gorbachev, in 1987 he called for Gorbachev to tear down the BERLIN WALL, also signed the INF Treaty with Gorbachev in the White House, on the domestic front reformed the tax system, this helped MAIN STREET, and then did immigration reform all this done while the House was controlled by Democrats.   It should be noted that he moved the US Supreme Court to the right, thus helping in the selection of Bush 43 as President in 2000.  Also his VP was his successor, that had not be done in over a hundred years, and has not been done since, Trump is NO REAGAN. 

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