Thursday, March 25, 2010

A Divided Relationship, the USA and Israel

BBC News: Reports that the Obama White House has admitted that there are problems between Israel and the USA. A good piece of advice to the Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu, tell Obama to take a running jump, as the Obama appeasement of Iran, North Korea and Russia has shown if you say NO hard enough to Obama he will appease you, thus Israel should build more houses in East Jerusalem, make the Obama Foreign Policy choke on its own arrogance, it seems that President Obama is ready enough to sell out the Czech Republic, Poland and the Middle East Allies of the United States by allowing Iran to become a nuclear power. The problem with Obama is that he thinks his own rhetoric is the reality, news to POTUS your not that good, a majority of Americans opposed health care reform, every time the President spoke on health care reform the negatives of the policy went up, your no JFK or Reagan, the President is under the illusion that he has options when it comes to Israel, he does not, the Congress will over turn any negative policy when it comes to Israel, also as stated the election calender is now starting to work against the Obama White House, thus we have the 2010 Mid Term Congressional Elections, a lot of Jewish voters in Florida and New York, then we have the 2012 Presidential Election, Obama cant be seen favouring Iran over Israel. Thus again to the Israeli PM, call the Obama bluff, he is bluffing, his cards are jokers, while your at it strike Iran, just before the Mid Term Congressional Elections would be quite good.

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