Wednesday, March 31, 2010

The Obama Agenda and the 2010 Elections

Politco: Reports on the move by the White House after the win on health care reform to move its Agenda in Congress, the article states the following, ".. is getting mixed early reactions on Capitol Hill ". At its most brutal folks the Democrats are scared that Obama will hand over Congress to the Republicans, the health care reform bill is still not popular, in fact the argument that the people, the great unwashed would like the Bill once it was passed is shown to be, lets use a kind word, rubbish. The idiots in the Democratic Party that voted for health care reform bought a Chicago sting, they threw their careers down the toilet while Obama has AF1. The Liberal leadership in Congress with the exception of Senator Reid are in safe Districts and States thus they can push the Liberal Agenda, while they send their men/women over the top of the trench in to the glare of the anger of the voters. This is the best advice that blue dog Democrats are going to get, tell the Obama White House that they owe the moderate and conservatives members in Congress and thus they should back off any tough votes in till the lame duck session of Congress after November.

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