Sunday, March 14, 2010

Blue Dog Democrats and 2010

LA Times: Reports on the political pressures on blue dog Democrat Jason Altmire, the liberal LA Times states the following, " Because as Jason Altmire goes, so goes the nation -- at least when it comes to the Democrats' quest for health care reform. ". The Congressman faces a problem, the pressure from the liberal leadership in the House and his Conservative District, Speaker Pelosi has stated that members in Congress should risk their political futures and vote for HCR. As stated it can be postulated that the Speaker has the votes already to get HCR through, Pelosi would not be foolish to risk a loss, the real question is does she want to make the victory look good, thus Congressman Altmire should ask himself if Speaker Pelosi has the votes why should he risk his political career just to make the Speaker look good to the liberal base. Thus its safe for Rep. Altmire to vote NO as Pelosi has the votes already to pass HCR.

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