Wednesday, March 31, 2010

The Obama Agenda and the 2010 Elections

Politco: Reports on the move by the White House after the win on health care reform to move its Agenda in Congress, the article states the following, ".. is getting mixed early reactions on Capitol Hill ". At its most brutal folks the Democrats are scared that Obama will hand over Congress to the Republicans, the health care reform bill is still not popular, in fact the argument that the people, the great unwashed would like the Bill once it was passed is shown to be, lets use a kind word, rubbish. The idiots in the Democratic Party that voted for health care reform bought a Chicago sting, they threw their careers down the toilet while Obama has AF1. The Liberal leadership in Congress with the exception of Senator Reid are in safe Districts and States thus they can push the Liberal Agenda, while they send their men/women over the top of the trench in to the glare of the anger of the voters. This is the best advice that blue dog Democrats are going to get, tell the Obama White House that they owe the moderate and conservatives members in Congress and thus they should back off any tough votes in till the lame duck session of Congress after November.

The USA and France on Iran

The Obama Administration has started to remove the offer of the hand of friendship from Iran to a more historical position, that is seeing Iran as an enemy. At a Joint Press Conference with the President of France, Obama stated the following on Iran, " We discussed our shared determination to prevent Iran from acquiring nuclear weapons. On this the United States and France are united, are inseparable. With our P5-plus-1 partners, we offer Iran good faith proposals to resolve this matter through diplomacy. But Iran thus far has rejected those offers. Today, the international community is more united than ever on the need for Iran to uphold its obligations. And that’s why we’re pursuing strong sanctions through the U.N. Security Council. ". The problem is that Russia and China have strong trade and economic links with Iran, thus they want softer sanctions, the US and the UN does not have all the time in the world, time is not their friend when it comes to Iran. President Sarkozy of France stated the following on Iran, " Now, on Iran, I am very satisfied with what President Obama has said. The time has come to take decisions. Iran cannot continue its mad race. Now, we don’t want to punish Iran, which deserves better than what it has by way of leadership today, and therefore fully support in order to get stronger, tougher sanctions at the Security Council and take the necessary decisions is what you have. I have said to President Obama that with Angela Merkel and Gordon Brown we will make all necessary efforts to ensure that Europe as a whole engages in the sanction regime. ". It comes to the day that the French President sounds tougher than a American President, that what you get if you elect a liberal POTUS. When President Obama was asked by the Press if there was a cut off point for Iran he stated the following, " On Iran, we came in with a very clear approach and a very clear strategy, and it was an open book to the world. We said we would engage Iran and give them an opportunity to take the right path, a path that would lead to prosperity and opportunity for their people and a peaceful region, and one in which they would allow themselves to become a full-fledged member of the community of nations. The alternative path was further isolation and further consequences...We mobilized the international community around this approach, including partners like Russia that in the past might have been more hesitant to take a firmer stance on Iran’s nuclear program. What we said, though, was that there was going to be a time limit to it and that if we had not seen progress by the end of the year, it was time for us to move forward on that sanctions track....My hope is that we are going to get this done this spring. So I’m not interested in waiting months for a sanctions regime to be in place; I’m interested in seeing that regime in place in weeks. And we are working diligently with our international partners, emphasizing to them that,.... this is not simply an issue of trying to isolate Iran; it has enormous implications for the safety and the security of the entire region. We don’t want to see a nuclear arms race in the Middle East...A conflict in the Middle East as a consequence of Iran’s actions could have a huge destabilizing effect in terms of the world economy at a time when it’s just coming out of a very deep recession...The long-term consequences of a nuclear-armed Iran are unacceptable. And so (France ), myself and others agree that we have engaged; the door remains open if the Iranians choose to walk through it. But they understand very clearly what the terms of a diplomatic solution would be. And in the interim we are going to move forcefully on a U.N. sanctions regime...Now, do we have unanimity in the international community? Not yet. And that's something that we have to work on. We think that we are in a much stronger position to get robust sanctions now than we were a year ago prior to us initiating our strategy....But it’s still difficult, partly because, let’s be honest, Iran is a oil producer and there are a lot of countries around the world that, regardless of Iran’s offenses, are thinking that their commercial interests are more important to them than these long-term geopolitical interests. And so we have to continue to apply pressure not just on Iran but we have to make sure that we are communicating very clearly that this is very important to the United States.....We think that we can get sanctions within weeks. ". Thus a rebuke to Russia and China, but if Obama has agreed to softer sanctions it does seem to be spin on the part of the Obama Administration. One has to just see the tepid reaction of the White House to the street protests in Iran after the stolen election, Obama is seems is quite willing to throw the good people of Iran down the toilet and allow the Totalitarian Tehran Regime to stay in power as long as they allow Obama to look good to the left. The treatment of Israel by the Obama Administration shows that Obama would rather look good to the liberal left wing that support an close ally. The anti Israeli policy has deep support in the power centers of Europe.

Oil and the Liberal Left

BBC News: Reports that the Obama Administration is to allow for oil and gas drilling on the Atlantic Coast and the Gulf of Mexico. This is a good move by POTUS, but lets see the details, it could be a ploy to get Republican support for his Green Agenda, but the overall cost could be the reduction of American jobs. After health care reform don't trust Obama, sorry to say, there is to much of the Chicago Pol in Obama, lets see the small print of the Obama plan for drilling. As the Gipper stated, Trust by Verify.

Iran SANCTIONS within WEEKS - Obama

Fox News: Reports on the statement by President Obama that he expects sanctions against Iran within weeks. The question that has to be asked what kind of sanctions will be passed by the UN, if Russia and China agree to new sanctions it can be postulated that these sanctions will not be as tough as expected due to the economic and trade links between Russia, China and Iran. Thus we come back to the same question that has been around for the year since Obama took office, does he have the backbone to attack Iran if Iran keeps telling the international community to get lost. A recent report suggests that Obama Administration has agreed to softer sanctions to get Russia and China on board, but the US does not have all the time in the world. The Tehran Regime has been playing for time, they are closer to the bomb, the more time and one day at 3am Obama will get a call to say that Iran has tested its first nuclear bomb over Israel.

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Terrorists RETURN to the FIGHT in Afghanistan = Guantanamo Bay

The Hill: Reports on the news that terrorist released back in to Afghanistan has returned to the fight, the Republicans are demanding that the Obama Administration not return prisoners from Guantanamo Bay back to Afghanistan due to the threat that more inmates will return to the fight. This is the kind of news that will send shivers down the Obama White House, it does not need the impression to grow that Democrats are back to their usual weak standard when it comes to National Security. What is the point of two Obama surges if the Obama Administration releases back terrorists to kill US Soldiers. Lets see if this story develops legs, the Democrats will be placing pressure on Obama not to send back more inmates from Cuba. That’s the fun thing about politics, one minute your up and the next your down, the fight never ends, that is Democracy.

Letter from the Past - Titanic

Guardian: Reports on the auction of a letter from RMS Titanic, letter came from a First Class passenger that survived the sinking in 1912. Its historical importance comes from the fact that it was posted while the ship was in UK waters, then Ireland. One always has to wonder if you had been a passenger on the stricken liner, would you have been heroic, coward or the middle bit, scared and dead.

South Korea on Red Alert

Fox News: Reports that the South Korean Military have been placed on Red Alert after the sinking of one of the naval vessels. Its odd but last night and I am being honest, I dreamt that I was reading a tweet that stated that North Korean tanks had entered South Korea. Even dream International Politics!!. An actual event and dream is not a prediction in my book, but one can postulate an event, North Korea, with his nuclear forces thinks that the Obama Administration with its wars in Afghanistan and Iraq could not take action if North Korea moved its million man army in to South Korea. The regime in North Korea would be right, also more important the US cant take action as long as North Korea has the nuclear missiles and warheads to hit Japan and its other Allies in the region. Lets hope dreams don't come true folks.

50% Disapproval of POTUS

Real Clear Politics Blog: Reports on more bad news for the Obama White House, a new poll for USAT/Gallup shows that President Obama has a 47% approval rating, while 50% Disapprove. RCP states the following on the poll, " pretty grim for the President and his party ". The negative tend of the Obama ratings is down to one issue folks, yes back to health care reform. The spin that the Oval gave to blue dog democrats was that once the Bill was passed the public would buy its benefits, no ban on pre - existing conditions, no cap on the cost of cover, millions of Americans who do not have cover will get cove, but the negatives are more important in the run up to the 2010 Mid Term Congressional Elections, the tax hikes, forcing Americans to buy medical cover, the cutting of benefits to those that are old, and the big bear in the debate, the cost folks, near a TRILLION dollars. If the Act is not repealed the US will go the way of Rome and British Empires and go broke, the cost of health care never goes down, the liberals either believe their own spin or have been economic with the truth. The Republicans should run on one simple slogan, REPEAL OBAMA CARE.

Monday, March 29, 2010

The War on Terror and the Law

The New York Times: Reports on the legal minefield facing the Obama Administration when it comes to fighting the War on Terror. That is the problem for liberals, the don't see 9/11 as an Act of War, they see it as a legal matter, they consider terrorists like UBL and KSM to have the same rights as other defendants in the legal system. The problem that liberals face is the fact that it is a War, even the great FDR threw away the law books at the start of the World War Two, thus the decision by the US Government to intern those Americans of Japanese decent. It was illegal but if liberals had started to spout about the law they would have been tarred and feathered by the public. It was immoral and the wrong decision, but it was a War. One can see some extreme liberals wanting to prevent the US from using its drones to attack terrorists in the badlands of the border between Afghanistan and Pakistan, the use of the drones is one of the legal problems for the Obama Administration. When it comes to the use of the drones to fire hellfire missiles you don't have to time to read to terrorists their rights, if you don't take action these terrorists will laugh in your face and strike Western interests around the world. Also the use of the drones by the CIA gets around the need to use assassination special forces to take out Al Qaeda terrorists, if these Special Forces had to do the job you would run in to the laws passed by the Congress in the 1970s to prevent hit jobs by the CIA. I guess the Congress has no problems with hellfire missiles that take out terrorists and their families but does have a problem if a target is taken out with a rifle. The above is why Liberals are never trusted with national security, Bush 43 took action, Obama's men read law books to win a war.

The White House and Israel

Politico: Reports on the policy disputes in the Obama White House when it comes to the the US policy towards Israel. In essence you have the Israeli Lobby that does not want to push Israel to a point that could force the Government to fall in Israel and on the other hand you have liberal elite who care more about Arab interests than the security of Israel. At the end of the day Israel can just say No to Obama, its their region, and as stated a few times in this blog the Israeli lobby has a powerful ally in Speaker Pelosi. The more Obama is seen as weak when it comes to Iran, the more reason that Israel has to say NO. As noted in previous post the Hill reported that Republicans and Democrats are coming together to place pressure on the Oval to get off the dime and take some tough action over the nuclear plans of Iran. It was not a great surprise that the Hill started the process, it occurred within a few days of the shabby treatment of the Israeli PM by the Obama White House. At the end of the day Obama can not afford to flush away his political capitol with a fight with Israel, the reason is simple folks, he will lose. One can postulate that Israel will just wait Obama out, after the 2010 Mid Term Elections and the Republicans take control of Congress the White House will have to pivot back to Israel or get rebuked by Congress, elections have consequences folks.

Afghanistan Front News

MOD: Has released the name of the British Soldier killed on Saturday in Afghanistan, the soldier was " Rifleman Daniel Holkham from 3rd Battalion The RIFLES, serving with 3 RIFLES Battle Group ". Our thoughts are with the family of Rifleman Holkham.

Obama Poll Rating, 46% - 46% Gallup

Gallup: Reports that the bump President Obama got from passing health care reform has gone, the President now stands at 46% job Approval and 46% Disapproval. Thus President Obama after getting health care reform passed now has to sell it again to the American people. The White House wanted to move on to jobs, jobs after HCR but to prevent the loss of the House and Senate in 2010 Mid Term Elections the President will have to sell HCR all over again to the voter. Thus while American voters wanted Obama to deal with getting Americans back to work he has spent a year and half on a subject low in the polls. The Oval got blue dog Democrats to vote for HCR with the idea that the US voter will support HCR after it passed, this has not worked, most polls show that a majority of US voters oppose HCR, RCP has an average of these polls and at present the RCP average is the following, 40.8% favour HCR, while 50.1% oppose. If these polls stay the same over the next few months the Oval might find that after November it has to deal with a Republican Congress, a Congress that will have the mandate to say NO to Obama.

Obama on Al Qaeda

The President after the success of health care reform and the new Treaty with Russia has moved to show that he is not just obsessed with domestic issues, thus his surprise trip to Afghanistan. The Speech one has to admit was vintage Obama, but that could be the problem later down the line. I think even President Obama's most loyal supporters would have to say that Afghanistan is now his War, the President stated the following on the threat from Al Qaeda, " Al Qaeda and their extremist allies are a threat to the people of Afghanistan and a threat to the people of America, but they’re also a threat to people all around the world, and that’s why we’re so proud to have our coalition partners here with us. Thank you very much for the great work that you do. We salute you and we honor you for all the sacrifices you make, and you are a true friend of the United States of America. Thank you very much...... And we also salute the members of the Afghan National Army who are fighting alongside all of you. They’re risking their lives to protect their country. And as I told President Karzai today, the United States is a partner but our intent is to make sure that the Afghans have the capacity to provide for their own security. That is core to our mission, and we are proud of the work that they are doing and the continuing increased capacity that we’re seeing out of Afghan national security forces. So thank you very much for the great work you’re doing to take responsibility for security here in your own country......We can’t forget why we’re here. We did not choose this war. This was not an act of America wanting to expand its influence; of us wanting to meddle in somebody else’s business. We were attacked viciously on 9/11. Thousands of our fellow countrymen and women were killed. And this is the region where the perpetrators of that crime, al Qaeda, still base their leadership. Plots against our homeland, plots against our allies, plots against the Afghan and Pakistani people are taking place as we speak right here. And if this region slides backwards, if the Taliban retakes this country and al Qaeda can operate with impunity, then more American lives will be at stake. The Afghan people will lose their chance at progress and prosperity. And the world will be significantly less secure....And as long as I’m your Commander-in-Chief, I am not going to let that happen.... Our broad mission is clear: We are going to disrupt and dismantle, defeat and destroy al Qaeda and its extremist allies. That is our mission. And to accomplish that goal, our objectives here in Afghanistan are also clear: We’re going to deny al Qaeda safe haven. We’re going to reverse the Taliban’s momentum. We’re going to strengthen the capacity of Afghan security forces and the Afghan government so that they can begin taking responsibility and gain confidence of the Afghan people....... We’ve struck major blows against al Qaeda leadership as well as the Taliban’s. They are hunkered down. They’re worried about their own safety. It’s harder for them to move, it’s harder for them to train and to plot and to attack, and all of that makes America safer. And we are going to keep them on the run because that is what’s going to be required in order to assure that our families back home have the security that they need. That’s the work that you are doing...." Thus in 2011 will the President really be able to bring the troops home if Al Qaeda is still a threat to Afghanistan and the rest of the world. Have my doubts. It can be argued that Vietnam become LBJ's War after 1965, in that year the US Marines landed in South Vietnam to protect US planes, the rest is history folks, the War in Afghanistan is Obama's War due to the fact that he has chosen it, the question that has to be asked did Obama make a mistake, the Iraq War looks like a success now after the Bush 43 surge, elections have just finished and the political horse trading to form a new government are taking place in Iraq. An old Chicago hand like President Obama should be more active in Iraq, but one gets worried when Obama states the following, does recall the late LBJ years, the President stated the following in Afghanistan, " And here in Afghanistan you’ve gone on the offensive. And the American people back home are noticing. We have seen a huge increase in support in -- stateside, because people understand the kinds of sacrifices that you guys are making, and the clarity of mission that you’re bringing to bear. ". The US is split when it comes to the War in Afghanistan, the latest poll has a even approval to disapproval of the War. Its the kind of thing LBJ would say, when a President is economical with the truth he will lose the American voter. Lets hope the above remark was rhetoric not what Obama really has in desk draw. Lets hope for the sake of the US and the UK that Obama is right about Afghanistan, so far this year has been more bloody for the the US and UK than last year.

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Iran and the US Congress

The Hill: Reports that Republicans and Democrats in the US Congress are coming together to place pressure on the Oval to take tough action with Iran. One can postulate that the Israeli lobby after the humiliation of the Israeli PM by the Obama White House has sent word out to supporters of Israel to start to place pressure on President Obama. As stated both Carter and Reagan understood the power of the Israeli lobby in its support of Israel. Thus with the win over health care reform and the deal with Russia the White House should not throw their political capital way by going to war with Israel over buildings in its own country.

Is Afghanistan the NEW South Vietnam ?

CNN: An interesting opinion article that looks at what happened once the US left South Vietnam and how this might be the future for Afghanistan. In essence folks once the US military left South Vietnam the South fell to the North, once the US and NATO leaves Afghanistan will Afghanistan fall to the Taliban. After the two Obama surges the War in Afghanistan is Obama's War, the President has stated that he will start to withdraw the troops in 2011 depending on conditions on the ground, well folks if Obama think the Taliban are blue dog Democrats he is in for a nasty shock, this year has seen an increase in US and UK casualties, the first three months of this year has been more bloody than the same time last year for the US and the UK. In 2009 from January to March the UK lost 15 of its Armed Forces Personnel, in 2010 in the same time period the total is now 33. This breakdown does not include those that have been hurt but have not died, the US plan is to get closer to the Afghan people, with all due respect to the Afghan people I would rather our troops had a big guarded fort, and kept their distance from the locals. At the end of the day the Western Forces will leave, victory or no victory, the voters in the UK and the USA might get one fact that the their Governments don't get, YOU CANT WIN IN THE BLOODY PLACE, its a lesson that the UK keeps having to learn over and over again, we have the bloody t-shirt from previous Afghan Wars. The old British Imperial policy was to get a non threat to UK interests, let him rule Afghanistan but keep an eye over the border. The conditions on the ground might have changed, we no longer have India ( yes its modern Pakistan ) but the Government still uses Imperial Law from the period in some cases, it can be argued that we could loan a military base from Pakistan, lets face it the badlands are not under the control of Pakistan anyway, clear out the Al Qaeda from the region of the base and keep an eye on Afghanistan. Any new threats and use the old Imperial policy of dropping bombs on the threat, in today's terms send it a drone with a hellfire missile and take out the threats and protect our troops and UK national security. The above is the most likely result of the Afghan War.

24 and 9/11

Telegraph: Report on the end 24, the series that represented the 9/11 world on television. In many respects 24 was the series that bought the issues that both Bush 43 found and Obama has to deal with every day in to the homes of the US voter. While West Wing had to shift to the issue of terrorism, a jolt that was not that easy, it was a very liberal show, with 24 our World but more extreme was there from the start, it dealt with the issues of terrorism and the rights of the individual and how far the US Government had to go in the protection of US rights. Also have to admit have a soft spot for the first African - American TV President, David Palmer, Palmer was tough, while Obama is an appeaser in the mold of Neville Chamberlain. Palmer was not afraid to order the torture of close aides to protect the US voter, one gets the impression that Obama would ask KSM if his chair was comfortable. One can argue that with the tough Bush 43 polices to fight terrorism the issue of terrorism was less of an issue for the voter, in only came back up with the attempted terror bomber over Christmas, thus the election of President Obama and his liberal agenda and his take that terror was not a war but police matter, thus as the times change the fate of 24 was tied to the Bush era, new era and no major attacks on the US has made 24 redundant in till the next time, the one thing history shows there is always a next time.

The Threat from Iran

The New York Times: Reports on the proposed build up of Iran's nuclear facilities, the article states that Iran is proposing to build two new facilities in mountains to prevent them being attacked. This is why its never good for the US to have a weak President folks, the Tehran Regime must know that Obama will never attack and that he wants to be liked so much he will never take any action without UN support, thus expect Iran to go nuclear in less action is take by Israel. As reported of late the Obama Administration has drawn back from tough sanctions on Iran due to the fact that Russia and China have close economic links with Iran and don't want any negative effect on their economic development in this recession period. In many respects Obama is turning in Jimmy Carter in the front of your eyes, Carter looked old by the end of his Presidency, Obama is starting to look old, he has lost that star quality that gets the young out to vote, thus recent election losses. The 2010 Mid Terms will be a nightmare for the Democrats.

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Palestinian Authority - NO TALKS WITH ISRAEL

BBC News: Reports that the Palestinian Authority has stated it will not talk to Israel while it builds in East Jerusalem. Folks this is what happens when the President of the United States burns Israel in public. The Obama Administration has sent the peace talks further down the drain, the Israeli Government is not some blue dog Democrat that Obama can bully, they can say a big NO and the US Congress will support Israel over Obama any time of the day. Lets give President Obama the benefit of the doubt that he has not allowed his EGO to get the better of him, one can understand after getting the Nobel Peace Prize for doing nothing but even then to burn a close ally like Israel but appease Iran and North Korea shows a real failure to understand Middle East and the power of the Israeli lobby in the United States and within the Democratic Party. Why would the Palestinian Authority to talk to Israel when it has Obama appeasing them in public, and why would Israel do anything for Obama after his Chicago style treatment of their PM. Obama needs to learn fast that you support the Allies or your Allies might tell the Israeli lobby to support Republicans in 2010 and also tell the US voter that Obama is pro Arab at the expense of the western style Democracy in the Middle East.

Death in Afghanistan

MOD: Reports that a British Soldier was killed today in Afghanistan, the soldier was from the " 3rd Battalion The RIFLES, serving with 3 RIFLES Battle Group ". Thus since 2001 the UK has lost 278 of its Armed Forces Personnel in Afghanistan, of that total it has lost 245 in combat operations and 33 due to illness, accidents or other incidents. This month alone the UK has lost twelve soldiers, there comes a point that this level of attrition can not be supported by UK Armed Forces, this does not in account those that have been injured while out in Afghanistan. The UK should draw a new field battle plan for UK forces in Afghanistan, let the US get closer if they want to the Afghan People, lets build some distance between our forces and the people if this is the level of cost to our Armed Forces.

Afghanistan Front News

MOD: Has released the name of the British Soldier killed on Friday in Afghanistan, the soldier was " Lance Corporal of Horse Jonathan Woodgate from the Household Cavalry Regiment ". Our thoughts go out to the family of Lance Corporal of Horse Woodgate.

Friday, March 26, 2010

Death in Afghanistan

MOD: Reports that a British Soldier was killed today in Afghanistan, the soldier was from the " Household Cavalry Regiment ". Thus since 2001 the UK has lost 277 of its Armed Forces Personnel in Afghanistan, of that total it has lost 244 in combat operations and 33 due to illness, accidents or other incidents. The UK has lost eleven soldiers this month, the Army needs to look at its field operations, getting close to the Afghan People should not come at the cost of this many deaths every month.

The Ghost of Iran - North Korea sinks South Korean Ship

The Washington Post: Reports on the sinking of a South Korean Military Vessel, the suspect is North Korea. This is why making sure Iran does not get the bomb is important folks, North Korea has the bomb and the missile technology, the Western Ally South Korea is non nuclear. In essence North Korea can do what it likes since its a nuclear armed power, the Obama Administration will be critical but do nothing, and in this case its the right move, the game is different when the other side has the bomb. Lets hope China places pressure on North Korea to behave or least act the model. At the end of the day the Obama Administration will have to strike a deal with North Korea, it wont be pretty folks, we will have to give it security guarantees and allow them to keep the bomb. The Obama Administration will have to make sure that North Korea does not gives its technology to Iran, thus back to Iran again folks, lets recall the Middle East folks with its oil, you want to start paying £1.40 for petrol, that is the nuclear blackmail that Iran could start if it gets the bomb.

New START Treaty - USA and Russia

Today President Obama announced a new Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty (START) Treaty to reduce the nuclear stockpiles of the USA and Russia. The President stated the following on the new treaty, " Since taking office, one of my highest priorities has been addressing the threat posed by nuclear weapons to the American people. And that’s why, last April in Prague, I stated America’s intention to pursue the peace and security of a world without nuclear weapons, a goal that’s been embraced by Presidents like John F. Kennedy and Ronald Reagan. " This is a good move by President Obama, one had to wonder when he would get results for selling out the Czech Republic and Poland over Missile Defence. I guess Obama does feel guilty about the Czech Republic, the President stated the following " I’m pleased that almost one year to the day after my last trip to Prague, the Czech Republic -- a close friend and ally of the United States -- has agreed to host President Medvedev and me on April 8th, as we sign this historic treaty..... " This is the Obama spin on his relationshio with the President of Russia, " Through all these efforts, cooperation between the United States and Russia will be essential. I want to thank President Medvedev for his personal and sustained leadership as we worked through this agreement. We’ve had the opportunity to meet many times over the last year, and we both agree that we can serve the interests of our people through close cooperation. " Lets see President Obama sold out his Allies but all President Medvedev had to do was retire some old missiles. I think the Russian bear got the better of the American President. It seems now that that President Obama needs Republicans support thus the following, " Finally, I look forward to continuing to work closely with Congress in the months ahead. There is a long tradition of bipartisan leadership on arms control. Presidents of both parties have recognized the necessity of securing and reducing these weapons. Statesmen like George Shultz, Sam Nunn, Henry Kissinger, and Bill Perry have been outspoken in their support of more assertive action. Earlier this week, I met with my friends John Kerry and Dick Lugar to discuss this treaty, and throughout the morning, my administration will be consulting senators -- my administration will be consulting senators from both parties as we prepare for what I hope will be a strong, bipartisan support to ratify the new START treaty. " These kind of treaties take months, lets see what the Obama White House is not telling the public, if its like health care reform, we will have to see the details, one good point from the White House is the following, " No Constraints on Missile Defense and Conventional Strike: The Treaty does not contain any constraints on testing, development or deployment of current or planned U.S. missile defense programs or current or planned United States long-range conventional strike capabilities. " As Iran is a growing national security threat its is good that Obama has not from these details sold out other Allies to get a Treaty. The White House hopes this new treaty will place pressure on Iran, the White House states the following, " The Presidents agreed that the new Treaty demonstrates the continuing commitment of the United States and Russia – the world’s two largest nuclear powers – to reduce their nuclear arsenals consistent with their obligations under the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty. Such actions invigorate our mutual efforts to strengthen the international non-proliferation regime and convince other countries to help curb proliferation. " One can say one thing from this move, Iran will not take a blind bit of notice, one can see the spin from Tehran right now, its not about the USA and Russia, its about Israel and its nuclear arsenal. Well I think Obama might find Israel is not in the best mood to hear any talk about cutting the Israeli nuclear stockpile after the recent frosty exchanges between the Oval and Israel. On the whole a good move by the USA and Russia, buts as the Gipper stated, Trust by Verify.

Thursday, March 25, 2010

The Time to Strike Iran

The Times: Reports on the disastrous Summit meeting between President Obama and the PM of Israel, Binyamin Netanyahu. This could be the perfect time for Israel to hit Iran, the USA under Obama is NEVER, NEVER going to strike Iran or place tough sanctions on Tehran. Thus the Obama ego after health care reform has gone stellar, someone needs to remind the President that when he is Mayor of Jerusalem he can have viewpoint on planning or even a vote. Think if Russia decided to make a point about building in Washington D.C. The problem with the Obama ego is that while its effective on the domestic front in till the November elections, his ego could cause a war in the Middle East due to the fact that Obama has no clue about the Middle East, he might have been trained a lawyer but don't recall him ever getting a degree in International Politics. Lets see Obama has damaged the US relationship with Israel its main ally in the Middle East but is appeasing Iran and North Korea. One has decide on the empirical evidence that Obama wants to be a one term President, he has pushed health care reform down the throats of the US voter, he has appeased Russia at the expense of the Czech Republic and Poland, and now he is letting Iran off the hook and being critical of Israel. Thus if your in Israel one has to ask why not attack Iran, really show that Obama is holding jokers, the US Congress will always support Israel over Obama when it comes to the security of Israel. Obama has not learned an important lesson, its the same lesson that LBJ failed to learn in Vietnam, the other side can say NO, and they can roll you, if your poll ratings are going South when you need the support of the American people you will find that you left alone with your ego.

Another League of Nations = The UN ?

Fox News: Reports that the Obama Administration has walked back from tough sanctions on Iran due to the pressure from China and Russia. One can postulate that the UN is fast becoming the another League of the Nations of the 1920's/30's the precursor to the UN of today. The Obama Administration is allowing US Foreign Policy to be defined by Russia and China, Iran is a direct threat to the USA and Israel, thus sooner or later Obama or Israel will have to take action outside the remit of the UN. The cold freeze level of diplomatic relations between the USA and Israel over the right of Israel to build homes on its homeland could make the decision by Israel more easier, they could strike Iran due to the fact that the relationship is so cold between the two supposed Allies. It can be argued that Russia and China will never allow tough sanctions on Iran due to their economic ties, thus Obama is fast becoming another Jimmy Carter.

The Ghost of Tip O’Neill

A great Democratic Speaker of the House of Representatives, Speaker Tip O' Neill in his autobiography bought up the power of the Israeli lobby in Congress, it was the one issue that both Jimmy Carter and Ronald Reagan asked about before they become President. Both Carter and Reagan wanted to know how powerful was the Israeli lobby, in other words by a PR standard they had presence in Congress. As Speaker O' Neill stated Jewish voters wrote to him even when they agreed with him, they played an active part in all parts of the US civic structure, thus that equated with political power. Thus we come to to the frosty relationship between the Obama White House and Israel at the present, even Ronald Reagan made a threat to end the special relationship with Israel due to its actions in Lebanon, the President was right and Israel came to heel. Lets be honest you can be a friend of Israel but also make it aware when it goes well over the line. In the case of building 1,600 new homes in East Jerusalem the Israeli Government should tell Obama to get lost, its Israel after all not Chicago, and Obama cant use the race card on them as he used it on Clinton Campaign in 08. Also in an excellent article in RCP the power of the Israeli lobby in the Democratic Party could decided who runs the Congress after 2010. In other words the Israeli lobby could turn off the money stream to the Democratic Party, give it to the Republicans. Thus if Obama does not want to lose Congress in 2010 and the White House in 2012 he might want to back off his own arrogance towards Israel.

A Divided Relationship, the USA and Israel

BBC News: Reports that the Obama White House has admitted that there are problems between Israel and the USA. A good piece of advice to the Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu, tell Obama to take a running jump, as the Obama appeasement of Iran, North Korea and Russia has shown if you say NO hard enough to Obama he will appease you, thus Israel should build more houses in East Jerusalem, make the Obama Foreign Policy choke on its own arrogance, it seems that President Obama is ready enough to sell out the Czech Republic, Poland and the Middle East Allies of the United States by allowing Iran to become a nuclear power. The problem with Obama is that he thinks his own rhetoric is the reality, news to POTUS your not that good, a majority of Americans opposed health care reform, every time the President spoke on health care reform the negatives of the policy went up, your no JFK or Reagan, the President is under the illusion that he has options when it comes to Israel, he does not, the Congress will over turn any negative policy when it comes to Israel, also as stated the election calender is now starting to work against the Obama White House, thus we have the 2010 Mid Term Congressional Elections, a lot of Jewish voters in Florida and New York, then we have the 2012 Presidential Election, Obama cant be seen favouring Iran over Israel. Thus again to the Israeli PM, call the Obama bluff, he is bluffing, his cards are jokers, while your at it strike Iran, just before the Mid Term Congressional Elections would be quite good.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Binyamin Netanyahu = NOT OUT

Guardian: Even the left Guardian has some words of caution for the Obama Administration, the Guardian states the following, " But Netanyahu's fight plan is formidable, his red lines clear, and his blood is up.....Bibi is a tough nut to crack. ". Thus those that think that because Obama has won over health care reform that makes him stronger in the Middle East are misreading the Middle East and American politics. Th US Congress in the shape of Speaker Pelosi will always support Israel, the Congress will rebuff actions that have a negative effect on Israel. Also they will do that due to the political calender, the Democrats can not afford to lose the Israeli Lobby before the 2010 Mid Term Congressional Elections and Obama can not afford to lose them before the 2012 Presidential Election. The real worry is that Iran will misread the relationship between Israel and the USA. They could go for broke and try to get the bomb faster than most intelligence agencies think at the present. Thus Obama should have a picture of LBJ on his desk, it was not the Great Society that bought down LBJ it was Vietnam, lets hope Obama does not allow Iran to bring him down as it bought down President Carter.

Obama vs Israel

CBS News: Reports on the tense frozen relationship between the Obama Administration and Israel. As stated many writers have made the connection between Obama winning health care reform and his ability to bully Israel. There is no connection, just because POTUS could bully his Democrats in the House, he can be told to get lost by Israel due to the fact as shown of late the Israeli Government has a lot of support on the Hill. At a recent news event Speaker Pelosi made of point of stating that the Republicans and Democrats stood as one when it came to the support of Israel. Thus the Israeli PM can tell Obama to get lost, Obama could threaten to cut funds for Israeli security, a) Congress would rebuff him and also restate the money b) the Israeli lobby would would and could cause a political nightmare for Obama on the Hill. Its when a firm support of Israel like Ronald Reagan makes a threat as he did over Israeli action in Lebanon that Israeli Government have to take notice, also Israel has a Ace up its sleeve, it can bomb Iran at a time of its choosing, and place Obama in a tight political spot, support and lose the Middle East or be critical and lose the Presidency in the 2012. The Israeli Government can wait out President Obama, as can Russia, China and Iran.

USA and Russia - Nuclear Arms Deal

Fox News: Reports that the USA and Russia are close to a major nuclear arms deal, the treaty will be signed in the Czech Republic. Thus the Obama appeasement of Russia at the expense of the Czech Republic and Poland seems to have born some fruits. As your humble correspondent was a child of the Cold War the ending of the Cold War was a major achievement by Presidents Reagan and Gorbachev, thus its time that the USA and Russia really made deep cuts in their nuclear arsenals. But to quote the Gipper lets " Trust but Verify "*

* "Remarks on Signing the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty, December 8, 1987 ".The Public Papers of President Ronald W. Reagan. Ronald Reagan Presidential Library. (accessed 24 March 2010)

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Afghanistan Front News

MOD: Has released the name of the British Soldier killed on Monday in Afghanistan, the soldier was " Serjeant Steven Campbell, from 3rd Battalion The Rifles ". Our thoughts are with the family of Serjeant Campbell.

Israel to Obama = GET LOST

The Times: Reports that in effect Israel will tell President Obama to get lost when it comes to the Israeli decision to build 1,600 new homes in East Jerusalem. There have been some reviews that suggest that because President Obama has passed health care reform this gives him power to solve the Middle East, one word RUBBISH. Lets see LBJ passed the Great Society and what was that war that he solved, was it Vietnam, no Vietnam bought down President Johnson, the fact that most liberal writes fail to get is the fact that a majority of Americans oppose ObamaCare, tax hikes and forcing Americans buy to insurance will not go down well with Middle America. The arrogance of the left is the idea that once ObamaCare is passed that Americans will love it, lets recall a majority of Americans who have Medical cover did not have a problem, the main idea of ObamaCare to is to give cover to an extra thirty two million Americans, that costs money and thus we come back to taxes, higher taxes and as stated what happened to Democrats after 1968. President Obama has to worry about the 2010 Mid Term Congressional Elections, he now has the job of selling health care reform, it has been noted that HCR had no Republican support and a majority of Americans opposed the plan. Thus if your Israel you might be thinking, Obama might think he has got some street cred from his HCR actions but he could be in a very big political hole of his own making. Thus over the next couple of months he will have to sell HCR, thus tax hikes and forcing Americans to buy medical cover, he does not have the clout to demand anything from Israel. The House and Senate would over turn any cuts in the financial help to Israel, even Speaker Pelosi can not fight the Israeli lobby, they have the power and the money to really make Obama's Oval days a nightmare. Thus time for Israel to say to Obama GET LOST, what are you going to do about it, bow to Iran?

CNN - Obama at 51% Disapproval

CNN News: Reports on the further slide in the Obama approval ratings, the latest poll has Obama on 51% Disapproval and 46% Approval. It comes down to one issue folks, health care reform, the US voter thought they had voted for one kind of Obama Presidency and have found they have elected another Walter Mondale. The demand that US citizens have to buy medical cover for just being born in the United States will take the issue to the US Supreme Court, also lets not forget that Obama might not be that popular with the five Conservative Justices after he abused them in public at the State of the Union Address. The US Supreme Court is an equal part of the US Constitution they could declare that health care reform is not legal, they could do that before the 2010 or 2012 elections. This is the time the US voter will see if Obama is another Carter or Reagan, Carter was bought down by Iran, lets see what is the major Foreign Policy problem that Obama has not dealt with, yes its Iran and its nuclear plans. In the first couple years of the Reagan Presidency the Gipper was down in the polls but sank VP Mondale in 1984 by 49 states and 59% of the vote. Lets see if Obama is a good seller, if not the House and Senate will be gone in 2010 and he will be a one term President in 2012.

UK vs Israel

BBC News: Reports that the UK is to throw out an Israeli Diplomat due to the use of stolen UK passports in the murder of a Terrorist. One word folks, GOOD, this blog supports Israel but not when its actions effect UK interests or Crown Subjects. If Israel needs to remove threats to its National Security they should use the passports of other countries, what about the French, no likes the French, or other EU countries. Israel be warned the UK Government will not tolerate the abuse of UK Subjects.

Monday, March 22, 2010

HCR and the Republicans

The New York Times: Reports on the Republican strategy to repeal ObamaCare, the articles states the following, " challenge its constitutionality and coordinate efforts in statehouses to block its implementation. ". The Liberal NYT supports Obama Care and health care reform, but even in the article one can see that the NYT sees that there are hurdles ahead, if this was a time of economic growth then one can argue for ObamaCare but we have a slight problem, the USA and the West is in a major recession, and the one thing people want is jobs, not health care reform, but jobs, and Obama has spent over a year and a half on heath care reform, because he signs it in to law on Tuesday does not mean that the issue goes away, quite reverse, for the next eight months Obama and the Democrats will have to defend ObamaCare and the prize tag. This is not the 1960s, its not just down to the liberal media, there are Conservatives out there, an interesting point was raised on Fox News this morning by a Business Anchor, to get the Bill passed the Senate the Democrats had to take out measure that allowed the US Government to limit the costs of prize hikes in medical cover, also the drug companies have twelve years of exclusive right to use their expensive drugs, in other words the US can not import the cheaper stuff from abroad, also as even the liberal New York Times notes the cost of medical cover will not go down, the NYT writes the following on health care reform, " unlikely to actually bring the cost of health insurance down, " Thus lets see how those guilty of passing the Act tell their voters that A) They have to buy medical cover or face a cost B) That medical costs for drugs will not go down C) That to cover those without medical cover the costs of getting medical cover will have to go up D) Since the US Government is now in charge of running the health care system the will want to cut corners, in less your rich you will get less cover, E) Also your Doctor might close down or not cover you as he will get money cuts from the US Government. At the end of the day Obama has shown that he cares more about his Agenda that the US voter. R&R Time people.

Vote these OUT in 2010 - HCR

These are the guilty House members who passed ObamaCare, throw them out on the streets in November. RR Time. THE GUILTY = Party before Country.

AckermanAndrewsBacaBairdBaldwinBeanBecerraBerkleyBermanBishop (GA)Bishop (NY)BlumenauerBoccieriBoswellBoydBrady (PA)Braley (IA)Brown, CorrineButterfieldCappsCapuanoCardozaCarnahanCarneyCarson (IN)Castor (FL)ChuClarkeClayCleaverClyburnCohenConnolly (VA)ConyersCooperCostaCostelloCourtneyCrowleyCuellarCummingsDahlkemperDavis (CA)Davis (IL)DeFazioDeGetteDelahuntDeLauroDicksDingellDoggettDonnelly (IN)DoyleDriehausEdwards (MD)EllisonEllsworthEngelEshooEtheridgeFarrFattahFilnerFosterFrank (MA)FudgeGaramendiGiffordsGonzalezGordon (TN)GraysonGreen, AlGreen, Gene
GrijalvaGutierrezHall (NY)HalvorsonHareHarmanHastings (FL)HeinrichHigginsHillHimesHincheyHinojosaHironoHodesHoltHondaHoyerInsleeIsraelJackson (IL)Jackson Lee (TX)Johnson (GA)Johnson, E. B.KagenKanjorskiKapturKennedyKildeeKilpatrick (MI)KilroyKindKirkpatrick (AZ)Klein (FL)KosmasKucinichLangevinLarsen (WA)Larson (CT)Lee (CA)LevinLewis (GA)LoebsackLofgren, ZoeLoweyLujánMaffeiMaloneyMarkey (CO)Markey (MA)MatsuiMcCarthy (NY)McCollumMcDermottMcGovernMcNerneyMeek (FL)Meeks (NY)MichaudMiller (NC)Miller, GeorgeMitchellMollohanMoore (KS)Moore (WI)Moran (VA)Murphy (CT)Murphy (NY)Murphy, PatrickNadler (NY)NapolitanoNeal (MA)Oberstar
ObeyOlverOrtizOwensPallonePascrellPastor (AZ)PaynePelosiPerlmutterPerrielloPetersPingree (ME)Polis (CO)PomeroyPrice (NC)QuigleyRahallRangelReyesRichardsonRodriguezRothman (NJ)Roybal-AllardRuppersbergerRushRyan (OH)SalazarSánchez, Linda T.Sanchez, LorettaSarbanesSchakowskySchauerSchiffSchraderSchwartzScott (GA)Scott (VA)SerranoSestakShea-PorterShermanSiresSlaughterSmith (WA)SnyderSpeierSprattStarkStupakSuttonThompson (CA)Thompson (MS)TierneyTitusTonkoTownsTsongasVan HollenVelázquezViscloskyWalzWasserman SchultzWatersWatsonWattWaxmanWeinerWelchWilson (OH)WoolseyWuYarmuth

Repeal & Replace (RR)

Repeal & Replace

2010 VOTE

Win one for the Gipper, Ronald Reagan ( RR) and win for the USA

Death in Afghanistan

MOD: Reports that a British Soldier was killed today in Afghanistan, the soldier was from the " A Company, 3rd Battalion The Rifles, serving as part of the 3 RIFLES Battle Group ". Thus since 2001 the UK has lost 276 of its Armed Forces Personnel in Afghanistan, of that total it has lost 243 in combat operations and 33 due to illness, accidents or other incidents.

219 -212 = Obama Win in HCR

BBC News: Reports on the passing of US health care reform by the House of Representatives. Thus Obama and the Democrats have to sell the Act to the American people, although there are benefits in the Act, its not those that worry the political types, its the ones that people feel in the wallet or purse. Thus the Republicans will run on a simple message of repeal and replace, they Republicans will state that they will repeal Obama Care that forces US citizens to buy insurance under threat of legal action, also they will cancel the tax hikes, these last two start straight away. Lets recall a majority of Americans are happy with their medical cover, when they find out that the insurance companies have to raise their costs to pay for the thirty two million of Americans who do not have cover they will turn to the Republicans. As stated in many posts on this blog the success of the Great Society of LBJ did not lead to years of Democrats in the White House, quite the reverse, just think that after the end of the Cold War the US turned to Democrats in the shape of Bill Clinton, a moderate Democrat when looking at President Obama. Sometimes the prize is the fight, once Party either Democrat or Republican win the policy the wind goes out of their balloon. Thus Democrats might find they will look at the old saying , be careful what you wish for, you might get the result but lose the War.

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Obama and Abortion Rights Part Two

It seems that President Obama has sold Democratic women out, to get health care reform through the House the President has caved on the demands by anti abortion Congressman, Rep. Stupak. The White House has released the most shameful of press releases, the White House states the following, " Today, the President announced that he will be issuing an executive order after the passage of the health insurance reform law that will reaffirm its consistency with longstanding restrictions on the use of federal funds for abortion. While the legislation as written maintains current law, the executive order provides additional safeguards to ensure that the status quo is upheld and enforced, and that the health care legislation’s restrictions against the public funding of abortions cannot be circumvented. The President has said from the start that this health insurance reform should not be the forum to upset longstanding precedent. The health care legislation and this executive order are consistent with this principle. The President is grateful for the tireless efforts of leaders on both sides of this issue to craft a consensus approach that allows the bill to move forward. A text of the pending executive order follows:

EXECUTIVE ORDER - - - - - - - ENSURING ENFORCEMENT AND IMPLEMENTATION OF ABORTION RESTRICTIONS IN THE PATIENT PROTECTION AND AFFORDABLE CARE ACT By the authority vested in me as President by the Constitution and the laws of the United States of America, including the “Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act” (approved March __, 2010), I hereby order as follows:

Section 1. Policy. Following the recent passage of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (“the Act”), it is necessary to establish an adequate enforcement mechanism to ensure that Federal funds are not used for abortion services (except in cases of rape or incest, or when the life of the woman would be endangered), consistent with a longstanding Federal statutory restriction that is commonly known as the Hyde Amendment. The purpose of this Executive Order is to establish a comprehensive, government-wide set of policies and procedures to achieve this goal and to make certain that all relevant actors—Federal officials, state officials (including insurance regulators) and health care providers—are aware of their responsibilities, new and old. The Act maintains current Hyde Amendment restrictions governing abortion policy and extends those restrictions to the newly-created health insurance exchanges. Under the Act, longstanding Federal laws to protect conscience (such as the Church Amendment, 42 U.S.C. §300a-7, and the Weldon Amendment, Pub. L. No. 111-8, §508(d)(1) (2009)) remain intact and new protections prohibit discrimination against health care facilities and health care providers because of an unwillingness to provide, pay for, provide coverage of, or refer for abortions. Numerous executive agencies have a role in ensuring that these restrictions are enforced, including the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), the Office of Management and Budget (OMB), and the Office of Personnel Management (OPM).

Section 2. Strict Compliance with Prohibitions on Abortion Funding in Health Insurance Exchanges. The Act specifically prohibits the use of tax credits and cost-sharing reduction payments to pay for abortion services (except in cases of rape or incest, or when the life of the woman would be endangered) in the health insurance exchanges that will be operational in 2014. The Act also imposes strict payment and accounting requirements to ensure that Federal funds are not used for abortion services in exchange plans (except in cases of rape or incest, or when the life of the woman would be endangered) and requires state health insurance commissioners to ensure that exchange plan funds are segregated by insurance companies in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles, OMB funds management circulars, and accounting guidance provided by the Government Accountability Office. I hereby direct the Director of OMB and the Secretary of HHS to develop, within 180 days of the date of this Executive Order, a model set of segregation guidelines for state health insurance commissioners to use when determining whether exchange plans are complying with the Act’s segregation requirements, established in Section 1303 of the Act, for enrollees receiving Federal financial assistance. The guidelines shall also offer technical information that states should follow to conduct independent regular audits of insurance companies that participate in the health insurance exchanges. In developing these model guidelines, the Director of OMB and the Secretary of HHS shall consult with executive agencies and offices that have relevant expertise in accounting principles, including, but not limited to, the Department of the Treasury, and with the Government Accountability Office. Upon completion of those model guidelines, the Secretary of HHS should promptly initiate a rulemaking to issue regulations, which will have the force of law, to interpret the Act’s segregation requirements, and shall provide guidance to state health insurance commissioners on how to comply with the model guidelines.

Section 3. Community Health Center Program. The Act establishes a new Community Health Center (CHC) Fund within HHS, which provides additional Federal funds for the community health center program. Existing law prohibits these centers from using federal funds to provide abortion services (except in cases of rape or incest, or when the life of the woman would be endangered), as a result of both the Hyde Amendment and longstanding regulations containing the Hyde language. Under the Act, the Hyde language shall apply to the authorization and appropriations of funds for Community Health Centers under section 10503 and all other relevant provisions. I hereby direct the Secretary of HHS to ensure that program administrators and recipients of Federal funds are aware of and comply with the limitations on abortion services imposed on CHCs by existing law. Such actions should include, but are not limited to, updating Grant Policy Statements that accompany CHC grants and issuing new interpretive rules.

Section 4. General Provisions. (a) Nothing in this Executive Order shall be construed to impair or otherwise affect: (i) authority granted by law or presidential directive to an agency, or the head thereof; or (ii) functions of the Director of the Office of Management and Budget relating to budgetary, administrative, or legislative proposals.(b) This Executive Order shall be implemented consistent with applicable law and subject to the availability of appropriations.(c) This Executive Order is not intended to, and does not, create any right or benefit, substantive or procedural, enforceable at law or in equity against the United States, its departments, agencies, entities, officers, employees or agents, or any other person.

The above throws women under the bus, the Democrats have no shame.

Obama and Abortion Rights

RCP Blog: Has the Executive Order by President Obama that restricts US Government support for the right of women to have aid for Abortion. As stated days ago health care reform was going to happen, but it seems the Obama Chicago mob are willing to sell women down the river so Obama, Pelosi and Reid can look good to conservative Democrats. It is not that surprising that Obama would sell women out, the Democrats always expect women groups to defend an errant Democrat but are the first to be sold out by that leadership when its in their interest. Thus Obama will have his " historic moment " one can argue that LBJ would be impressed with the fact that Obama got his historic moment but the difference between Obama and LBJ is the fact that LBJ knew with his Great Society that there would be a political cost, thus Republican Presidents or moderate Democrats after 1968, Obama might be under the illusion that history will be kind to him, not if the Democrats are out of power for two generations.

Iran and the USSR

LA Times: Reports on President Obama's policy toward Iran, the Obama White House has stated its opposition to Iran getting the bomb, the article states the following on this policy, " The....administration's goal is still to prevent Iran from acquiring nuclear weapons. But like many of the president's worthy aspirations, this one may be unattainable. " As noted in many news reports the USA has placed missile defences in countries around Iran, very much like the old NATO policy during the Cold War when it came to the USSR. Thus we come to the point of the article, the main argument is for a Cold War policy of containment, but this would be a disaster for the Middle East, the rest of region would be forced in to arms race, the countries would ask themselves would Obama or his successors really defend them if the balloon went up, these countries would have seen how Obama has appeased Russia at the expense of Poland and the Czech Republic, and for what, nothing in return, Russia and China are opposed to strong UN sanctions against Iran. The idea of containment is an old policy that worked on the whole for Europe, but the USA still had to fight communist threat in other parts of the globe, in the case of Iran the Tehran Regime would use its support of terrorists such as the Taliban in Afghanistan to cause problems for NATO and any American President. As the Sunday Times reported today the Tehran Regime has a three month terrorist training plan for the Taliban, a nuclear armed Iran would be more of a threat to the region and the West. Thus there is one actor that has the final say that is Israel, at the end of the day if Obama is weak then Israel will have to attack Iran and Obama will have to support the move, at the rate he is going he will be a one term President, but he wants a fighting chance in 2012, thus he will have to support Israel, if he does not the Congress of the USA will, its that simple and brutal, that is Chicago politics D.C. style.

The Taliban and Iran

Fox News: Reports on a article in the UK Sunday Times that reports how the Taliban of Afghanistan have had training from Iran on how to attack NATO forces in Afghanistan. As stated it wont be HCR that will bring down President Obama, it will be his own arrogance when it comes to Iran. The President believes that his own rhetoric will somehow be reality, the difference is that Iran has told Obama to get lost, he does come across as a love sick puppy, who has been told by girl to get lost, he does not get the message, thought that was called a stalker. It comes down to one simple fact, Iran wants the bomb, it does not care if Obama goes on his knees to Iran; he has bowed that far to the Emperor of Japan; the regime in Tehran gets the fact that while its in a war of words with the USA it can suppress the internal opposition and make a play to lead the Middle East. Also we have the wild card of Israel, since Obama seems happy to attack the allies of the USA while allowing Russia off the hook, the Government of Israel might return the favour and attack Iran before the Mid Term Congressional Elections. That would be ironic folks.

Historic Day - Health Care Reform

The New York Times: Reports that Speaker Pelosi will have a narrow win in the House to pass health care reform, the NYT states the following, " the margin of victory would likely be razor thin even under their most optimistic scenario. Republicans.....still held out hope of derailing the legislation. ". Whatever you think about the process the Obama White House will have a major win, it will have shown that Obama has the same presence as LBJ when it comes to getting laws through Congress. On other hand POTUS might just find that he has won the battle but lost the War. After 1968 for the most part it was Republicans in the Oval or moderate Democrats, in the UK after 1945 and after the Labour Government it was the Conservative Party that was the Party of Government. The seeking of the prize is sometimes more important than the prize itself, thus Obama will get HCR but the cost might be that he will lose the House in 2010 even the Senate and he will be a one term President after 2012. But President Obama will have his win, but lets recall it was not the Great Society of LBJ that bought him down it was Vietnam, and in odd way it might be Iran that brings Obama down, and why you might ask, simple they can tell President Obama to get lost.

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Iran Redux

Since HCR will pass on Sunday its time to go back to the issue that will make Obama the next Jimmy Carter, that is Iran.

The New York Times: Reports on the failure of the Obama Administration to get agreement from China and Russia for tough UN sanctions on Iran. The NYT writes the following, " Now the administration is discovering what President George W. Bush discovered: winning each successive round of sanctions against Iran is harder and harder,..." Thus the year of appeasing by Obama has gotten the USA a slap in the face by Iran, Russia and China. The one problem that President Obama does not get is the fact that he can push House Democrats to pass HCR but Iran, China and Russia can tell him to get lost, they see a weak leader, lets look at recent events, while Secretary Clinton is told to get lost by Russia in Moscow over its economic links with Iran the Obama White House does not react, but it will attack Israel an alley in the Middle East over its right to build houses in its own country. Thus as stated if President Obama fails to get tough sanctions on Iran the Government of Israel will have no choice but to attack Iran, the Government of Israel should wait in till the end of October, just a few days before the Mid Term Congressional Elections in USA, an attack on Iran by Israel would place Obama in a tight spot, he might want to be critical of Israel but he wont be allowed to be by the Election process, he does not want to be on the same page as Iran and attacking any Israeli action, the Democrats would be swept aside in both the House and Senate should Obama attack Israel before the Mid Term Congressional Elections. President Obama has one major flaw, he thinks if he says something its reality; its must be in the Chicago water; just like Jimmy Carter his own arrogance and his naivety about Foreign Policy will make him a one term bad President, Obama should remember that it was not the Great Society ( or HCR in the case of Obama ) that bought down LBJ it was Vietnam, the failure of Obama and a strike by Israel and the arrogance of the Oval will make Obama a one term President in 2012.

The War is over - HCR - Small Scale Action - Congress

The DC: Reports on the latest move by Rep. Stupak for tougher abortion language in the the health care reform bill. The liberal Democratic Congressional leadership has not caved to anti abortion Democrats when it comes to reform, this is good or their part. This blog has opposed HCR from the start but since its going to happen the Democrats should push for the US Government to pay for abortions or least fund the majority of the cost. The House leadership should not cave to Rep. Stupak, the DC reports that the leadership is still talking to Rep. Stupak over his new ideas to make the anti abortion language stronger, this is wrong, on this issue the leadership is right, support the right of women to have an abortion.

Sunday Vote - HCR

Fox News: Reports that Speaker Pelosi has the 216 votes in the House to pass health care reform. As stated days ago Speaker Pelosi had the votes but wanted to make herself look good with a couple of votes over the margin. My one prediction once the vote tally reaches 216 every Congressman/woman who have not voted will turn in to NO votes. Thus as HCR will pass the Republicans have to move on to the next battle, the Mid Term Congressional Elections, every moderate and conservative Democrat who vote for HCR have made themselves open to defeat. Thus go through the process on Sunday and the next minute run on a simple agenda, Repeal ObamaCare. Thus my prediction that the House will go Republicans and the Senate could also be in play in 2010.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Afghanistan Front News

MOD: Has released the names of the British Soldiers that died in Afghanistan on Tuesday, the Soldiers were, " Lance Corporal Scott Hardy and Private James Grigg from 1st Battalion The Royal Anglian Regiment, part of the Household Cavalry Regiment Battle Group ". Our thoughts are with the families of Lance Corporal Hardy and Private Grigg.

More bad News - Obama's Polls

Gallup: Reports that Obama is still going South in the polls, the latest poll of Presidential approval ratings has Obama on 46% Approval but 48% Disapproval. The downward trend for President Obama is based on one single issue, that is health care reform, the Oval has allowed the Congress to drive the Agenda, if your President you really don't need Speaker Pelosi and Senator Reid as your outriders on any policy. Thus when Congress does the business and finally says okay to HCR the Oval will have to sell the Act. The problem is that there is only eight months to go before the 2010 Mid Term Congressional Elections, the Republicans will force HCR down the throat of Democrats. Also the American voter will see tax hikes and American citizens will be forced to buy medical cover. The cost of that cover will not go down, in fact most Americans will see their costs go up. Thus Democrats will have to defend three negatives, this is why Obama, Pelosi and Reid will wake up in November with a Republican Congress. Also the end result that Obama will lose big time in 2012, that will be fun, the arrogance meets the road and the road to one term President wins, have to admit this blog is really looking forward to seeing Obama's face defeated, his arrogance wont understand it, that's the fun part folks.

Sunday Vote - HCR

The Hill: Reports that the House could vote on Sunday on health care reform. As stated Speaker Pelosi would not go to the floor without the votes in her handbag already, thus the past few days have been a stunt. Either by a straight vote or a parliamentary trick Speaker Pelosi will get HCR through the House, thus the next stage for Republicans is to shape the 2010 Campaign on a basic message, REPEAL health care reform. Lets recall the negatives for Democrats, there are tax hikes and Americans will have to buy medical cover. It is now near the end of March, that is six months, the Republicans should stress repeal every day, they should force the issue down the throat of every Democrat. Also moderate and conservative Democrats who vote for HCR should have their districts flooded with TV ads that mention this fact every day of every week for the next six months. Keep it simple Republicans and win.

Repeal ObamaCare

Repeal ObamaCare
Vote Republican
Vote November Mid Term Congressional Elections

ObamaCare = 940 Billion

Fox News: Reports that the Congressional Budge Office has stated that health care reform will cost the US tax payer 940 Billion over ten years. One word folks, that is RUBBISH, health care costs always goes up, the NHS in the UK is a classic example, if your old in the UK there are some real horror stories of neglect in some NHS hospitals. The point of ObamaCare at its essence is to get old people to die off faster as they don't pay any more tax, while the young pay tax and thus pay for the system. That is the real world folks, Obama is good at rhetoric but would not trust him to take my dog for walk without getting it lost, thought and practice are two different thing folks.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

HCR by the Weekend ?

The Hill: Reports on fresh hope by the Democratic leadership that the House will pass health care reform, the article states the following, " Momentum seemed to be building Wednesday for Democrats on health care, though they still appeared short of the necessary votes. ". It seems that moderate and conservative Democrats have decided to commit political suicide, it would be simpler to get caught with a high class hooker. Thus how will the Obama White House spin this bill before the Mid Term Elections, they will stress that insurance companies can no longer reject people with pre existing conditions, no cap on the cost of cover, also around thirty million Americans will get cover, on the negative side the Republicans will stress that Obama in major recession has spent a trillion dollars not on jobs but to cover a minority of Americans. Also we have the tax hikes, lets see how popular they are for Americans, also Americans will be forced to buy insurance, lets see if the US Courts strike that down. Thus still my prediction that Obama has handed the Presidency to the Republicans for the next forty years, just like LBJ, this victory for Obama is a tactical, the War has just been won by the Republicans.

Obama's decline in Approval

Gallup Daily: The Obama decline in the polls has reached the Gallup Daily tracking Poll, in the latest snapshot, Obama has a 46% approval rating, but is disapproved by 47%. The Gallup poll is of average voters, thus the Obama obsession with health care reform is staring to hit his own base of support in the young, who tend to say they support POTUS but don't come out and vote. Thus even after Speaker Pelosi has pushed through HCR, the cost could be that the Democrats lose the House in November and POTUS is defeated when it comes to his re-election run in 2012. Obama stated recently that he would rather be a good one term President than a average two term President, Obama is going to find what a bad first term President feels like when he is defeated in 2012. The arrogance of Obama always comes at a cost, that is the way of life, thus the Political Gods that saw Obama win in 2008 will see him become like Walter Mondale, defeated by 49 states in 2012. You have to love those Political Gods.

Afghanistan Front News

MOD: Has released the name of the soldier that died in the UK due to wounds sustained in Afghanistan, the soldier was " Captain Martin Driver from 1st Battalion The Royal Anglian Regiment, serving as part of the Household Cavalry Regiment Battle Group ". Our thoughts are with the family of Captain Driver.

Deaths in Afghanistan

MOD: Reports that two British Soldiers have been killed in Afghanistan, the soldiers were from the " 1st Battalion The Royal Anglian Regiment, part of the Household Cavalry Regiment Battle Group ". Thus since 2001 the UK has lost 275 of its Armed Forces Personnel in Afghanistan, of that total it has lost 242 in combat operations and 33 duel to illness, accidents or other incidents. In 2009 the UK lost three soldiers in March, thus far this month the UK has lost nine soldiers. It seems each month we are losing more more soldiers than last year, something is going wrong on the ground in Afghanistan.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

1 Vote WIN - HCR ?

The Hill: Has a prediction on the health care vote, the articles states that Speaker Pelosi will win by one vote, the tally for HCR would be 216 - 215. As stated this blog has predicted a two to three vote win for Speaker Pelosi, Fox News has a reverse prediction 211 - 220 against the Bill. The Speaker will not go to the floor without the votes. Thus with pressure from Speaker Pelosi and the Oval Office moderate and conservative Democrats will sacrifice their political careers for the political leadership. No greater sacrifice that the liberal leadership will kill the political careers of their own members.

The Altmire Choice - HCR

Politico: Reports on the tea leaves reading of Rep. Altmire of Pennsyvlania, a blue dog Democrat that could be as the LA Times points out the vote that could pass or sink health care reform. The Congressman thinks that Speaker Pelosi is having trouble getting the votes for HCR. It can be argued that Rep Altmire is not reading Speaker Pelosi in the correct manner, the Speaker would have to be on pot to take HCR to the floor if she does not have the votes. This blog has predicted a two to three vote win for ObamaCare, but also predicted that the House will go Republican in 2010 and that Obama will either not run in 2012 or will be like Walter Mondale and lose by 49 states to Scott Brown of Mass.

The CON is ON - HCR

The New York Times: Reports that Speaker Pelosi might use a Parliamentary trick to get health care reform through, the NYT writes the following, " Once the rule is adopted, the Senate bill would be “deemed” to have passed without House members actually voting on it. ". In other words a con folks, the House would be voting on the health care reform in reality but it would look like they are voting on their preferred Bill. This is a con that would make con men blush, if this is the level of corruption that the Democrats have fallen too they will suffer a political tsunami in the 2010 Mid Term Congressional Elections. If moderate and conservative Democrats want a political career they will throw Pelosi over the political cliff, otherwise it will be Pelosi who feeds her members to the lions. Of course Pelosi is safe in her liberal district.

Afghanistan Death - Afghanistan Front News

MOD: Reports that a British Soldier has died of his wounds suffered in Afghanistan, the soldier was in the UK when he died. The soldier was from the " 1st Battalion The Royal Anglian Regiment, serving as part of the Household Cavalry Regiment Battle Group ". Thus since 2001 the UK has lost 273 of its Armed Forces Personnel in Afghanistan, of that total it has lost 240 in combat operations and 33 due to illness, accidents or other incidents.

Monday, March 15, 2010

Out of Left Field - 2010 Mid Term Elections

The New Republic: Argues that the Obama White House needs to follow the 1982 Reagan model for the Mid Term Elections, that Obama needs to follow the Reagan message of " staying the course." Its an interesting perspective but is let down by a view out of left field, the article states the following on the Obama message so far, " But Obama (has ) been reluctant to stigmatize George W. Bush and the Republicans--perhaps out of a spirit of bipartisanship. " In less I have been asleep for year that all Obama has done since January 20th 2009 is to blame Bush 43, from the economic to foreign affairs, lets be clear Obama is no Ronald Reagan, he lacks the ability to tell a story, the American story, Reagan as an ex actor new that it was important that the audience or voter understood the overall message if not details, Obama is all about details, thus his obsession with health care reform. As recent elections have shown the Obama magic touch has gone out of the window, some of his staff see him as the second coming, Mr Emanuel is the exception to that rule. Thus when it comes to a clear simple message the last person you need is President Obama, his own intellectual arrogance complicates the message and can lead to the Republicans taking over the House. The real political world will hit the Oval when the Republicans are in charge of Congress and just say No to Obama, as POTUS said himself, elections have consequences, the question is will Obama be Reagan or Mondale in 1984.


The New York Times: Has an Editorial that comes out in favour the Senate version of health care reform and attacks Anti Abortion Democrats in the House, the liberal NYT states the following, " Anti-abortion Democrats need to show similar statesmanship and accept the Senate’s restrictive provisions. They owe it to all Americans. ". On this specific aspect of HCR the liberal NYT is right, if and when the House does pass HCR it has language that is weaker on abortion than at present and would allow for women to get abortion via government funds. In this one case the liberal leadership was right not to cave to conservative Democrats, the Government should fund or help with abortion costs. Thus on this specific issue an salute to the liberal NYT.

If they Deni, ITS TRUE - White House

CNN News: Reports on the rejection by close Obama Aide David Axelrod of tensions between himslef and Obama's Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel. A rule of thump folks if Government denies a story take it as fact, so there is political tension between those that worship Obama as the second coming and the real political operators such as Mr Emanuel. It comes down to one issue folks, that is health care reform, the Obama worshippers want to push HCR through even at the cost of losing the Hill to the Republicans, they only see Obama, while Mr Emanuel sees the next election, that is the Mid Term Elections in November being a disaster for Democrats. As stated after the Congress passes HCR the Obama White House will have to sell the Act, interesting notion to sell tax hikes and forcing Americans to buy insurance. That is why Obama will be a one term President.

216 on HCR - NOT YET?

RCP: Reports that Speaker Pelosi does not have the House votes yet to pass health care reform. When you come to news reports about the vote count you believe the side you want to win, it can be argued that Speaker Pelosi would not delude herself and more important the White House that she had the votes if she didn't have the votes. The lack of votes could be a ruse to get more votes beyond 216 to make the Speaker look good, also give cover to moderate and conservative Democrats. As stated the Bill will pass, the Democrats in the House don't have the political common sense to get the fact that Obama is throwing them over the cliff, Pelosi and Obama are safe when it comes to re-election, moderate and conservative Democrats are going to go over the cliff and there will be no nets to save them from political reality. Thus in 2010 Mid Term Elections the Republicans will retake the House and lot of Democrats will be looking for jobs.

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Containment - Iran

The New York Times: Reports on US policy towards Iran should it get the nuclear bomb, the Obama Administration has stressed that it will never allow a nuclear armed Iran but as the article states, " the administration races to add antimissile systems and a naval presence in the Gulf........ sure looks like the building blocks of a nuclear containment policy...". The one issue that the article fails to deal with is the fact that another actor has a veto on any containment policy, that is Israel. The Israeli Government does not care if Obama wants or does not want to contain Iran, if Iran becomes a threat to Israel then Israel will take action and Obama will have to life with the consequences, he does not get a veto when it comes to Israeli security. Also the idea of containment is based on a false assumption, that assumption is that Iran is stable, like the old USSR, buts lets recall the August Coup of 1991, thus it can be argued Iran is not stable given the recent protests in the streets. One can postulate that one day the opposition in Iran will get its act together and you have mass protests on the streets of Tehran, the Regime having developed the bomb has to divert attention or they will be hanging from the nearest yard arm, thus one can see a 3am call to Obama to tell him that Israel is under threat from a nuclear attack, that how stable Iran is at the present. Thus folks containment was a policy for a different era, this era requires military action by either the USA or Israel.

Blue Dog Democrats and 2010

LA Times: Reports on the political pressures on blue dog Democrat Jason Altmire, the liberal LA Times states the following, " Because as Jason Altmire goes, so goes the nation -- at least when it comes to the Democrats' quest for health care reform. ". The Congressman faces a problem, the pressure from the liberal leadership in the House and his Conservative District, Speaker Pelosi has stated that members in Congress should risk their political futures and vote for HCR. As stated it can be postulated that the Speaker has the votes already to get HCR through, Pelosi would not be foolish to risk a loss, the real question is does she want to make the victory look good, thus Congressman Altmire should ask himself if Speaker Pelosi has the votes why should he risk his political career just to make the Speaker look good to the liberal base. Thus its safe for Rep. Altmire to vote NO as Pelosi has the votes already to pass HCR.