Monday, March 25, 2019

Trump is CLEARED by Special Prosecutor and US Attorney General in Russia Investigation - Trump Era

Lets Get Real:

The Barr Reports CLEARS POTUS, the Mueller Reports makes it clear that POTUS and his campaign team did not collude with the Russians, the major selling point of the Democrats and the uber liberal press.  Also the US Attorney General and the Deputy Attorney General cleared POTUS of obstruction of justice.   It has been fun watching the uber liberal CNN, last night they were searching for a way to say Trump was guilty even after the Report, the Democrats are now questioning the judgement and character of the new Attorney General and Deputy, the two highest law officials in the land.  The political hacks NOW want to see the full Mueller Report, they want AG and Mueller to go before the liberal House Committees, to justify their report.  They have stated that both the AG and the Deputy were appointed by Trump, thus can not be fair, while a partisan Democratic Committees are somehow FAIR.  Speaker Pelosi is an old hand at this game, thus her statement that the Democrats should not go  near impeachment, the LIBERAL firebrands do not care about the LAW, they just HATE TRUMP, these new members need to recalled to the reservation, they will damage the Dems for 2020.   The US will have heard the Barr report and will want the US Congress to move on, the Democrats RISK losing the House and a chance of the White House in 2020 if they are foolish to carry on their witch hunts of POTUS. 

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