Sunday, March 21, 2010

The Taliban and Iran

Fox News: Reports on a article in the UK Sunday Times that reports how the Taliban of Afghanistan have had training from Iran on how to attack NATO forces in Afghanistan. As stated it wont be HCR that will bring down President Obama, it will be his own arrogance when it comes to Iran. The President believes that his own rhetoric will somehow be reality, the difference is that Iran has told Obama to get lost, he does come across as a love sick puppy, who has been told by girl to get lost, he does not get the message, thought that was called a stalker. It comes down to one simple fact, Iran wants the bomb, it does not care if Obama goes on his knees to Iran; he has bowed that far to the Emperor of Japan; the regime in Tehran gets the fact that while its in a war of words with the USA it can suppress the internal opposition and make a play to lead the Middle East. Also we have the wild card of Israel, since Obama seems happy to attack the allies of the USA while allowing Russia off the hook, the Government of Israel might return the favour and attack Iran before the Mid Term Congressional Elections. That would be ironic folks.

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