Friday, December 12, 2014

The Democratic Split, Obama vs. Warren Liberals - 2nd Term Blues

Lets Get Real:

In this Budget fight we have seen the split between liberal Democrats lead by Senator Warren and the White House.   The Obama Oval will have to deal with a Republican House and Senate next year, if the Obama White House was less liberal it could see this as a chance to make some domestic gains that would look good for President Obama and the Republican Congress, such as tax reform, and immigration reform, but these would reforms would not go down well with Democrats, thus we shall see if the Obama Oval can use this success for further deals next year, a smart Chicago pol like President Obama could make his last two years a success, lets see if the Oval will take this chance.   The liberal left is looking for Senator Warren to be heir leader and their candidate in 2016 against Hillary Clinton, thus more division within the Democratic Party. 

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