Sunday, March 14, 2010

Obama the Liberal Reagan ?

Newsweek: Advice from Eleanor Clift on how President Obama can turn the polls around before the Mid Term Congressional Elections of 2010. The most basic advice to Democrats is the following, " they must hang together or assuredly they will all hang separately. " The one point Ms Clift is missing from her advice is the fact that Reagan got Democratic support in Congress for his Agenda, thus it was harder for Democrats to attack the President since he had managed to peel off members from the House to support his Agenda. In the case of health care reform President Obama does not have a single Republican vote in the the House or Senate. Thus in the Mid Terms moderate and conservative Democrats will have to fight on the Agenda that has only Democratic support and cant balance the blame on Republicans. As with LBJ, Reagan was a good manager of Congress, he knew how to be pragmatic, the problem for Obama is that he thinks he walks on water, thus when the House passes HCR he will be blamed if Congress is lost to the Republicans. That is why Obama is no Reagan.

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