Monday, March 15, 2010

If they Deni, ITS TRUE - White House

CNN News: Reports on the rejection by close Obama Aide David Axelrod of tensions between himslef and Obama's Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel. A rule of thump folks if Government denies a story take it as fact, so there is political tension between those that worship Obama as the second coming and the real political operators such as Mr Emanuel. It comes down to one issue folks, that is health care reform, the Obama worshippers want to push HCR through even at the cost of losing the Hill to the Republicans, they only see Obama, while Mr Emanuel sees the next election, that is the Mid Term Elections in November being a disaster for Democrats. As stated after the Congress passes HCR the Obama White House will have to sell the Act, interesting notion to sell tax hikes and forcing Americans to buy insurance. That is why Obama will be a one term President.

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