Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Germany vs. Greece - EU Crisis

Lets Get Real:

Thus in the New Year expect the Greek mess to be at the front of the news headlines, the Germans have made it clear that the only path is their path, if Greek votes left then the Germans will cut the money that keeps Greece going.    The people of Greece have to GROW UP, without the German tax payer giving handouts to the Greek Government the Greek economy would be in the toilet.   The austerity plan for Greece is the ONLY plan in town, wake up with a left wing Government Greece and your OUT of the Euro. 

LBJ and Civil Rights - LBJ Era

Lets Get Real:

This blog admits it, it has a soft spot of LBJ, this President was willing to go to the wall to defend new civil rights for African - Americans, as he stated at the time what was the point of the Oval Office is not to take risks to do the right thing.   This blog would have respected President Obama if he had stated that ObamaCare was a tax to help poor people, might not agree how it worked but one could understand the moral point, instead the President stated it would help ALL Americans, also they could keep their Doctor if they liked their heath plan.   That is now taken as the one of the biggest lies in political history.   LBJ was willing to use the power of the Oval Office to get Civil Rights through the Congress and have diect talks with Governors so they would protect African - Americans.   This blog hopes that this film is not meant to downgrade LBJ as to put Obama in a better light, one got that impression with the Butler.   If your making a left of centre film say so, if your going to mess up facts expect come back from historians, its your own fault.   This blog will wait in till the film Selma comes out.   Then will do a full historical review of the film and history. 

IS in Iraq - Update

BBC News: Reports " Iraqi government forces and allied Shia militia have recaptured the town of Dhuluiya, north of Baghdad, from Islamic State, security sources say. "

Lets Get Real:

This is a good start by the new Iraqi Army and Government, but they should not run before they can walk, after this victory they will go to Mosul, but that means house to house fighting, one doubts the new Army has the ability to win a major city without the US ground forces.   Thus early next year the Baghdad Government might ask for the US to help with ground forces, that is the day the Oval Office has dreaded for months.   Thu Oval can not afford for the Iraqi Army to lose in Mosul, thus they will need to be backed up by US/UK special forces.  That fight will decide how long the new War on Terror goes on in Iraq and Syria. 

Monday, December 29, 2014

Jeb Bush and 2016

Lets Get Real:

It not 2015 yet and here we are looking at the polls for 2016, its fun, but not serious, at this rate the political race will be between Jeb Bush and Hillary Clinton, will it be the same results as 1992.   There are major differences, Hillary Clinton is not Bill Clinton, she married the man but does not mean that she can operate at his political level, as 2008 showed she can be beaten.   The problem with Hillary Clinton is with all the good will in the world, she is not a great political operator, she comes across as poll driven, telling you what you want to hear and its shows.   While Governor Jeb Bush comes across and being in the middle even if his record on taxes shows he was a conservative Governor.   Also he will have Bush 41 and 43 in his corner, that might be a negative in the general it might just be a plus in the primary elections.   Also IF it becomes another Bush 45 it will not be a on the job training, Jeb Bush has travelled and is more in touch with the feelings of others in the US region.  Also he has a Mexican wife and can speak spanish and is not conservative on immigration.  It early but the fun has just started, more polls and then we have Iowa early in 2016. 

AirAsia - Update

Lets Get Real:

This has been a tragic year for planes in the Asia area, one is still missing, one was shot down over the Ukraine and now this, when a planes goes down in the sea it might take ages to find it, the current and weather patterns can move objects hundred of miles from their start poing.  Our thoughts are will the families of all three planes,  lets hope 2015 is better for air travelling, its is still the most safest way to travel, but when it goes wrong you have hundreds of deaths, the will of our Lord can be hard to understand sometimes. 

Greece on the BRINK again!! - The EU and Greece

Lets Get Real:

The left is Greek politics wants to spend other peoples money to get out of the economic mess that is Greece, the question is will the EU fearing a Greek EXIT from the EU give better terms to a new Government.   The answer will be not be found in EU HQ, it will be found in Berlin, Germany, how much of a price is the German Government and voter willing to pay to keep Greece in the Euro.  How much German tax payer money will have to be spent to keep the promises of the left in Greece.   The Euro Crisis has not gone away, its always been in the background, the UK PM David Cameron warned that the West could face another 2008 economic crisis, what if Greek voters had had enough of tough economic love and want to have some respect back, this could cause problems in Italy and other EU Countries.  Watch this space, developing story. 

The Interview - US vs. North Korea

Lets Get Real:

This is the answer to North Korea, lets make this film the most downloaded and legally bought DVD in 2014, freedom is the liberal foundation of Western Democracy. The day when North Korea or any other bad actor in the international system can block free speech is the day it dies.   The West and the World should make the Interview a must see film, does not matter about its content, its about more than that, its about liberal free speech, freedom, the rights of man.   The North Korean Regime is a Stalinist Regime, it murders and oppreses its people, the world by seeing the Interview is putting two fingers up to North Korea and its wicked Regime. 

Friday, December 26, 2014

IS Update - New War on Terror

Lets Get Real:

It is interesting that the US and its Allies have things to hit, one would have thought IS would changed its strategy when it can not as present shoot down Allied airplanes, this blog takes the view of the US that IS did not shoot down the plane from Jordan, that it crashed due to internal problems.   The day will come when the Iraqi Army wants to hit Mosul, they are very interested in getting the War going, the US and its Allies are worried that should the Iraqi Army take on IS in Mosul they might lose, that would not help the War.   The Chairman of the US Joint Chiefs will one day tell the Oval that it needs US ground troops, the answer will decide if the US wins or loses in the Middle East. 

Doctor Who Cast News - Doctor Who

Lets Get Real:

This is excellent news, Ms Coleman brings heart to the Doctor and Clara relationship, while Mr Capaldi is the soul of the show.   While Doctor has the bedshide manner of a Dalek, I would not want him as my NHS Doctor, on other hand if it was life and death and I would want him, as he would be to the point and have a cure.   The Last Christmas special, had it all, Father Christmas, Aliens, Doctor getting slapped by Clara AGAIN.    This blog does not do spoilers, jut to say that there is a science fiction answer to Father Chtristmas that works.   The overnigh ratings are just the first count, those that see it later will be added next week.   Thus the new year is looking good, the Doctor and Clara are on the case. 

Tuesday, December 23, 2014

The Interview TO BE SHOWN - Freedom Speech Wins

Lets Get Real:

Today Sony Pictures made a brave decision to place freedom of speech above their private concerns about their information being released.    The no honour leader of North Korea is a Stalinist who wants to be seen as divine by his people.    The release of this film will show that its leader is a fool, when a foreign country tries to suppress free speech then you either appease or fight back, lets be honest here, at first Sony wanted to appease, from the President of the US on down this was called a mistaken decision, thus Sony reversed itself.   It up to people in the West to go and see this movie, make it the most seen movie ever, drive the North Korean Regime NUTS, make it clear that they are nothing to be concerned about, the North Korea Regime are murders and place thousands if not hundred of thousands of its people in jails.  Freedom of speech won today, lets never forget its importance. 

The Taliban are the Viet Cong of today - Afghan War

Lets Get Real:
The West, this includes  the US and the UK want to end the Afghan War as it can NOT BE WON, this is not new to the British, we have been there during the Empire, it never ends well, the last time we kept a eye on them from then India, now Pakistan, if any problems we would bomb them, and had a troops on the border.    This was a lesson learned by then USSR, now Russia, it was their Vietnam.  It is the Americans who did not learn from history and are learning for themselves the same lessons former Empires had to learn.   Those lessons are are quite simple, the Afghan like to fight between themselves, what does unite them is if a outside power comes in, then on the whole they unite to fight the invader.   A clever invader uses the people of Afghanistan, develops a new government that secures peace for the people and is not corrupt, as never ending corruption will force people to support the opposition.   After creating a new Army and Police the invader should leave, keep a tiny presence, a SMALL Embassy and make sure the Afghan on your side have the weapons they need.   It is a matter of supporting that Government in the early years, that is when a new Kabul regime is under threat, that is the stage we are now, the Taliban want the PR victory of pushing the invader out.   The main street is watching to see who wins the internal fight, the new government or the opposition.    The Country on the whole will the support the winner.   Interesting days ahead for Kabul and Afghanistan. 

That will TEACH the North Koreans - N Korean Crisis

Lets Get Real:

This will teach the North Koreans to hack a major US company and threaten and blackmail them not to release the film the Interview.   The Oval Office should make it clear to the North that should it take further action then the US will consider it an ACT OF WAR, you have to be tough with these fools in Pyongyang.   What if the Stalinist Government hits a major financial company or worse a military one, what if tries to cause a nuclear problems via cyberwarfare, you can not play about with these idiots, you have to be tough and hard, even go close to war, free speech has to be defended or what is the point. 

Ukraine for NATO membership - New Cold War

Lets Get Real:

This move by the Parliament of Ukraine will drive Putin's Russia bonkers, the last thing they want is NATO breathing down on them from the Ukraine border.   The West should use this move to place further pressure on Putin, the Oval Office should offer a defence pact for Western Ukraine, leaving out the East, as it is a conflict theatre between Russia and the Kiev Government in the West.    The Russia bear should have its claws clipped for its own good, one can see Putin in the mold of Tsar Nicholas 11, Gorbachev, leaders who in the end failed.   Putin's use of gas power has caused a blowback, as the oil prices goes down, the more the Russian rouble is hit, thus Moscow has to bailout Russian banks with Western currency, can Russia afford it without help from the West, that is a open question, Western sanctions do not help Putin or Russia. 

Monday, December 22, 2014

Russia on the Skids - Economic Cliff for Putin

Lets Get Real:

The oil only approach of President Putin and his failure with the relationship with the West are the two faults that could bring down President Putin.   The fall in the oil price has hurt Russia, and there economy centred on Oil means that there is nothing of a secondary market cope with the economic decline.  This should be a warning to the Oil States, you need a broad economy that can take the shock of low oil prices.  A Country needs a Industrial or IT policy to cover any flaws in the budget.   The sanctions that Russia faces is due to the offensive policy of President Putin, he wants a Greater Russia, that means the old USSR.   The West should make Russia bleed its roubles and Western currency as way to bring Putin to a more Western view, that means he losses and and the West wins. 

North Korea Update 2 - 2nd Term Blues

Guardian: Reports " Pyongyang warns US ‘cesspool’ is a target as it alleges Obama administration was behind fictional Kim Jong-un assassination "

Lets Get Real:

One has to ask why the North Koreans have done this, are they really afraid of a US comedy, or is it the idea that its holds, the end of the North Korea leader ( his name is not worth knowing ) are they afraid that the poor people of North Korea will get the same idea, these Regimes ALL end sooner or later, does the North Korean leadership worry that they will end up like leader of Libya, humiliation and death at the end of a gun.   On the whole this blog does not approve of assassination as a strategy,  nothing to do if its right or wrong, you just  not sure what the result would be, it might be worse.    A case in point Libya.   The North Koreans will not do a thing, they are hot air without the fun bit of a balloon 

North Korea Threatens the US - 2nd Term Blues

Lets Get Real:
The North Koreans are major BS when it comes to making threats, they would have to be out of their mind to attack the US, the US Government even under President Obama would have to take a forceful action should they come under attack.   The North Koreans like to be at the centre of attention, the US and the West should just ignore them, the Country would be a laughing stock if it was not the fact that they have the bomb and a million man army, or says is the view from the West.    The prat leader of North Korea is a joke, his leadership from his grandfather onwards are murderous and thugs, they are without honour.    They should be laughed at,  the poor people of North Korea should have the pity of the West. 

Sunday, December 21, 2014

IS Update - Middle East Crisis

Lets Get Real

Thus far the Obama strategy for Syria and Iraq is working, the success of IS has been stalled, the Kurds are equall to the IS, they are of course helped by the US and Allies mastery of the Sky.   If the Kurds can hold the land they recover then the War could be turning.   IS since the start of the air campaign has not had the success it had before, of course IS are ruthless terrorists, they need progress on the PR front to get more fighters, one would have to be stupid not to notice that the US airforce and its allies are pushing back IS, also IS can not take the US on in the air.    Lets not ge ahead of ourselfs the fighting is going to be hard and it will take years, but the Western supported side will win, it can wait IS out. 

North Korea and the Sony Hack - 2nd Term Blues

Lets Get Real:

At the end of the day North Korea attacked a film company, they didn't attack South Korea or threaten US troops.   The above action by President Obama is about right.   The film the Interview should be released by Sony to private websites or bloggers, will not mind putting the film on their own sites, if Sony is that afraid.    The film should be released as a rebuke to North Korea and its loopy leader.   The next time North Korea might attack the US Government or the US military, the North Koreans have to be shown that threats from Korea are only worth a belly laugh.  The Regime is a joke, the leader is a nut job in need for a better hairdresser. 

Friday, December 19, 2014

North Korea, Russia, Iran vs. US - Cyber Warfare

Lets Get Real:

North Korea might think because Sony folded over this move then they might try someone, the NSA has to come down hard on North Korea and so does the Oval Office, what if there is a book, TV show, film, Internet project that upsets the North Koreans and they threaten cyber warfare on banks, the power grid, planes, etc you get the idea, you do not give a fool like the leader of North Korea that thought.    Thus the US should come out with tough sanctions, even tougher that the tough sanctions on North Korea already.  Evil should never be appeased, so lets put two fingers up to North Korea and its prat leder. 

The FBI and Sony Hack - 2nd Term Blues

Guardian - Live on NKorea: Reports the following in its 5.49pm post from the FBI, " The FBI now has enough information to conclude that the North Korean government is responsible for these actions. While the need to protect sensitive sources and methods precludes us from sharing [all the details of its evidence], ..."

Lets Get Real:

The question is what should the US do, well after a 9/11 type threat from the Sony hackers the Oval has to DO SOMETHING, if North Korea can take down Sony who else might their eyes turn too.    The US should tighten the security around US Government computers, also increase the presence of NSA in protecting private security.    Then the NSA should take down the computer services in North Korea, also make it clear to North Korea, the film will be shown in US, any terror threat will be seen as a threat on the US, thus military action, time to back down the idiot in North Korea.   Think would North Korea have tried this with Kennedy or Reagan or even Bush 43. 

North Korea and SONY Hack - New Warfare Cyber Security

Lets Get Real:

This shows what happens to the US when you have a weak President, North Korea can force a major film studio to drop a film.   If SONY is not tough then it should release the movie on the Internet for free, that would at least show that the studio was not going to be bullied by the IDIOT in North Korea, if SONY does not have the backbone it should release the film to private bloggers who will take the risk and publish it on their own websites.   Lets be clear here, Kim Jong-un is evil, mad, self centered idiot, with the bomb.   The West has to stand up to this small idiot, with the bomb, or next time the price will be something that the Oval can not cave too.   COME ON SONY and the US, take down the idiot in North Korea, show some backbone. 

Wednesday, December 17, 2014

The US Congress and Cuba - 2016 Race

Lets Get  Real:

Every time someone is arrested in Cuba now when protesting the Castro Government the blame will be placed on the WEAK Oval.   The Oval Office has placed its Foreign Policy at the hands of the Castro brothers.   Obama can only get away with this ONCE, by doing this deal with the Castro brothers he has blocked ANY DEAL WITH IRAN, there is only so much political weight that the Democrats can carry, they do not want to lose the Cuban American vote, or worse the Jewish vote.  As stated the Obama move is BOLD, but it only works if there are followers, the elite liberal press will love this move, but what happens next is important, a leader can lead but if there are no troops behind, it does leave the Oval Office on a edgy cliff.  One blow of wind from Cuba or Iran could taken down the Obama Presidency. 

The Cuban Move, Rubio vs. Obama - 2016 Race

Lets Get Real:

This  move by President Obama when it comes to Cuba could be a spring board for Marco Rubio, a Cuban - American to launch his campaign for 2016.    Unlike the West Wing TV Series the Oval needs the US Congress to lift the sanctions against Cuba, and the new Republican Congress will no doubt block any such moves by the Oval.  If the Oval Office tries to go around the US Congress then the Congress could impeach the President.   When it comes to Cuba and US politics the best policy by any President is to keep at arms length, now Obama owns the Cuba policy, the Republicans and critics will jump on the Oval if there is any repression on Cuba by the Castro brothers.    Historic or a Bad policy by Obama depends on the reader. 

How the Republicans will ATTACK the Obama Cuba Move - 2016 Race

Lets Get Real:
It does not matter what you think of Obama's move it is bold, but bold moves are only as good if there is support for them, there is still enough anger in the Cuban - American community for this to become an issue in 2016.  In fact President Obama could have sunk the Democratic nominee in 2016, the Obama Oval has placed a lot of trust in Cuban leadership, what if people protest for democracy and the Castro brothers crack down, the move by the Oval will look WEAK and BAD POLICY.   The Oval Office and its staff have watched to much of the TV's West Wing.   They think they will not pay a political price for this move, when it comes to Cuba there is always a price!  Come on 2016.

Cuba and Florida a MAJOR ISSUE for 2016 - 2016 Race

Guardian - US/Cuba Live: Reports the following in its 7.26 post,  oa Q/A between the White House Press Secretary and the Press, " A reporter asks Earnest about whether the next president could simply undo these actions: close the embassy, restrict travel, etc.
Lets Get Real:
This is a great issue for the Republicans to use in Florida, you can hear the adverts now, dark screen, voice over, Obama THOUGHT he knew better than any President since JFK, the RIGHT WAY for Cuba.  Pictures blurs into picture of the Castro brothers smiling, then image of the Berlin Wall coming down, voice over, ITS THE SAME PRESIDENT WHO SAID YOU CAN KEEP YOUR HEALTH PLAN IF YOU LIKE IT.   IMAGE  of Castro with Obama.  voice over, DO YOU TRUST THESE GUYS. 

The White House: Released President Obama's statement on Cuba, here what this blogger found, " Proudly, the United States has supported democracy and human rights in Cuba through these five decades. We have done so primarily through policies that aimed to isolate the island, preventing the most basic travel and commerce that Americans can enjoy anyplace else.  And though this policy has been rooted in the best of intentions, no other nation joins us in imposing these sanctions, and it has had little effect beyond providing the Cuban government with a rationale for restrictions on its people.  Today, Cuba is still governed by the Castros and the Communist Party that came to power half a century ago.....Now, where we disagree, we will raise those differences directly -– as we will continue to do on issues related to democracy and human rights in Cuba.  But I believe that we can do more to support the Cuban people and promote our values through engagement.  After all, these 50 years have shown that isolation has not worked.  It’s time for a new approach. "

Lets Get Real:
Thank goodness President Obama was not President during the Cold War, the Berlin Wall would still be up, the above argument could have been made about Russia during the Cold War,  this looks like a 100% victory for the Castros of Cuba.   The President really does not care if he harms the Democratic brand in 2016, one would not be shocked if Democrats who have a mind to run 2016 and need Florida to win will seek distance between themselves and the Oval Office.   Also lets recall a lot of the Cuban sanctions have a legal framework, IS Obama going to break US Law to get his policy forward.   The Oval Office has watched to much of the left wing West Wing TV series.   

The end of the freeze, Cuba and the US - The Old Cold War

Lets Get Real:

Thus President Obama has his West Wing ( TV Series ) moment, the thawing of the relationship between Cuba and the USA.  It can be expected that the US gets nothing out of this deal, while Cuba gets the removal of sanctions AND free access to the US. It's not the end of the Cold War as Reagan had, but after these many decades of icey relationship betweem the two nations there is a chance for understanding.    Lets see how long the Castro Regimes lasts if the Cuban people have free access to US media and see what they are missing out on.    As noted in the Reagan diaries the President looked for thawing in the relationship, its Obama turn to earn his Nobel Peace Price.

Tsarist Russia, USSR, now the fall of Putin's Russia - Greater Russian Crisis

Lets Get Real:

It would be ironic if President Putin was bought down by the loss of the rouble, thus Nicholas 11 was bought down by World War One and the lack of bread, Gorbachev was bought down when he reacted in a slow manner to the August Coup, is it the fate of the KGB Putin to be bought down by his own ego and bad economic policy.    After the end of the Cold War it was thought that Russia could be bought in to a normal relationship with the West, it didn't work, Russia it seems requires a strong leader, in that they got Putin, but that has lead to the invasion of the Crimea, the support of Russian rebels in East Ukraine, a constant threat to the the Baltic States.   Thus will the Russian Government have to stop Russians taking their money out of Russia, its the next logical step, one gets a feeling that a lot of Russians will be turning up in London.   House prices will go even higher!!  Thanks a lot President Putin. 

Putin's Economic Meltdown - Great Russia under Threat

Lets Get Real:

The West would have helped Russia before it took over the Crimea, allowed Russian rebels to shoot down a plane in East Ukraine, now it is in the interest of the West to see Russia go through this economic mess.    The West could make a deal with Putin, he gets out of Crimea and East Ukraine then the West will help the Russian rouble.  Of course there is the chance that Putin will want to shift the focus to the Baltic States, yes an attack on the Baltic States, members of NATO.   It is not new for politicians who are in trouble at home to seek an international crisis, the Russian economy of today is tied to the West, not the case in the time of the USSR.    The Russian economy can bleed, and that is a threat to Putin.  Watch this developing, trouble is ahead. 

Bush for President - 2016 Election

Lets Get Real:

On record Jeb Bush can make a great argument, he reformed education in Florida and made assessment important in education, also he ran a conservative Republican Administration, he helped Bush 43 in winning the election in 2000, the Democrats will bound to bring up that and Iraq, they will try to get Jeb Bush to be critical of Iraq, the candidate should come back with a strong support for his brother and the Bush surge of 2007.   The growth of IS is down to President Obama and his failed policy in Iraq.   The interesting part is the havoc this will cause in the close relationship between Bill Clinton and Bush 41 and Bush 43, it should mean that its a clean race, much chance with the extreme left and righ in the US.   Also this could force Hillary Clinton to run at a more early stage.   This blog is waiting for those 2016 polls. 

Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Jeb Bush, the First Stage of the 2016 Race - 2016 Race

The New York Times: Reports the following on the early entry of Governor Jeb Bush in to the 2016 Presidential race, " Mr. Bush has for the moment frozen the so-called invisible primary. .."

Lets Get Real:

The above is the only nice thing that Governor Bush should expect from the liberal New York Times, if  Jeb Bush does win in 2016 he will become a political target for every liberal news outlet.   The Governor needs to win Iowa in 2016 and close down the process, if it becomes a fighting match then Bush could lose with the right of the Republican Party.   The Governor should be thinking about having a strong VP choice, a candidate who would want to run in either 2020 or 2024, your thinking that blog is mad to be going out that far, but if you think about it, Bush 41 won become he was the VP to Ronald Reagan and Gore nearly pulled it off in 2000, he would have won if he had won his own State.   Thus Jeb Bush has to think big, not his own two terms but for a term for his VP.   Let the polls start, its fun time.

Jeb Bush for President - 2016 Election

Lets Get Real:

Governor Jeb Bush is the front runner for the Republicans when it comes to 2016, he was seen as the brighter of the Bush brothers, he has added to this by his interest in South America and his various personal developments, he can speak Spanish, his wife was born in Mexico, his family has gone through their own ups and downs.   Also when it comes to policy such as immigration, Bush is a liberal, that will be used to attack him in the race.   But as the Governor has stated he would rather win the general election and lose a primary race here and there.   This blog is supporting Governor Jeb Bush for President. 

Pakistan Update - Part 3 - War on Terror

Telegraph Update - Pakistan Live: Reports in its 2.24pm post the following, " It is now being reported by unnamed military sources that there were nine Taliban gunmen in today's attack - all of whom are now dead. "

Lets Get Real:

So what will be the result of this latest terror attack in Pakistan, the honest truth this blog thinks with the exception of a few all ready noted air strikes there will be no real action, the Army of Pakistan on mass will not go in to the tribal areas, even if there was as massive force it might face defeat, that could cause the fall of the Government of Pakistan.    Thus expect more deaths and endless terrorism. What a World!

Pakistan Update Part 2 - War on Terror

Lets Get Real:

This is the time to call on Pakistan to be really be in the fight against terrorism, having it both ways leads to this on going tragedy in Pakistan, the more the Government tries to control Afghanistan through the use of terror networks, the more chance of blowback, the Government should request that the US uses its drones and US Special Forces to take the fight to the terrorists in Pakistan.  A stable Pakistan is in the interest of everyone, a State that is barely holding on is a threat to ALL.  That includes India.    The Army of Pakistan should stop thinking that India is the threat, it is not, the real threat is internal.  Just think if Taliban of Pakistan got control of a nuclear missile, then really start to worry. 

Death comes to Pakistan - War on Terror

Lets Get Real:

As this blog stated in its last post, the threat is never ending in the War on Terror, the Taliban of Pakistan is a real threat to the secular Government of Pakistan.   The Government and its intelligence agencies have to get around the fact that they can not manage the terrorists is their never ending fight for control of Afghanistan and Pakistan.    Thus we have seen from Canada to Australia there is a constant threat from lone wolfs to a planned terrorist attack.    The Obama Oval should offer to do what ever it takes to wipe out the Taliban of Pakistan, a nuclear armed Pakistan under the rule of the Taliban would be any ones worst nightmare.   

Monday, December 15, 2014

Terror Siege Ended in Sydney,Australia - War on Terror

Lets Get Real:

This siege in Sydney shows that the War on Terror can happen anywhere, thus the Police in any Country has to be on guard against a lone wolf attack or a attack planned by Al Qaeda or IS.   The recent release of the US Senate Report shows that some think that the War on Terror is OVER, it is not and will not be for a very long time.   There is the constant threat from IS, Al Qaeda to Western States.   Also we see in Afghanistan the rise of a new Taliban that is aiming for a PR victory over the West. IF that is not bad enough we have the Taliban in Pakistan, the West can not afford for this nuclear power to fall in to the hands of terrorists.  The War on Terror is endless. 

Sunday, December 14, 2014

VP Cheney on CIA Torture Report - Bush Era Politics

Lets Get Real:

Both Presidents, Bush 41 and Bush 43 have come out in the defence of the CIA, thus this new defence by former Vice - President Dick Cheney, its a pity that Mr Cheney does not want to be President,   It would be interesting if Dick Cheney got it to the campaign, the liberal left would go NUTS, they liberal Establishment see the Bush Era as criminal, they do not say the same thing about the Obama Oval using drones to take out terrorists.    The liberal left here in the UK and the US can not get over the fact that if your in a WAR, you have to win that War, no matter what, the first side that gives up a weapon losses.    The terrorists from Al Qaeda to IS would use WMD if they go their hands on such weapons, thus the West needs the CIA and MI6 to use what ever dark methods they have,  to win.   This blogger takes its hat off to the Bush Era White House and the CIA/MI6.

What did Blair and Straw Know about US torture ?, - War on Terror

Lets Get Real:

One gets the impression that the liberal establishment is OUT to get to Tony Blair and those that served in the Blair Governments.   The UK Coalition Government should not approve a Judge lead review of this case, they might find something, our system does not work like that, the UK and the US is still in a War on Terror, and should there be another 9/11 or 7/7 people will not care how terrorists are treated, they will want the full power of the State to be used to prevent further attacks.    The Establishment should smell the coffee, this is not the time, in a hundred years time, fine, who will care, but not NOW.  The liberal left has to get over Iraq War of 2003/09.

The UK and the US Senate Torutre Report - War on Terror

Lets Get Real:

The Republicans who take over the Senate next year should deep six this report, the Senate Democrats produced a report that was 100 bias against the CIA.   The liberal base will be kind of happy, but they want more, they want to see Bush 43 in Court, the problem with that is that the next US Administration could decided that drone strikes are worse that waterboarding, thus after 2017 they could go after those from President Obama down who gave the okay to strike even US Citizens abroad, the liberal base would not be happy with that, thus the rubbish or crap report in the view VP Cheney should be thrown in the deepest Water and forgotten. 

Friday, December 12, 2014

Clinton vs. Warren - The 2016 Race - 2nd Term Blues

Fox News: Reports the following on the contest between Clinton and Warren , " more pressure on Hillary to move left and launch her official campaign sooner than her rumored early spring target. Giving Warren three or four months to raise her profile and stake out far-left positions would make Hillary’s task of crushing her harder and limit her ability to pivot center as soon as possible.  "

Lets Get Real:

YES it is still 2014, but the race for 2016 started after the 2014 Mid Terms, if Warren is smart she will say she is a candidate early, this year in fact, she should start to go to Iowa, lets recall Obama beat Hillary in Iowa, the base of the Democratic Party is LEFT, thus if Warren can get some of Obama's strategy to work for her, she might give Hillary Clinton a run for her money in Iowa, win that State early in 2016 and have a good showing in the Primary States and Warren just might pull it off, of course the Clintons will have the money and the people, and this time the Clintons are not taking any POW's, Warren has to win or the Clintons will destroy her, aka Ronald Reagan did to Walter Mondale, the poor guy could not even win back his old Senate Seat. 

The Split in the Democratic Party - 2nd Term Blues

Lets Get Real:

The President is a lame duck President, he almost had to beg the Democrats to support the Budget deal, the House and Senate Democrats will be looking towards 2016, the leading candidate so far is Hillary Clinton, but the Democrats are going extreme left, thus Senator Warren might be the choice of the extreme left to challenge the Clinton Dynasty.   It is tough call for Warren, there is the example of President Obama, he beat Hillary in 2008 for the nomination and the Presidency, then there is VIce President Biden ( stop laughing ) he might say that he represents the liberal flag of the Obama Administration, yes its funny but you have to consider it, he would have to break from the Obama Oval, President Obama would not like that in any form.  Thus interesting days and months ahead if your Democrat. 

The UK and the US Senate Torture Report - Blair Era Politics

Lets Get Real:

The press, both and left and right smell a good story,  thus they will roll with this story, they all seems to want to nail Tony Blair to the story, shows when your out of office there is no cover or respect.   This blog is hardly a New Labour or Tony Blair fan, but when it comes to national security this blog supports the actions of Tony Blair.    The press have short memories, after 9/11 and 7/7 the people wanted their Government to ACT, it did not matter if it was lawful, they wanted to be protected.   There is no information that points to the fact that Blair knew what the CIA was up to,  the British PM can not know everything MI6 or MI5 do to protect the people.   It is time to let sleeping dogs sleep. 

The Democratic Split, Obama vs. Warren Liberals - 2nd Term Blues

Lets Get Real:

In this Budget fight we have seen the split between liberal Democrats lead by Senator Warren and the White House.   The Obama Oval will have to deal with a Republican House and Senate next year, if the Obama White House was less liberal it could see this as a chance to make some domestic gains that would look good for President Obama and the Republican Congress, such as tax reform, and immigration reform, but these would reforms would not go down well with Democrats, thus we shall see if the Obama Oval can use this success for further deals next year, a smart Chicago pol like President Obama could make his last two years a success, lets see if the Oval will take this chance.   The liberal left is looking for Senator Warren to be heir leader and their candidate in 2016 against Hillary Clinton, thus more division within the Democratic Party. 

The US Senate and the 1.1 Trillion Budget - 2nd Term Blues

Lets Get Real:

This should get through the US Senate, the Democrats who have the majority at present want to push it through before they hand over to the Republicans.   The Bill will fund the US Government in till September.   In that time the Republicans can go after the Obama Agenda.   They can start by making it harder for the Oval to get the Attorney General it wants, and then down the line to the Judges.   On the Foreign Policy front as stated a select committee in to Libya, the rise of IS in Iraq and Syria.   A Senate Committee is harder to spin, people will be under oath.   Fun times for Republicans next year.