Sunday, March 28, 2010

24 and 9/11

Telegraph: Report on the end 24, the series that represented the 9/11 world on television. In many respects 24 was the series that bought the issues that both Bush 43 found and Obama has to deal with every day in to the homes of the US voter. While West Wing had to shift to the issue of terrorism, a jolt that was not that easy, it was a very liberal show, with 24 our World but more extreme was there from the start, it dealt with the issues of terrorism and the rights of the individual and how far the US Government had to go in the protection of US rights. Also have to admit have a soft spot for the first African - American TV President, David Palmer, Palmer was tough, while Obama is an appeaser in the mold of Neville Chamberlain. Palmer was not afraid to order the torture of close aides to protect the US voter, one gets the impression that Obama would ask KSM if his chair was comfortable. One can argue that with the tough Bush 43 polices to fight terrorism the issue of terrorism was less of an issue for the voter, in only came back up with the attempted terror bomber over Christmas, thus the election of President Obama and his liberal agenda and his take that terror was not a war but police matter, thus as the times change the fate of 24 was tied to the Bush era, new era and no major attacks on the US has made 24 redundant in till the next time, the one thing history shows there is always a next time.

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