Thursday, March 25, 2010

The Time to Strike Iran

The Times: Reports on the disastrous Summit meeting between President Obama and the PM of Israel, Binyamin Netanyahu. This could be the perfect time for Israel to hit Iran, the USA under Obama is NEVER, NEVER going to strike Iran or place tough sanctions on Tehran. Thus the Obama ego after health care reform has gone stellar, someone needs to remind the President that when he is Mayor of Jerusalem he can have viewpoint on planning or even a vote. Think if Russia decided to make a point about building in Washington D.C. The problem with the Obama ego is that while its effective on the domestic front in till the November elections, his ego could cause a war in the Middle East due to the fact that Obama has no clue about the Middle East, he might have been trained a lawyer but don't recall him ever getting a degree in International Politics. Lets see Obama has damaged the US relationship with Israel its main ally in the Middle East but is appeasing Iran and North Korea. One has decide on the empirical evidence that Obama wants to be a one term President, he has pushed health care reform down the throats of the US voter, he has appeased Russia at the expense of the Czech Republic and Poland, and now he is letting Iran off the hook and being critical of Israel. Thus if your in Israel one has to ask why not attack Iran, really show that Obama is holding jokers, the US Congress will always support Israel over Obama when it comes to the security of Israel. Obama has not learned an important lesson, its the same lesson that LBJ failed to learn in Vietnam, the other side can say NO, and they can roll you, if your poll ratings are going South when you need the support of the American people you will find that you left alone with your ego.

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