Friday, December 12, 2014

The Split in the Democratic Party - 2nd Term Blues

Lets Get Real:

The President is a lame duck President, he almost had to beg the Democrats to support the Budget deal, the House and Senate Democrats will be looking towards 2016, the leading candidate so far is Hillary Clinton, but the Democrats are going extreme left, thus Senator Warren might be the choice of the extreme left to challenge the Clinton Dynasty.   It is tough call for Warren, there is the example of President Obama, he beat Hillary in 2008 for the nomination and the Presidency, then there is VIce President Biden ( stop laughing ) he might say that he represents the liberal flag of the Obama Administration, yes its funny but you have to consider it, he would have to break from the Obama Oval, President Obama would not like that in any form.  Thus interesting days and months ahead if your Democrat. 

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