Tuesday, March 30, 2010

50% Disapproval of POTUS

Real Clear Politics Blog: Reports on more bad news for the Obama White House, a new poll for USAT/Gallup shows that President Obama has a 47% approval rating, while 50% Disapprove. RCP states the following on the poll, " pretty grim for the President and his party ". The negative tend of the Obama ratings is down to one issue folks, yes back to health care reform. The spin that the Oval gave to blue dog democrats was that once the Bill was passed the public would buy its benefits, no ban on pre - existing conditions, no cap on the cost of cover, millions of Americans who do not have cover will get cove, but the negatives are more important in the run up to the 2010 Mid Term Congressional Elections, the tax hikes, forcing Americans to buy medical cover, the cutting of benefits to those that are old, and the big bear in the debate, the cost folks, near a TRILLION dollars. If the Act is not repealed the US will go the way of Rome and British Empires and go broke, the cost of health care never goes down, the liberals either believe their own spin or have been economic with the truth. The Republicans should run on one simple slogan, REPEAL OBAMA CARE.

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