The New York Times: Reports that President Obama has issued his final orders for Afghanistan, the NYT writes the following, " advisers to the president have said Mr. Obama intends to commit roughly 30,000 more troops. " One can argue that with the other troops from NATO Allies and close US Allies the request by General McChrysal of forty thousand will get close. So on this lets give President Obama a pass on the process, lets see what the results are, if its thirty thousand troops plus a few thousand more troops from the Allies this should give General McChrystal the troops he needs to secure the towns from the Taliban and help build up the Kabul Government. As to if it will work that is a different question, it really depends does President Obama have his heart in the fight, will he take on his Liberal base, the Liberals in Congress are not going to roll over when it comes to Afghanistan, they see Afghanistan as another Vietnam and Obama as the successor to LBJ. Thus expect the far left to go bonkers and the Obama polls to dive a bit, even with Republican support, one can postulate that Independents will be also very nervous with the Obama process and decision when it comes to Afghanistan. But lets be clear this blog supports Obama if the above is correct on the troop surge. Lets face it folks Obama needs to toughen up his act, he has Iran to deal with next year.
A look at the Politics of the United States and the UK. The Foreign Policies of both countries and how they behave in the International Community.
Monday, November 30, 2009
Obama Pitch - Afghanistan
Politics Daily: An excellent article by Mr Corn on how President Obama will sell his second Afghan surge to the US voter. As Mr Corn states the President will get the support of Republicans but his political base will have done a runner, also how do you get beyond this paradox, Obama has stated that Afghanistan is the JUST war but also that there is an END date for the US voter. Its in the details folks, lets see how many troops President Obama sends, are there any benchmarks for the Kabul Government, does Obama give the impression that he wants to win the War in Afghanistan. God forbid that he sets a end date, the Taliban will throw a Party in Las Vegas. Read of the Day.
Death in Afghanistan
MOD: Reports that a British Soldier has been killed in Afghanistan, the soldier was from the " 1st Battalion Coldstream Guards ". Thus since 2001 the UK has lost 236 of its Armed Forces Personnel in Afghanistan, of that total it has lost 205 in combat operations and another 31 due to illness, accident or other incidents. As posted today the UK will have around ten thousand soldiers in Afghanistan by next year, lets hope with the second Obama surge NATO can start to win in Afghanistan and then get the hell out of the place, its far to costly in dead and treasure, lets see what the Obama EXIT route is out of Afghanistan. Its rubbish folks but lets see if he can sell it to the US voter.
UK = 500 Troops to Afghanistan = 9,500
BBC News: Reports that the UK will send another five hundred troops to Afghanistan, this will bring the total of all UK forces including SAS and other special forces up to ten thousand. Lets hope Obama does not have second or third thoughts and go down the VP Biden line, the UK has thrown it weight behind Obama, time to see if Obama can face down his liberal base.
Liberals WANT to TAX YOU - Afghanistan
The Hill: Reports on the move by Congressman Obey to raise taxes by 1% on those that ear over a hundred and fifty thousand dollars. This is not about the cost of the War folks, its about Liberals in Congress finding that Afghanistan has joined Iraq as a bad war. The use of costs is a smoke screen, do you see Liberals being concerned that they will bankrupt the USA with their health care reform plan, this not so subtle attack on the Afghan War is a warning to the Obama White House that Liberals can not be pushed around, the problem is that in the real world the base of the Democratic Party is the African - American vote, thus liberals will have to support their President, or face problems back home in urban areas. Also Republicans will support the second Obama surge to Afghanistan, it has to be noted that you don't raise taxes when your economy is in the toilet, that is basic economics folks.
Blocking the Attorney General - Tony Blair ?
BBC News: Reports on the allegation that UK PM Tony Blair blocked the then Attorney General, Lord Goldsmith from telling the Cabinet that he had doubts about the legality of the War in Iraq before the war started in March of 2003. Mr Blair was CNN yesterday and he was asked about this allegation, but Mr Blair stated that an interview was not the place to answer these questions and he would wait till he gives his version of events to the Iraq Inquiry next year. If your a Labour strategist you must hate this, it will be interesting to see what the political polls are like after these rounds of interviews to the Iraq Inquiry. Mr Blair looked his confident self in the CNN interview, he really is to good at PR, the reverse of PM Gordon Brown. I still think the tea lady will get the blame, that how the UK system works, lets recall folks the Britain has been around for a thousand years, nothing in politics is that new to the cynical British Establishment.
Sunday, November 29, 2009
The Marines are Coming - South Afghanistan
Fox News: Reports that the first stage of the second Obama surge to Afghanistan will be nine thousand Marines to the South of Afghanistan. This deployment will hep the UK, lets hope we get to loan some of the helicopters of our American cousins. It has come to this we need the US to carry our troops, shame on Gordon Brown. I have my doubts if the second Obama surge will work in Afghanistan, but lets give it a trial. The problem with Afghanistan as with Vietnam is that due to geography the terrain helps the Taliban/ Al Qaeda, they can attack NATO forces and then run back over the border to Pakistan. Iran it can be postulated will try to cause havoc as to shift attention away from its nuclear plants, the Taliban / Al Qaeda can fade in to the background, thus hard for the Western troops to know who the enemy is at the best of times. Also we have to see the politics , its the Mid Term Congressional Elections next year, the Liberal left will not be happy with this surge, thus Obama could lose Congress to the Republicans, the Liberal left never wants to fight Wars, they are stuck in Vietnam. Thus for President Obama Afghanistan could be his Vietnam, if Afghanistan and Pakistan go down the toilet and Iran goes Nuclear Obama will not win in 2012, in fact he could follow LBJ and be a one term President, he could decide not run, those are the stake folks for POTUS.
10 Nuclear Plants - Iran
CNN: Reports that Iran is going to build ten more nuclear plants. Right folks Iran has boxed Obama in over his policy, all the talk talk has gotten Obama nothing, and in fact it can be argued that Iran has humiliated Obama. Israel will not allow Iran to go all out for nuclear power, thus that clock in the Middle East just went closer to War. Even the Obama White House can see the clock is moving, in a statement after the IAEA vote the Obama White House stated the following, " Our patience and that of the international community is limited, and time is running out. If Iran refuses to meet its obligations, then it will be responsible for its own growing isolation and the consequences. " What is Obama going to do with Iran building another ten nuclear plans, dithering is not an option, either Israel or USA will have to take action, advice to drivers, before Xmas make sure your car is full of petrol, prices could go up if there is a USA blockade of Iran or an attack on Iraq by Iran.
Iraq War - Was it Legal ?
Guardian: Reports on a letter from the then Attorney General Lord Goldsmith to then UK PM Tony Blair on the legality of the War with Iraq before the War stared in 2003. One does get the impression that former PM Tony Blair is being hung out to dry by the Establishment. Also one has to wonder does PM Gordon Brown not regret allowing a public inquiry, the UK Establishment is seems has decided that someone needs to get the flak, so place the total blame on Tony Blair. As stated this blog supported the War with Iraq based on the evidence of WMD, but there were no weapons and the after war planning was a disaster, thus someone needs to be new Eden, as Bush 43 keeping under the radar in the USA its down to Mr Blair to take the critical mauling, not fair but that's politics. Also Tony Blair is very good on the back foot, he will come out smelling of roses, he will blame someone else, the tea lady and most of the public will go along with the argument, he has that Reagan ability of being Teflon, its just that the Labour Party cant stand him.
Biden ATTACK on Obama ? - Afghanistan
The Boston Globe: Has an article by the successor to the late Senator Edward M. Kennedy, Senator Kirk states the following on Obama and Afghanistan, ".... will be equally wise........and urge a more narrow and focused strategy with no further troop buildup. " That argument does ring a bell, lets see, yes its the argument of VP Biden. Who will bet this a Beltway leak by the Biden Camp, are they trying to place pressure on Obama. It should be noted that Obama has shown a thin skin when it comes to Government leaks, lets be fair all Presidents are very thin skinned when it comes to leaks. Of course this could have nothing to do with VP * Open Mouth " Biden. I have a bridge on Brooklyn should any one not be a cynic about this article.
The Human Rights Pitch - Afghanistan
Politico: Reports on the call for President Obama to use the Human Rights Card when it comes to sending more troops to Afghanistan, in the case of Afghanistan the treatment of women by the Taliban, something out of the dawn of time. Lets again be honest here folks, one can understand why POTUS does not want to use the human rights card, if the Taliban would agree not to allow the Al Qaeda to have bases in Afghanistan then Taliban of Afghanistan could have Afghanistan to run as they want, also if the agreed not to support the Taliban of Pakistan then the West would leave Afghanistan alone. This is brute real politics folks, Obama as a Nobel Prize Winner has a problem, the Candidate who wanted to talk to every USA enemy now finds that those enemies, Iran to North Korea have his number, they see him as weak, that also includes the Taliban of Afghanistan, the Taliban think they can wait Obama out, they might be right. In the speech on Tuesday on Afghanistan POTUS will state that he sending around thirty thousand troops to Afghanistan, with NATO adding a further five thousand. But Obama has to keep his liberal base happy thus the will talk about exit routes, how can he talk about exit routes if the Taliban will take women back to the dark ages. Thus the political reality of Obama is countered by the human rights card, that every President has used as part of his Foreign Policy. It can be postulated that Obama would be happy to leave Afghanistan if Taliban could be trusted to behave over the terrorism and Pakistan, thus this runs counter to human rights. This it can be postulated that Obama wont use the human rights card. Ironic form a winner of the Nobel Peace Prize.
Iran and the UN
BBC News: Reports that the Parliament in Iran has urged the Government of President Ahmadinejad to withdraw co-operation from the UN's IAEA. Lets look in to the future folks, what does President Obama do in the New Year about Iran, well one can postulate that Russia and China go along with tough sanctions at the UN, then what, that's the point folks, what kind of sanctions, as has been stated on Fox News, the best sanction on Iran would be a blockade of its oil, in other words bring the Government in Tehran to its knees, as long as Iran could not get its oil out through its neighbours. Thus what would Iran do next, well Iran either gives up its nuclear ambitions or it takes military action against US ships. That is the next stage folks, but it depends on the sanctions, if they are weak, no blockade then Iran will go on its merry way to the bomb, thus that leaves Israel. As stated folks a hot New Year in the Middle East.
Friday, November 27, 2009
US Congress and Afghanistan
The Hill: Reports that President Obama could have problems next year when it comes to funding his surge for Afghanistan, Democrats want to debate the Obama Policy. This is smoke and mirrors folks, the Democratic Congress is not going to pull the plug on Obama's War in Afghanistan. The Liberals in Congress might be a bunch of drunk sailors when it comes to the money of the US voter but they still know that the base of the Democratic Party is the African - American voter, thus that = the Democrats will never flush Obama down the toilet over Afghanistan. Its brutal politics folks, a lot of the House Members are from urban areas, thus a lot more ethnic vote, thus a majority of House Democrats need to keep Obama happy. If it was a Republican President the Democrats would pull the plug without a moments hesitation. Lets recall in May 1973 the House pulled the plug on the Vietnam War, and guess who the President was, yes it was Richard Nixon the Republican President. Also Obama is lucky the Republicans in the Congress and the Country still support the War in Afghanistan, thus Obama can afford to lose the liberals in Congress as they are replaced by Republican votes.
UN critical of Iran = The Bomb
BBC News: Reports that the UN's IAEA has passed a resolution that is critical of the nuclear plans of Iran. As the BBC notes the resolution has the support of China and Russia, thus it can be argued that Obama diplomatic talks with both countries had been a success, but lets see if these countries back the USA at the UN Security Council, that body can place harsh sanctions on Iran. Am still not convinced that either China or Russia will go as far as Obama needs to prevent an Israeli strike on Iran. This critical resolution could lead in the short term to harsher sanctions on Iran, then if that does not work a regional war in the Middle East.
Thursday, November 26, 2009
BBC News: Reports that the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) has confirmed that talks with Iran over its nuclear plans have reached a DEAD END. As readers of this blog have read, all the talks with Iran have been an attempt by Iran to run the clock out, they want endless talks, they want to get the UN and the West stuck in details, details that they will play as they have no plans to give up their dream of becoming a nuclear armed power. It has been reported on Fox News that China has agreed to go along with tough sanctions, this would show that the Obama diplomacy is working, lets see if China and Russia follow through on tough sanctions on Iran. If the UN should fail then Israel will take action, as any Israeli action could lead to a regional war, thus the USA would have to take action, Iran just might pause at taking action against the United States. In this Obama would be boxed in, if Iran attacked USA bases in Iraq or in the region the USA voter would demand tough military action, lets recall the USA can wipe Iran from the face of the earth. Thus the new year will be tough for Obama, he has to get tough sanctions from the UN, he has to get China and Russia to follow through, Israel has to be convinced that Obama and UN understand the stakes. President Obama does not have months to dither when it comes to Iran, lets hope his dithering does not cause a regional War in the Middle East.
Middle East,
Obama Administration,
Obama and Iran,
Leaks on Afghanistan
The Daily Beast: Reports that President Obama will send between thirty and thirty six thousand troops to Afghanistan, with an addition ten thousand should they be needed later on. This would show that President Obama wants to win the War in Afghanistan, that he has learned the lessons of the Vietnam War. But lets be clear here folks, this surge has to be time sensitive, in pure political terms President Obama can not afford for Afghanistan to go down the drain before the Mid Term Congressional Elections in 2010. Thus the US Commander on the ground, General McChrystal has about a year to turn Afghanistan around, he has to show that the Taliban are losing, that the Government in Kabul is less corrupt and is working for the people of Afghanistan. If after a year the US is in the same position and having lost more troops then the US will have to change its ground strategy. Thus US will have to withdraw it troops and place them in Pakistan, clean out Al - Qaeda on the border between Afghanistan and Pakistan, place a strong man in Afghanistan who keep the Taliban - Al Qaeda at a low level threat. Thus a interesting year ahead for the USA and the UK.
Tony Blair and the Iraq War Part Four
BBC News: Reports on the latest witness to the Iraq War Inquiry, today it was the UK Ambassador to the United States at the time of the lead up to the War, Sir Christopher Meyer stated that the UK PM Tony Blair got tougher on the Iraqi regime after a private discussion with Bush 43 in April of 2002. One gets the impression that UK Establishment has decided that if any one is going to be hung in PR terms its not going to be them, thus all roads lead by to Tony Blair, yesterday we had the information that the UK was informed by sources that the WMD of the Iraqi regime didn't work, today we see by implication if not statement that Blair had decided to remove Saddam Hussein after a private meeting with Bush 43 in April of 2002. Thus what about his statements to House of Commons that the UK had no plans for War. As the Telegraph reported the MOD had started on planning in early 2002, in fact it was kept so secret that it didn't help for post war security for Iraq. One gets the impression in pirate terms that the Establishment is giving the black spot to Tony Blair. Lets be balanced here folks, what was the Establishment doing while the UK headed for War in Iraq, sleep at the wheel, the blame does not just belong to Tony Blair.
10,000 Troops Request by Obama for Afghanistan = NATO
The New York Times: Reports that the Obama Administration will ask its NATO Allies for an additional ten thousand troops to reach the troop request of General McChrystal, the NYT writes the following on the request, " Those countries appear willing to provide fewer than half that number, American and allied officials said Wednesday. " If President Obama wont back his own selected General with the forty thousand troops that General McChrystal requested then the UK should get out of Afghanistan, the blood of our soldiers should not be used as cover for the Obama Administration. If it has take Obama months to reach this half baked idea then his judgement is not sound, NATO has always been symbolic minus the nuclear side of its defence. At the end of the day the US has to fight big wars with its own troops with minor support from Europe and the UK. In other words Obama does not want to win Afghanistan, this is another Vietnam. It is sad to see Obama becoming another LBJ. The mistake the elite media makes is to assume that intelligence means you can fight your way out of paper bag, it does not, the Kennedy's had the best and the brightest and what did the USA get, the Vietnam War, from Ike to Ford. Thus by taking this route Obama will make himself the next LBJ. The one silver lining is that after Obama loses in 2012 we should have Republican rule for years.
The Nuclear Option - Health Care Reform
The Nation: Typical Democratic Chicago trick, the Bible for Liberals ( as they don't believe in God ) wants to use a Parliamentary trick to prevent the Republicans blocking health care, the Nation wants to do away with the Senate filibuster, the article states the following on the filibuster, " we need to put an end to the filibuster follies once and for all. " How many will bet that when the Republicans take control of the Senate again the Democrats will shout from the roof top that the Senate filibuster is an essential tool of the Senate. This move to prevent debate is a typical under handed Chicago trick, if you cant win in the normal process of politics destroy the system. Lets hope Democrats in the Senate have a brain cell, when they are in the minority do they want to be rolled over by just 51 votes. Grow UP Nation, your more destructive to the United States than of a benefit, what comes first, the USA or your agenda.
The Selling of Afghanistan
ABC: Reports that when President Obama announces more troops for Afghanistan, he will state that there is an exit plan for Afghanistan. If this is the Obama plan then NATO has lost in Afghanistan, do you tell the enemy that by a certain date you are out of the conflict. The Taliban are murdering cowards by they are not stupid, all they have to do is wait Obama out, make sure the US and NATO soldiers take enough dead to make the War another Vietnam. At the end of the day the War in Vietnam was lost at back in the USA. The Afghanistan War was the Just War for the Democrats, it was the War that they could use to attack Bush 43, the shoe is now on a different foot, the War in Iraq is over, all US troops should be out of Iraq by 2011. The War in Afghanistan is not going well, General McChrystal has stated that the USA has a year to win Afghanistan, if that is the real situation on the ground then NATO has lost, President Obama might think he has an exit out of Afghanistan but then he is forgetting one fact, Pakistan. The reason the NATO and the US is in Afghanistan is not about Afghanistan, its about the nuclear armed Pakistan, the Army of Pakistan is taking on the Taliban on the border between Afghanistan and Pakistan, but to keep the pressure up the US has to have troops across the border to take out the Taliban when they cross to get away from the Army of Pakistan. If the US was to withdraw it troops, the Taliban of both Afghanistan and Pakistan would have safe heaven in Afghanistan, thus Pakistan could fall to the Taliban. That would be a disaster for the region, India would have to take military action, this could go nuclear, thus massive destruction in the area. Thus advice to readers, if you hear POTUS going on about exit routes, just think of a second hand car salesman from Chicago trying to sell you a clapped out car. As long as Pakistan is under threat the USA and NATO will stay in Afghanistan.
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Liberals ATTACK Obama
The New York Times: Those Liberals are turning on President Obama, Ms Dowd writes the following on President Obama, " Obama is more like a cold shower. ". When you have Liberals start being nice about Bill Clinton its time for Obama to review his dealings with the Main Stream Media, Ms Dowd could be a symptom of Obama losing in 2012.
The Doctor Who News Page: Reports that Dr Who special The Waters of Mars was a ratings hit, in the UK the special gained an audience of 10.32m. In this multi channel world such an audience figure is a hit, these days if you get around seven million that is considered a major success. Lets recall our history folks, in the mid 1990s a Dr Who Special that gained nine million was not considered a major smash, but then we had just four channels. It is always the context of events folks from the ratings of a show to Iraq.
The Iraq War Part Three
BBC News: Reports from the Iraq Inquiry that UK Officials had information that the Weapons of Mass Destruction of Iraq had not been placed at a War footing also that the Iraqi regime did not have the warheads to spread their WMD. It should be noted that there were opposing intelligence information but one would think that the UK PM, Tony Blair would have discussed the issue with Bush 43. Lets be clear this VIEWS supported the War but the lack of WMD and the failure to secure Iraq after the invasion is down to the USA and the UK. Thus when former UK PM Tony Blair take his seat at the Iraqi Inquiry it will be interesting to see if MI6 informed the PM that there was information that made previous intelligence suspect, if the PM was informed did he talk to Bush 43. This Iraq Inquiry just might not be a whitewash after all folks.
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
The Iraq War Part Two
Telegraph: Reports on the Iraq War Inquiry and the statements of the UK side, that the road to War with Iraq started in 2001 with Bush 43 coming in to power, although the UK wanted to contain the Iraqi regime. It is important to see the road to war with Iraq in the context of 9/11, in the election of 2000 Bush 43 had stated that he didn't want to nation build as Clinton Administration had done in Bosnia. It was only after 9/11 and the perceived threat from weapons of mass destruction did Bush 43 move to start the long road to war with Iraq. But also lets be realistic here folks, this is an Inquiry will never get to the heart of the matter when it comes to Iraq due to the fact that the USA actors will not be in attendance. Thus whats the point of such an investigation if Bush 43 or Dick Cheney will not turn up, its only one side, the UK side, and the main power players are in the USA.
A - Day - How many more Troops for Afghanistan ?
Fox News: Reports that President Obama will speak the Nation on Tuesday on Afghanistan. It here folks, Obama finally has to make a decision, one has to wonder did he try to make it past getting the Nobel Prize in December, but the political climate would not tolerate such grand standing. Fox reports that that the US military expect President Obama to send about thirty two or thirty five thousand troops to Afghanistan, not quite the forty thousand as requested by General McChrystal but not complete surrender, JUST, lets see the details folks. Liberals will be hopping mad if that is Obama's decision, it would be the first time he has gone against the base of his support. But this blog is totally honest, there is one other side who also have a vote on the success or failure of this surge, the Taliban, they have seen a President takes months to make up his mind, how much money would you bet that they are planning a big style Tet offensive in the New Year. In Obama the USA has a weak Jimmy Carter, lets recall that lead to the Soviet Invasion of Afghanistan in 1979, thus the hot spot for Obama could be Iran, lets recall that when the US Embassy staff in Tehran were take hostage the US military wanted to strike Iran but Carter said no, he wanted diplomacy, and what has that gotten the West, the threat of a nuclear armed Iran. That for the New Year folks, its Afghan Time NOW.
Days for Afghanistan
BBC News: Reports that President Obama will announce his decision about more troops for Afghanistan in days. The range of options for troop increase, the BBC reports it goes from twenty thousand up to thirty five thousand, it should be noted that General McChrystal asked for forty thousand troops, thus if Obama goes for the half way house of twenty thousand he has no interest in winning the War in Afghanistan. If the President makes this decision he is falling in to the same trap as LBJ over Vietnam, gradual increase then failure. If President Obama announces the half way house then the UK should get out of Afghanistan, why should our brave soldiers die for the lack of courage of Obama. The US troops on the ground in Afghanistan would know that their Commander - in - Chief is more worried about his political base than supporting his troops in the foxholes of the hell that is Afghanistan. The Taliban are cowards but they are not stupid, they will figure out that Obama does not have the backbone to win, thus they will carry on with their killing, and the USA and the UK will lose more of their Armed Forces in Afghanistan. Thus any half way house the UK should get out of Afghanistan, the UK has played this game in the past, we don't need another bloody nose in Kabul.
Monday, November 23, 2009
More Taxes by Democrats
Fox News: Reports that Liberals in the US Congress want to raise taxes to pay for the War in Afghanistan. This is spin folks, the Liberal Democrats want to use tax as way to attack the War in Afghanistan, thus they use the cost argument, also they want to turn the voter against the War thus the idea to raise taxes. SNEAKY. They don't have the political backbone to take Obama on head on thus they want to place pressure on him by using the tax argument. Also the need the money to pay for their bet projects like health care, all very SNEAKY.
Final MEETING on Afghanistan - Obama
BBC News: Reports that there could be a final meeting on Afghan Policy by the Obama Administration. Lets see the small print folks, how much troops, how much support, what are the exit routes out of Afghanistan. On the Diplomatic and civic side, how to make the Karzai regime less corrupt, how to build confidence in the Government, can the Kabul Government build schools for all genders, hospitals, allow for security outside the towns, its all down to the details folks.
Gallup - Obama DOWN to 48%
Gallup: Reports that President Obama's approval rating is going South. The latest Daily Tracking Poll has Obama's approval rating at 48% , those that have a negative view at 44%. It should be recalled that a Presidents ability to move Congress is based on his approval rating, if the President is popular he can be an advantage to those on the Hill in an election, or he can be a major negative. Thus lets see if moderate and conservative Democrats will give Obama what he wants on health care or will the thrown it in to the long grass. It really depends if the President wants a second term, if he wants a second term he will have to make a course change, he has to recall the USA is not just New York and California, there is that bit in between. I would argue that a health care reform bill with the public option is dead on the Hill. A health care reform bill that does not include a public option will pass. Lets recall this blog is not opposed to reform of health in the USA, its just the cost and the public option. As stated the insurance industry should be made to take those on with pre - existing conditions, they should not be allowed throw people off if the costs go up, the cost of getting insurance should be lower, States should be out first before deciding if they want to be covered. Also it can be postulated that it is illegal to force people to buy medical insurance. Also abortion should be supplied by the insurance also those in gay relationships should have the same rights as those married couples. Thus the right reform not bad reforms folks.
Sunday, November 22, 2009
The Left and Obama
Guardian: Has some advice for President Obama, the left wing Guardian states the following, " Mr Obama needs to hold his nerve and stay true to his instincts. " In other words appease Iran, and not send more troops to Afghanistan. On the whole the Guardian can see that the shine is off the Obama Presidency, it was noted in this blog that even the MSM in the shape of CBS called the Asia trip a failure on substance if not PR for President Obama. At the end of the day the elite media, press and TV want to sell papers and get people to watch, if they are just a outlet of the Obama Administration then people will just watch Fox News. Lets be clear the main stream media is still in the tank for Obama but even they can not refuse to see the real world, Obama is just another tax and spend liberal, if fact he is worse that Jimmy Carter and Neville Chamberlain.
The Iraq War
The Telegraph: Another great scoop by the Telegraph, this looks at the failures of the UK in Iraq, from planning for the War to not winning the peace. I cant wait for Tony Blair to answer some of the questions that this articles asks, as PM Tony Blair stated in 2002 that the UK had no military plans for War with Iraq but according to the Telegraph the plans had started early 2002. Also due to the political process the planning was not as complete for War. Will be fun to watch Tony Blair in the hot seat and not the EU Presidency. Lets be clear VIEWS supported the War with Iraq based on the information at hand, if Iraq had WMD then VIEWS would still have supported the War with Iraq, but Iraq didn't have WMD, and the failure post War to keep security was a disgrace, thus part of the blame must fall on Tony Blair, lets see your answers Mr Blair.
Breaking the BANK - WP
The Washington Post: The Dean of the Washington Press Core, David S. Broder writes the following on Obama's health care reform, " The challenge to Congress Obama -- remains the same: Make the promised savings real, and don't pass along unfunded programs to our children and grandchildren. " This is an excellent article that looks how the Obama health care reform could break the USA, how the costs of health always go up and how real cuts are never made by politicians. Voter hand on heart can you see your House Representative or Senator really make cuts in an election year, if you cant you have to get off your backside and make contact, tell them to oppose this fools gold for health care reform, tell them if they vote for this lunatic bill with the public option you will vote against them, and more you wont give them any money, that should get their attention, thus the POLITICAL WAR has just started folks, lets keep the pressure on moderate and conservative Democrats.
Democrats and Health Care Reform
Politico: Reports on the deep divisions within the ranks of Democratic Senators over health care reform, the Politico writes the following, " significant divides in the party......make it all but impossible to complete work on a plan by year’s end, or even sink the bill altogether. " The one problem that the Democrats have in the Senate is that its majority is made up of moderate and conservative Democrats, they have to go home and face the voters next year, the public option is the bible to Liberal Democrats ( as they don't believe in God, they need something to throw their hats on ) thus for Liberal Democrats is matter of ideological testament, if you oppose the public option you are not a liberal democrat and thus can be attacked. Thus dear voter this is your chance to have YOUR SAY, call your Senator have them oppose this bill, it will bankrupt the USA, the dollar will go down the toilet, the once American Super Power will join the ranks of former Great Powers, Rome, British Empire who have have bankrupted the coin of the realm. The Democrats don't care about the United States any more, they would rather be political pure than allow the USA to be different from Europe. They are forgetting the point of the United States, the New World, not old Europe. People start the political fight back, oppose this windy Bill.
War Games - Iran
BBC News: Reports on the War Games by Iran, to counter any Western threat to Iran's nuclear plants. It will be interesting to see when something actually happens, to be honest the sabre rattling by both sides is getting boring, you can guess what Obama will say about Iran before he opens his mouth, " Lets have discussions, Iran must follow the demands of the UN ", while Iran will say " the nuclear plants are for peaceful purposes, lets talk about allowing Iran to become part of the nuclear club, also we will attack Israel if attacked". Thus this had to come to an end before Iran goes nuclear, what is worrying is the recent report by the IAEA that states that they are worried that Iran has other secret nuclear sites, so while the UN and Obama are worried about the public sites, Iran with the help of North Korea could be building smaller nuclear missiles with miniature warheads, as reported Iran has been working on this development of late. Thus when will crunch time come, that's the interesting part not this posturing, still think it will be a hot New Year in the Middle East.
Friday, November 20, 2009
Gallup - Obama BELOW 50%
Gallup: Reports that on its daily tracking poll for President Obama the President has fallen below the magic 50% mark. Those that approve of the job performance of the President is at 49%, those that have a negative view is 44%. As Politico notes that Gallup points to the fact that Reagan fell below the 50% at about the same time in his Presidency. Thus if your a Republican don't break out the drink just yet, Reagan came back in 1984 to smash former VP Walter Mondale, but there are major difference, Reagan's tax cuts came in to effect and the defence spending was a major boost to the economy. In the case of President Obama we have seen an economic stimulus that has not worked, those out of work has reached over 10.2%, the War in Afghanistan is not going well, the USA is still in Iraq and Iran is very much on the horizon. Thus the question is the Man from the Windy City, Chicago, a man made of steel who can take a political punch or is he a light weight. The reaction of the Obama White House will tell the voter, can Obama prevent major losses in 2010 on the Hill. Also will Obama actually run in 2012 if his poll numbers are in the tank. At the present the RCP average of polls is 50.6% approve of Obama's job performance, while 43.4% have a negative view, thus it will be interesting to see how Obama gets his numbers up or else his agenda is dead on the Hill, that simple and brutal folks. Lets see if Obama cant get health care reform passed by Congress before the 2010 elections.
Obama Administration,
Ronald Reagan,
VP Mondale
Thursday, November 19, 2009
Afghanistan Front News
MOD: Has released the name of the soldier killed in Afghanistan yesterday, the soldier was " Sergeant Robert David Loughran-Dickson of the Royal Military Police ". Our thoughts are with the family of Sergeant Loughran-Dickson.
Obama on Iran
Fox News: Reports more tough rhetoric from President Obama on Iran. The problem is that Iran sees Obama as weak, that is why they have placed three holidaymakers on trial as spies, they think they can roll Obama, they want a visit by Bill Clinton, they want run the clock out, thus they will become a nuclear armed power. To Tehran Obama is just another Neville Chamberlain, another arrogant leader who thought he could do business with a totalitarian regime.
Obama and the Asia Trip
CBS: A very interesting article by CBS news on the President Obama's trip to Asia, can you think of them writing this year ago, " a trip that has notably lacked concrete achievements..." One can postulate that even the elite media can smell the coffee, they can see perhaps a year to late that to quote a old line of VP Mondale that there is lack of substance to Obama, as Mondale said of Gary Hart, " Where is the beef ". The White House spin masters it seems think that they can sell the life of Obama for four years, that wont cut it with the elite media, they want eyes on their TV news, thus if they are going to be a press agent for Obama the folks will watch Fox News, thus are we seeing a more critical reaction to Obama. Not yet but after this year expect the elite media to start going for the Obama Administration.
One Term Obama ?
In these PR days of politics folks, spin can matter as much as policy, and impression can be more important than words. Thus lets look President Obama, last year he was the young, charismatic new leader, now he looks old. Just go to the White House Web site and look at his picture for when he got elected and look at him now, he looks old folks, the hair has gone thinner and whiter. The face that showed promise is now more lined ( just giving the same critic that liberals give to Republicans ) I did twitter last night that it was a question to me if Obama would run again in 2012, the STAR has shown that his gold was fools gold, from health care on the domestic front to Afghanistan and Iran when it comes to Foreign Affairs, the words of Obama have not meet the real world. Thus don't be surprised folks if economy does not get going and Afghanistan and Iran become more hot that President Obama decides one term is enough. Laugh now folks, just a feeling.
Good old Joe
Politico: Reports that the Independent Democrat Senator Joe Lieberman has stated that he will join with Republicans to block any health care reform that has a public option. But if Senator Lieberman is going down this road he should go all the way, he should vote with Republicans to block the bill coming to the Senate floor. The rest of the moderate and conservative Democrats have been rolled by the Liberal Leadership of the Senate, if Lieberman votes against the health bill he will be finished with the Democrats, he might as well block it at the start, he will lose his Chairmanship of Homeland Security Committee anyway, he might as well join the Republican Party. This act would show that Lieberman is a great Senator and a great American.
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Telegraph: Reports that President Obama will show the exit route out of Afghanistan for the USA and NATO. In other words President Obama is selling out NATO, if you set a deadline for leaving the Taliban / Al Qaeda will just wait the West out, its that simple and brutal. In other words UK Armed Forces Personnel are fighting, dying and getting hurt for nothing, Obama cares more about his image with the extreme left wing than the reputation of NATO and the United States. The President is acting as if the Taliban / Al Qaeda don't read newspapers, someone should inform POTUS they have their own web site for terrorists. Thus this blog is calling for the removal of UK troops as fast as possible, why should our brave soldiers build a back bone for Obama. How arrogant can you be not to think that the Taliban just might have symbolic vote on how you get out of Afghanistan. One has to ask why bother sending more US or UK troops to Afghanistan if you have a weak President, the Taliban can see that Obama will not stand up to them, he has been weak over Iran and North Korea, why not Afghanistan. In War you don't give the other side what your weak points are, not if you got a weak leader at the start, thus Obama has told the Taliban, just wait us out, just kill enough NATO troops and President Obama will have another US chopper taking the people from the Embassy in Kabul, just like Vietnam all over again, Obama is LBJ.
Senator Nelson SURRENDERS to Liberals over Health Reform
ABC News: Reports that Senator Nelson has gone back on his word not to allow a bad health bill to come up for debate. This is typical of moderate and conservative Democrats, they fold under pressure, thus voters if you don't want the Democrats to destroy your health service this is the time to get in contact with your Representative on the Hill. It seems that moderate and conservative Democrats don't have the back bone to stand up to the leadership, lets see what Senator Lieberman does, will he keep his word or will he buckle, does he care about his promise not to allow debate on a bad bill or does he care more about his Chairmanship in the Senate, we shall see folks, even with the polls going South on Obama, the Democratic Leadership are going over a cliff, and to think dear voter you voted for these lunatics.
Death in Afghanistan
MOD: Reports that a British Soldier was killed today in Afghanistan, the soldier was from " The Royal Military Police ". Thus since 2001 the UK has lost 235 of its Armed Forces Personnel in Afghanistan, of that total 204 have died in combat operations, while another 31 have died due to illness, accidents or other incidents. This month alone the UK has lost 11 soldiers, the question that has to be asked of the White House, when Mr President are you going to send more troops.
Iran NO to UN
The New York Times - Global: Reports on the latest snub to President Obama when it comes to Iran, the NYT writes the following, " Iran’s foreign minister said in remarks.....that he opposes sending the country’s enriched uranium abroad under a tentative deal negotiated with the ( US ).." How many times can Iran say NO to Obama and he gets the message, why should they give away their power, look how North Korea has gotten Bil Clinton to come over, how all the economic goodies North Korea has received for being a bad actor in the international system. The Obama Administration and the UN has shown that it is weak when it comes to Iran, as with North Korea, thus Iran will push ahead with its nuclear plans and we will have a hot new year in the Middle East.
Obama on Israeli Building
Fox News: Reports on the critical comments by President Obama when it comes to the news that Israel will allow building on land that is seen by the Palestinians are their land. This is just wind by Obama, he cant do thing about it, he is on the back foot when it comes to Israel, his nightmare that he will get that 3am call to say that Israel is about to strike or has struck Iran over its plans to become a nuclear armed power. Thus Obama will use his his rhetoric but it means nothing, just wind from the windy city.
Obama below 50% - Quinnipiac University poll
The Hill: Reports that in a Quinnipiac University Poll, the approval rating for President Obama has fallen below the symbolic 50% mark. The Hill states its down the Economy and Afghanistan. What is interesting is the effect this will have on moderate and conservative Democrats on the Hill. Will the Liberal Senate Leadership on the hill be able to push through their health care reform bill, they need 60 votes in the Senate, its 50/50 if they have the votes even to get started on the bill. Also lets not forget the Taliban / Al Qaeda are looking at American politics, they will see a weak President, thus if your the Taliban what do you do, yes you increase the pressure, thus more attacks in Afghanistan, you increase the body bags, the Taliban in Pakistan can see that at the end of the day the US might not come to the aid of the secular government of Pakistan, thus more attacks on the civic structure of Pakistan. The two rogue nations of Iran and North Korea think they can bully Obama, he is weak at home, the US economy is a mess, the US is still in Iraq and Afghanistan, thus what can Obama really do about these rogue nations, not a lot. Also China might think that since in effect they are the bankers of the USA they might try some military move on Taiwan. Thus US voter that is what you get when you elected President Obama, are you happy ?
Obama Administration,
Guantanamo Bay prison - Open Past January 2010
BBC News: Reports that President Obama has confirmed what has been known for ages, that Guantanamo Bay Prison will remain open pass the deadline for its closure. One can argue whats the point of closing it now, the point of Guantanamo Prison for Democrats was to attack Bush 43. Thus since the deadline will be passed lets see if Obama gets around to actual closure, most of the elite media wont care as they are still in the tank for Obama. Lets hope this is a lesson to President Obama, rhetoric is good but you have to live in the real world, the way Obama is going he will be the next Carter.
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Afghanistan Front News
MOD: Has released the name of the other soldier killed on Sunday in Afghanistan, the soldier was " Corporal Loren Owen Christopher Marlton-Thomas from 33 Engineer Regiment ". Our thoughts are with the family of Corporal Marlton-Thomas.
Trouble in the Family - Democrats
Fox News: Reports that the Governor of New York State, Governor Paterson has stated that the idea of placing on trial KSM and others behind 9/11 in New York is bad idea. There is no love lost between the White House and the New York Governor, a few months ago President Obama tried to get Paterson not to run again as he has low polls and would hurt those down the ticket, Paterson told Obama to get lost. Thus nice Chicago move by Paterson, no doubt even the press in the tank for Obama will have to ask the President about the statement by the Governor. Obama will not be happy with Paterson, but one can postulate that was meant to be the political effect of the statement.
How the West Wing WORKS, Obama is just another Dick Cheney!
The Daily Beast: Reports on the downfall of White House Counsel Greg Craig, it seems that Mr Craig was victim to the oldest game in Washington D.C, the career ending leak. The DB writes the following, " It was a sign that the dark side has taken hold at the White House. " It seems that the elite media has woken up and is smelling the coffee about the Chicago run White House. It can be argued that the problem with the Obama White House is that it has to many Chicago politicians running around the place, the way they do political business in Chicago leads in most cases to jail, just ask a few ex Governors of that dysfunctional state. Thus the Obama White House is fast becoming the New Nixon White House, what a shame!!
Views from the UK 2006 Global
Folks your humble correspondent is now global, well as global as you can be without a million dollars. Thus Views from the UK 2006 can be found at the following sites:
1) Views from the UK 2006 ( Blogger )- Latest Updates.
2) Views from the UK 2006 ( My Space ) Its working folks!
3) Views from the UK 2006 ( Twitter )- Latest Updates and thoughts of Views.
4) ( Facebook) - Latest Updates, Add me, lets make me the new Mr Fry.
1) Views from the UK 2006 ( Blogger )- Latest Updates.
2) Views from the UK 2006 ( My Space ) Its working folks!
3) Views from the UK 2006 ( Twitter )- Latest Updates and thoughts of Views.
4) ( Facebook) - Latest Updates, Add me, lets make me the new Mr Fry.
Endless War - Afghanistan
BBC News: Reports on a speech by the UK Foreign Secretary David Miliband, the Foreign Secretary stated in essence that the UK would not be in Afghanistan till the end of time. The reason for this noise about exit routes is simple, there is a General Election in the UK next year, and Afghanistan is not a popular war. At the start of the War in 2001 it had great support unlike Iraq, but after the UK left Iraq and the body bags started to come back from Afghanistan and there was no real win in sight the voters have gone off the War. Lets be honest there is no clean exit route out of Afghanistan, at the end of the day one can see some form of Taliban government in Afghanistan, one that has learnt its lesson, in other words don't give house space to Al Qaeda and the West will allow the Taliban to run Afghanistan as back in the stone age. Thus as long as NATO and the West has the fig leaf of winning it wont matter what happens to the people of Afghanistan, that is the hard truth folks.
Afghanistan Front News
MOD: Has released the name of one of the soldiers killed of late in Afghanistan, the soldier was " Rifleman Andrew Ian Fentiman from 7th Battalion The Rifles (7 RIFLES), attached to the 3 RIFLES Battle Group. ". Our thoughts are with the family of Rifleman Fentiman.
Monday, November 16, 2009
Situation in Iran
The Times: Reports that UN's IAEA has stated that Iran could have more secret sites in Iran. How long can Obama dither when it comes Iran, the President has been snubbed so many times by Iran one has lost count, at the end of the day Iran is a national security threat to Israel and the West. One just has to see the power North Korea has since it got the bomb, once Iran joins the nuclear club all hell could break lose in the Middle East, Israel would strike with or without authority from the White House, and thus one can see a chain reaction, Iran hitting Iraq and US bases in the region. The Government in Tehran would let lose a wave of terrorists attacks in the West, they would try to cut off the oil from the region, yes it could get that bad folks. Thus the clock is ticking, its not a long countdown, Iran is rushing for the bomb, they have already gone down the path of miniature warheads, that the same path as North Korea. Time is going fast folks, lets hope Hamlet in the Oval can see the clock and takes action against Iran, if not the Israel will take action and it will be hot new year folks in the Middle East.
Middle East,
Obama Administration,
Obama and Iran,
Situation in Iraq
The New York Times - Global: Reports on the gradual withdrawal of US troops from Iraq and how Al Qaeda plans to react, the NYT writes the following, " Qaeda and other militants would like to exploit the moment in one last bid to derail the fragile security gains. " Its up to Iraq now to show that it wants to be one country, it cant allow the terrorists to win, as JFK said in essence about South Vietnam, well it can also be said about Iraq, " Its their War " thus after the US has left in 2011 the people of Iraq have to come together and decide do they want to live together or will they fall into killing different ethnic groups, the USA and the UK can only do so much, the UK at the end of the day was run out of town, that why the UK is now stuck in Afghanistan, the US Military view of the UK in Iraq in less that stellar. Of course events that are outside Iraq could change the strategic actors on the ground, if Israel hits Iran, then Iran could hit US forces in Iraq, thus the 2011 plan to get by the USA would be in tatters. Lets see what happens folks, will be interesting either way.
Death in Afghanistan
MOD: Reports that another soldier has been killed in Afghanistan, the soldier was from the " 33 Engineer Regiment, Royal Engineers ". Thus since 2001 the UK has lost 234 of its Armed Forces Personnel in Afghanistan, of that total it has lost 203 in combat operations and 31 due to illness, accidents or other incidents. It seems that November will be a very bloody month for the Armed Forces in Afghanistan. This month alone the UK has lost 10 soldiers, and its only half way through the month, when will it all end, when will Obama stop dithering.
Obama's olive branch to Russia - WORKING ?
BBC News: Reports that a Russian nuclear plant being built in Iran wont be finished by the end of this year as planned, also Russia is being slow in the delivery of air defence system to Iran. As the BBC states this is down to Iran's march toward becoming a nuclear armed power. Lets be clear Russia is playing ball with the Obama Administration not because they are in the tank for Obama, no it is because they don't want Iran as a threat to Russia, also it can be postulate that Moscow thinks that if they play ball with Obama over Iran then Obama will allow Moscow more influence over the Ukraine if not Poland and the Czech Republic. It would be a smart move by Moscow, if VIEWS was in Moscow that is how he would play it, Obama has a problem, Israel will not allow a nuclear armed Iran, thus either Obama works his fading magic with Iran and gets them to follow the deal by the IAEA or either the USA or Israel have to take action through military strikes. An attack by Israel on Iran could set in motion a regional War, thus it would have to be the USA that takes action, how would the new Nobel Prize winner explain that to the Nobel Committee. Thus the Russian bear has a few Aces up its sleeve, lets hope the bear does not greedy, Obama can also give the bear so much concessions, still think that Middle East will be hot next year, and it wont be down to the Sun.
The Failure of Obama's Foreign Policy
The Times: Reports on the failures of the Obama Foreign Policy from Afghanistan to Climate change. Lets be honest folks, this blog has been very critical of Obama's Foreign Policy, from his dithering over Afghanistan to his failure to deal with Iran, but one can argue that at least he tried even if an old cynic like VIEWS thought it was a waste of breath, but the real failure for President Obama is that he has not learned on the job, as reported it has been stated that the President of France thought that Obama was arrogant but also naive, not a health combination in any leader. Thus what has appalled this correspondent, is that the candidate Obama of 08 who was meant to be post racial and post party, has become a typical Democrat once he got in to the White House. Lets recall his gut reaction to call the Police of one state stupid, and his arrogance in his own judgement that Iran would somehow come around to his point of view, also as stated by the LA Times Obama is afraid to make a decision about Afghanistan. It seems that President Obama has allowed the ghosts of Vietnam to cloud his judgment. Thus the Nobel Prize winner for doing nothing has done nothing, the Olympian Gods must be laughing their heads off, they gave Obama the voice and the Presidency but the end result will be a massive let down, one can appreciate the irony, it is funny in a way.
Waters of Mars ( Sunday ) - Review
The Doctor Who News Page: Reports on the overnight ratings for the Dr Who special, Waters of Mars got around 9.1 million viewers. The overnight figures tend go up after the review of people that recorded the show on video and other sources. As to a review of the show. one word fantastic as the good Doctor would have said, it was dramatic, funny, moving, it also showed how the Master could have become a villain. If you think about it, your a Time Lord, e.g a Lord of Time, thus Time is your domain, you run it, and if your up there with the Olympian Gods you would see us poor mortals as " Little People " I guess in way in its long history it is surprising that this kind of story has not come up before, yes there was the recent Pompeii, but then the good Doctor had Donna to bring him down to earth, I think the romantic in me also sees the episode in some respects about Rose, how the Doctor has always followed the rules of Time and what has it gotten him, a Type 40 Tardis that is stuck in in 1963 mold. Have set my Sky + for the Xmas and New Year shows, cant wait, have a feeling they will be fantastic, just like the Doctor, David Tennant just might be the greatest Doctor ever, and ever is a long time folks.
Have been told by Blog is serious, yes on most issues it covers that is the nature of the blog, but with the World in its present state we all need a hero with a wonky Tardis.
Sunday, November 15, 2009
President Obama and Medvedev on Iran
It is clear from the joint meeting between USA and Russia that Iran is fast becoming to the top of the International Agenda, President Obama and President Medvedev have started to use tougher language with Iran, Obama stated the following, " We are now running out of time......And so I discussed with President Medvedev the fact that we have to continue to maintain urgency and that our previous discussions confirming the need for a dual-track approach are still the right approach to take. And we believe that the United States and Russia will continue to urge Iran to take the path that leads them to meeting its international obligations. We can't count on that, and we will begin to discuss and prepare for these other pathways. " One has to wonder does that mean military options, because to avoid a very hot Middle East any attack on Iran would have to be done by the USA not Israel. Even Russia might be seeing the light, President Medvedev stated the following, " At the same time, as reasonable politicians, I hope we understand that any process must be terminant. Negotiation process is not for the pleasure of the process itself, but it is done in order to reach practical, specific outcomes. In this case, our goal is clear: it is transparent, up-to-date, peaceful program -- not a program that would raise questions or concerns from the international community. We're prepared to work further and I hope that our joint work will yield in positive results. In case we fail, the other options remain on the table in order to move the process in a different direction. " Might the USA and Russia both attack Iran, it would be new for the international system for these two powers to work together, but a more realist path would be for the USA to attack Iran while Russia does not oppose. The clock is ticking folks, either Iran backs down or the USA or Israel will have to hit Iran.
Death in Afghanistan
MOD: Reports that a soldier has been killed in Afghanistan, the soldier was form the " 7th Battalion The Rifles, attached to the 3rd Battalion The Rifles battle group " As of 2001 the UK has lost 233 of its Armed Forces Personnel in Afghanistan, of that total it has lost 202 in combat operations and another 31 due to illness, accidents or other incidents. There will be more deaths, while Obama dithers.
Obama is DITHERING - LA Times
LA Times: An interesting opinion piece in the Liberal LA Times on Obama and Afghanistan, the article states the following on Obama review of Afghanistan, " In Barack Obama, we have a president who asks the right questions but hesitates to pull the trigger. " The real question that President Obama should ask himself, cant take the blame should he ignore the advice of General McChrystal and goes for his own military policy for Afghanistan. At the end of the day President Obama will have two stark choices, he either follows the request of General McChrystal for about forty thousand troops or he does it HIS WAY. The problem with HIS Way is that if it goes wrong, he cant blame anyone else, the President who has shown a very thin skin when it comes to critical comments would be blamed by all from the military on down if he gets it wrong. Obama has missed a point that was stated on Fox News, the Taliban / Al Qaeda also have a vote, if they see Obama go for his own military policy they can attack, thus when the body bags come home and the families and the press blame Obama for not following the advice of the military what will this thin skinned President do, he wont have anyone else to blame, can the arrogance of Obama take that risk, does he want to, by how own arrogance become LBJ. Interesting days ahead folks for Obama and Afghanistan.
Ship Up or Out - Iran
Fox News: Reports on the warning from President Obama to Iran, that time is running out for Iran to agree to the IAEA deal for its nuclear material. The reason that President Obama is keeping pressure on Iran is down to Israel, the more Iran plays for the time the more Israel will feel the need to strike Iran before it goes nuclear. One can postulate that Israel will have the birds in the air in the new year, Israel will not allow the dithering of Obama to define their national security, thus expect a hot Middle East in the new year.
Friday, November 13, 2009
No Chair for Mr Craig
The White House announced today that Mr Greg Craig would be leaving his post as White House Counsel. This has been on the cards for weeks, even since a hatched job article by the Washington Post. The reason for the departure is simple, Mr Craig did the one mistake that will cost any White House Aide his job, he placed the President in front of a policy that has not worked as planned. In the case of Mr Craig he had the President state that Cuban Detention Centre for terrorists would be closed within a year, that is not going to happen, thus Mr Craig is out. The President did state the following in a Presidential Statement, " ( Craig ) ensured that we are keeping the nation secure in a manner that is consistent with our laws and our values. (In other words you landed me hit a bit of a political problem, therefore your out!) I’m indebted to Greg not only for leading the Counsel’s office but for his many decades of service to this country as well. (Don't Call us we wont call you) He has been a huge asset in the White House, and he will be missed. I will continue to call on him for advice in the years ahead.” (Just don't write a critical book about me!)
() The Author, more honest in politics than President Obama.
9/11 Suspects face New York Court
BBC News: Reports that Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, KSM the man behind 9/11 will face trial in New York City. On the whole not opposed to the trial as long as KSM and his fellow suspects go to boot hill after the trial. But there are two worrying points, it can be postulated that New York City will face an increase in the threat of terrorists attacks while the Case is in session, it would be to good a PR stunt for the terrorists, also on the political front it could cost President Obama, what if there is another terrorists attack on New York, the people will take it out on the Obama Administration. Thus the above move is risky but as long as security is in place, then its only fair that the terrorists behind 9/11 have their day in Court. Lets be clear the verdict has to be guilty for all of the men, all have to go to boot hill and there has to be no terrorists attack on New York. If the above happens then a good decision by the Obama Administration.
Thursday, November 12, 2009
Mother Jones: Reports on the importance that Obama Administration should give to telling the truth when it comes Afghanistan, other wise you have another Vietnam War complex. So is Obama the new LBJ. The advantage that President Obama has is that he is good on TV, thus if he gets around to sending more troops to Afghanistan he should stand a good chance of selling it to the US voter. In Vietnam President Johnson was bad on the old TV, ( yes folks there was TV even then! even colour ) Johnson made a mistake in the 1964 Presidential Election, he wanted to keep Vietnam on the back burner, with the exception of an attack on the North Vietnam due to an attack on a US ship the President kept Vietnam off the main debate. That the War was going well was destroyed by the Tet offensive of 1968, although the Viet Cong lost the battles they won the war due to TV press perception that the War was a loser. Thus 1968 LBJ was forced out of office by Vietnam, that is the fear of the Obama people, the problem for them is that Obama made Afghanistan the Just War, the war that had to be fought, unlike Iraq. It seems history will have the last laugh on Obama, Iraq has problems but on the whole the USA has won in Iraq. It seems that Obama is heading down a road that leads to defeat for the USA, it seems that Obama well could be the next LBJ.
A great new site from the National Security Archive, UNREDACTED has the new secrets released by the US Government. There is a great link to the Kennedy Presidential Library, the Library has just released new Kennedy Tapes on the August green light by the Kennedy Administration for the coup against President Diem. As Kennedy dealt with Diem we know see Obama deal with a very corrupt Afghanistan government under President Karzai. If you remove the names the problems are the same, corrupt central government, borders that you cant control, an enemy that hides in plain view, the feeling if you lose it will have a negative effect on the neighbours. This blog has been harsh on Obama because Obama is to smart to allow his own arrogance get in the way of military judgement, but as we have learnt today Obama thinks he passed out West Point at the top of his class. Thus if the leaks are true, Obama thinks there is clear way out of Afghanistan without allowing Pakistan to fall to the Taliban of Pakistan, yes folks he has a lot of YES men around him, in many respects Afghanistan is worse that South Vietnam, Pakistan is a nuclear power, if you lose Pakistan, India will attack the next hour, thus you have a nuclear war in the region, thus folks, lets hope President Obama gets the fact that his own arrogance could destroy his Presidency, Obama should listen to the Generals.
H - Day - Health Care Reform Bill
CNN News: Reports on the developing move to start the health care debate in the US Senate next week. As stated folks this could be your only chance to defeat a bill that is bad on the economics, it will cost a trillion, on the morale side, if your old the government wants you die, if you’re a woman the government wont pay for your abortion. Thus this is your chance to fight folks, if you believe in the United States this is the time to fight city hall, just city hall is Congress.
Afghan HERO Returns - MIA over a YEAR
The Times: Reports that Sabi the Dog an Australian IED detector has returned from being MIA for 14 months in Afghanistan. I have to be honest VIEWS is sucker for this kind of story, but the serious point is that VIEWS trusts the judgement of Sabi over President Obama. This is based on two facts, Dogs are Mans best friend, and Sabi is Australian, at least you can trust our Australian cousins to come to the aid of the motherland; as long as their PM‘s know how to behave around the Queen, they might not jump in the air about it but you can trust them, more than I can say about President Obama. I wonder if Sabi can run in 2012. Again salute for Sabi and their brave human handlers and fellow soldiers.
More DITHERING by Obama - Afghanistan
The New York Times: Reports on the endless meetings on Afghanistan, now it seems that the important decision on Afghanistan will have to wait while President Obama is in Asia, the NYT writes the following, " The decision on Afghanistan won’t come, aides said, until well after the president returns to American soil. " Thus while President Obama gets good PR the troops in the hell hole that is Afghanistan are in limbo, will the advice of their Commander, General McChrystal be the advice that Obama's takes or will he follow the advice of his idiotic Vice - President, VP Biden. If your a soldier in Afghanistan and you are seeing your brothers being blown up by IEDs or shoot at by the Taliban what are you going to think of a President who dithers, will he give you air cover when you need it, or will he take a poll. As stated yesterday Obama is no Kennedy or Reagan, a President sometimes has to take the tough decisions, Obama wants an out of Afghanistan, there is no clean out, that's the point, its an illusion to think that the history of Afghanistan will somehow change just for Obama. Thus if Obama does not send the troops as requested by General McChrystal then the UK should get out of Afghanistan, from the 19th to the 21th Century the UK has spilled to much blood in Afghanistan, if Obama thinks he knows best then leave it, Obama will find history does not move just to suit him, its will be hard lesson for this President to learn, the problem is that the West will have to go through this process with Obama.
Advice from the Ground - Afghanistan
The New York Times Global: Reports that President is getting conflicting advice from the ground in Afghanistan, it seems that the Ambassador to Afghanistan does not want more troops in country, the NYT writes the following on the Ambassador's advice to President Obama, " has expressed in writing his reservations about deploying additional troops to the country, three senior American officials said Wednesday. " Thus we see the background for President Obama's rejection of the advice of General McChrystal, the Ambassador, General Eikenberry is telling Obama what he wants to hear, that there are enough troops in Afghanistan, it is the perfect get out of jail card for a President who has no clue about Foreign Policy, lets recall General Powell during the First Gulf War wanted to give sanctions a chance, those would take years, that was not a political option for Bush 41. The advantage for Bush 41 was that he was a War hero himself, thus didn't need to take the advice of General Powell, readers should be aware that Bush 41 is one of the few people still alive who has been shot down by Japanese Zero plane during World War Two. Thus we come to President Obama, don't think he has ever went West Point, don't think he would make the cut to be honest, dithering in the Army is not a great quality when you have soldiers in foxholes in need of back up. Thus Obama as previous post, is finding reasons for doing nothing, poor NATO soldiers in Afghanistan. If Obama wont back up his troops then the UK should remove our troops, our brave soldiers should not die or suffer great injury due to the fact that the USA has the 1st APPEASER as President.
Hamlet of the Oval Part Two
Fox News: Reports that President Obama has rejected the military advice of the US military when it comes to Afghanistan, it seems that the President wants an exit out of Afghanistan in the future. This is the arrogance of Obama, he has spent to much time in the classroom and not enough time in the real world, he believes his own press statements. The US Commander on the Ground General McChrystal has requested forty thousand troops, Obama is under the odd illusion that there is clean exit out of Afghanistan, one has to wonder what he is smoking these days!! The point of Afghanistan is that Obama does not have a choice, he has one big problem, that is Pakistan, if you lose Afghanistan you lose Pakistan to the Taliban of Pakistan. It would not matter if it was just about Pakistan, but Pakistan is a nuclear armed power, do you want the Taliban in control of nuclear weapons Mr President. It seems that the Nobel Peace Prize has gotten to Obama, he really thinks he is God's gift to diplomacy, Tehran will be laughing their backsides off at the immature nature of Obama. Lets see if your the religious elite in Tehran and you seen Obama rejected the military advice of experts on winning wars, what would you think, simple one word appeaser, Obama can be rolled because does not want to do the dirty work of real statesmen, he does not have the guts to take on his extreme left wing, he would rather fight a war with Fox News than fight the Taliban. The problem with President Obama is that he has spent to much time in Uni seminar rooms, not the real world, the Taliban in Afghanistan will know that Obama can be waited out and that he will not defend his troops in the foxholes of Afghanistan, he gives moving speeches but wont back up his own military in the hell hole that is Afghanistan. It seems that we have a first class appeaser in the White House, roll on the Mid Term Elections in 2010 folks, then if the Republicans take over and Israel hits Iran, then Obama might wake up from his own arrogance, it might be to late, the terrorists will be on the march in Afghanistan and Iran, it will take a strong Republican candidate to win 2012 and roll back the disaster that is the Obama policy.
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
The Battle for Health Care - US Senate - 16/11/09
The Hill: Reports that the Liberal Democratic Leadership in the US Senate will introduce its version of Health Care reform on the 16/11/09. This is H Day folks, if you want to protect your health care this is the time to phone, email, telegram or turn in person to protest this health care bill. The Democratic Health Care Bill will bankrupt the country, if your old or have served in the military you will get thrown on the scrap heap due to costs. If your old you will be told that the state thinks you should do the decent thing and just die, so the young can get all the benefits of the system. If you’re a woman you will not be allowed to get an abortion on the state, the Democratic Party has sold its soul to moderate and conservative Democrats. Thus Gentleman and Ladies YOUR COUNTRY needs you, make your voice heard, oppose the one trillion dollar destruction of the health service in the United States. The Democrats would rather go over the cliff for Obama, don’t allow them to destroy your medical cover in the process, defend the USA folks, protest.
Senator Nelson NO to House Bill
ABC News: Reports that Senator Ben Nelson of Nebraska will vote against any version of the House Bill if comes to a vote in the Senate. As the article notes Senator Nelson is opposed to the cost of the House Bill but is in favour of the restriction on abortion. Thus on one hand Senator Nelson has a very good argument, the Bill will break the bank, in other words the USA will go bankrupt. But when it comes to abortion the Senator is just wrong, its discrimination against women. As stated this blog is opposed to the House Bill due to public option, the ration of care, the taxing of the rich to pay for those than can not afford to cover themselves or their family. But abortion is about natural justice and politics, women need support in this area, if the government cant pay for the abortion they should at least help with costs, why should women be sold out by Democrats, if women don't vote for the Democratic Party in 2010 they will be out of office. Thus it is a matter of morale and political justice for any health care bill to allow abortion paid for by the government, but that the government should not create an American NHS. Thus if your in Nebraska and oppose this liberal bill write or let the Senator Nelson know that support him, and if the public option is removed and the tax raises and cut, that it should pass but with an abortion element that allows women the freedom that is part of the culture of the USA.
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Democratic Senator ATTACKS Obama on Heath Reform
The Washington Times: Reports on the astonishing attack on the Obama Health Care Reform Bill by Senator Mark Warner, Democrat of Virgina. The WT states the following by Warner, " has misplayed his attempt to reform U.S. heath care by focusing on insurance coverage instead of explaining that the current system..." In other words Warner can read the tea leaves in his own state, he would like to get re-elected, thus this rebuke to President Obama. In politics all things are local, Senator Warner has seen his state go deep Republican, thus Democrats in States that are moderate or conservative have to think about their political futures, Obama does not really care as long as gets re-elected, thus is quite willing to throw Democrats under the bus, just ask those Democrats who voted for the Clinton Health Care Bill, how much calls and support did they get from the Clinton's after, in less they could help the Clinton's. Thus if your a Moderate or Conservative Democrat time to pull the plug on Obama Care, the compromise Senate Finance Bill should be the framework for any new Bill out of the Senate. Thus some good political advice to Senator Warner, vote against the public option or face a dim political future in the Republican state of Virgina.
First Casulty of the WAR with Fox News
The Washington Post: Reports on the Departure of the White House Director of Communications, Anita Dunn, the WP reports it was all planned but allows the White House to close the battle with Fox News. Call me cynical but it seems from the report that Chief of Staff, Rahm Emanuel could also be in the firing line, the WP reports that Mr Emanuel wants to return to active politics as in running for public office. Lets recall that President Obama has seen according to Gallup the greatest fall in popularity of any President since Gallup started, also the Obama Health Care Bill as passed by the House is a dodo in the Senate, thus what would you do if your Obama and you have the Mid Term Elections next year, yes to get rid of people who are hurting you with the press, and yes Fox News is a major player in the US news market. Obama like Reagan and LBJ needs that public affection, lets also recall that on all policy fronts the President has lost support of majority of US voters, just look at the Governors races in New Jersey and Virgina. Thus as reported on Fox News ( YES DEMOCRATS, IT DOES COUNT ) the White House next year wants to turn its attention to the economy, well there is a problem folks, the health care bill will stall in the Senate, the Cap on Trade green bill is a dodo, thus Obama has to turn to something to get some public support. The problem with Obama is that he belives his own press statements, thus the actual policy he should take of lower taxes is a problem as the House Health Bill calls for a raise in taxes, and a call for smaller government aka Bill Clinton is out of the window due to the health care bill. In essence Bill Clinton won re-election in 1996 not because of his agenda, it was because the Republicans took the House, thus President Clinton was forced to the centre of politics. President Obama is threfore stuck, his agenda and his own arrgance has placed him an idelogoical box, lets see if he is like Reagan and Clinton and can come back and win, VIEWS has his doubts, Obama was good but he is no Reagan.
Obama the NEW LBJ
The New York Times: An interesting Op -Ed piece in the Liberal New York Times, in essence this is the agenda of the NYT, the articles states the following, " We’re worried about Kabul when Detroit has gone down for the count. " In other words the USA has more internal problems that Obama should be dealing with, he could become the new LBJ, Vietnam destroyed the Great Society dream of President Johnson, Afghanistan could have the same effect on Obama. The Liberal NYT also states the following, is it a political warning to Obama, " Americans are questioning his priorities,....millions who went to the mat for him...." But the most important political point that the extreme liberal NYT does not understand or fails to see is that it has nowhere to go, it will never support the Republicans, it could never really oppose the first African - American elected to the Presidency, that kind of opposition would send most of the staff on strike. Thus if Obama is another Jimmy Carter with shades of Neville Chamberlain the extreme liberal NYT will have to support him, they jumped in to bed with Obama without thinking how to get out of the relationship. The one thing you can guarantee that no matter what Obama does the Times will support him, as the old saying goes they made their own bed, they just hope it does not end in divorce, they would really be in the cold then, if your to the left Obama who will take you in on the liberal side.
Small Sea Battle between North and South Korea
BBC News: Reports on small sea battle between the Stalinist North Korea and the Democratic South Korea. It seems from reports that North Korea was the guilty party is crossing the border between the North and South. The question is why, simple answer President Obama will be in the region, North Korea wants to remind the poor fellow its not just Afghanistan, Iran that he has on his plate, its North Korea. After the visit by Bill Clinton to take home the two reporters held by North Korea, the Stalinist North wants direct talks with the Obama Administration, they it can be postulated see Obama as weak, thus they think they can get more concessions out of him now that he other Foreign Policy problems. Lets be honest they could be right, as North Korea is nuclear armed the Obama Administration has to talk to them, that the difference with the Iran problem, as of now Iran is not a nuclear threat but once its becomes a nuclear armed power all bets are off, any Administration would have to talk to them, even grant concessions, that's why Israel will hit Iran, at the end of the day can Israel trust a weak American President with their security, would you trust Obama after his pandering to Russia at the expense of Poland and the Czech Republic and his dithering over Afghanistan.
Afghanistan Front News
MOD: Has released the name of the soldier killed on Remembrance Sunday, the soldier was " Rifleman Samuel John Bassett " Our thoughts are with the family of Rifleman Bassett.
Monday, November 09, 2009
Afghanistan Front News
MOD: Has released the name of the soldier killed on Saturday, the soldier was " Rifleman Philip Allen, 2nd Battalion The Rifles (2 RIFLES ) " Our thoughts are with the family of Rifleman Allen.
Elections in Iraq next Year
The Times: Reports that political parties in Iraq have come to an agreement for the framework of the elections next year. As noted by the Times the Iraqi elections were in doubt due to the political wrangles in Baghdad, now we have a framework for those elections, this follows the agreement between Iraq and the USA for the withdrawal of troops from the cities and for all combat troops to leave by August 2010. The USA will still be in Iraq, there will be around fifty thousand trainers to train the Iraqi Army and Security Forces, these trainers will leave at the end of 2011. It would be ironic if the sole Foreign Policy success of the Obama Administration was an agreement already singed by Bush 43 and Iraq in 2008. At least Obama didn't lose Iraq, and as posted yesterday he is sending another thirty four thousand troops to Afghanistan, lets see if Afghanistan can be the success that Iraq has turned out to be for US Foreign Policy.
Obama Administration
Health Care in the USA - US Senate
Fox News: Reports on the problems the House Bill will have in the US Senate, its down to Conservative and Moderate Democrats, if they block a public option its dead in the Senate. Thus the question can these conservative to moderate Democrats keep together to force the public option out of the Bill, also the Senate version would cost less and the taxes would more fair in their scope. Folks contact your Senator tell him or her, that you oppose this Bill, tell them not to buckle, that if they buckle they will lose your vote at the next election.
Paying for News
Sky News: Reports that the boss, Mr Murdoch has stated that News Corp sites could be removed from google. The idea to makes news content pay. I have had a few calls from News Corp on signing up for a subscription for the Times and the Sunday Times, must admit I am tempted but only when its going to happen, also its about time the company got the info down to their callers. As a blogger would like to know the following answers,
1) The cost of subscription to all News Corp Sites, Times, Sunday Times, UK Sun, Sky News, Fox News, etc.
2) How much of the content can be used if you pay for subscription.
3) If your link makes money for News Corp do you get returns, a small voucher etc.
4) What the guarantee that the scheme wont be dropped and your stuck with a subscription.
All Bloggers start to ask these questions of News Corp.
Obama and Iran
The New York Times Blog: Reports on the Obama policy towards Iran, the NYT writes the following, " Obama administration has all but lost hope that Iran will follow through with the agreement reached in Geneva on Oct. 1 " This is why President Obama will never be Ronald Reagan, the Obama West Wing has acted more like Neville Chamberlain when it comes to Iran and Russia, it has seen its attempts at talks thrown back in its face by Tehran, now Iran has three US hostages that it will try as spies, while with Russia Obama has sold out Poland and the Czech Republic on the idea that Russia would back tough sanctions against Iran, Russia has pulled out of that deal, Obama has had to make nice with Eastern Europe and place a new defensive shield in Eastern Europe. President Obama should the read the just posted Reagan speech, weakness and appeasement gets you squat in the International System, toughness is respected. Lets hope Obama does not get that 3am call to say that Israel is attacking Iran, what will Obama do, help or shoot down the Israeli planes.
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