Tuesday, March 16, 2010

The Altmire Choice - HCR

Politico: Reports on the tea leaves reading of Rep. Altmire of Pennsyvlania, a blue dog Democrat that could be as the LA Times points out the vote that could pass or sink health care reform. The Congressman thinks that Speaker Pelosi is having trouble getting the votes for HCR. It can be argued that Rep Altmire is not reading Speaker Pelosi in the correct manner, the Speaker would have to be on pot to take HCR to the floor if she does not have the votes. This blog has predicted a two to three vote win for ObamaCare, but also predicted that the House will go Republican in 2010 and that Obama will either not run in 2012 or will be like Walter Mondale and lose by 49 states to Scott Brown of Mass.

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