Monday, March 22, 2010

HCR and the Republicans

The New York Times: Reports on the Republican strategy to repeal ObamaCare, the articles states the following, " challenge its constitutionality and coordinate efforts in statehouses to block its implementation. ". The Liberal NYT supports Obama Care and health care reform, but even in the article one can see that the NYT sees that there are hurdles ahead, if this was a time of economic growth then one can argue for ObamaCare but we have a slight problem, the USA and the West is in a major recession, and the one thing people want is jobs, not health care reform, but jobs, and Obama has spent over a year and a half on heath care reform, because he signs it in to law on Tuesday does not mean that the issue goes away, quite reverse, for the next eight months Obama and the Democrats will have to defend ObamaCare and the prize tag. This is not the 1960s, its not just down to the liberal media, there are Conservatives out there, an interesting point was raised on Fox News this morning by a Business Anchor, to get the Bill passed the Senate the Democrats had to take out measure that allowed the US Government to limit the costs of prize hikes in medical cover, also the drug companies have twelve years of exclusive right to use their expensive drugs, in other words the US can not import the cheaper stuff from abroad, also as even the liberal New York Times notes the cost of medical cover will not go down, the NYT writes the following on health care reform, " unlikely to actually bring the cost of health insurance down, " Thus lets see how those guilty of passing the Act tell their voters that A) They have to buy medical cover or face a cost B) That medical costs for drugs will not go down C) That to cover those without medical cover the costs of getting medical cover will have to go up D) Since the US Government is now in charge of running the health care system the will want to cut corners, in less your rich you will get less cover, E) Also your Doctor might close down or not cover you as he will get money cuts from the US Government. At the end of the day Obama has shown that he cares more about his Agenda that the US voter. R&R Time people.

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