Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Obama's decline in Approval

Gallup Daily: The Obama decline in the polls has reached the Gallup Daily tracking Poll, in the latest snapshot, Obama has a 46% approval rating, but is disapproved by 47%. The Gallup poll is of average voters, thus the Obama obsession with health care reform is staring to hit his own base of support in the young, who tend to say they support POTUS but don't come out and vote. Thus even after Speaker Pelosi has pushed through HCR, the cost could be that the Democrats lose the House in November and POTUS is defeated when it comes to his re-election run in 2012. Obama stated recently that he would rather be a good one term President than a average two term President, Obama is going to find what a bad first term President feels like when he is defeated in 2012. The arrogance of Obama always comes at a cost, that is the way of life, thus the Political Gods that saw Obama win in 2008 will see him become like Walter Mondale, defeated by 49 states in 2012. You have to love those Political Gods.

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