Monday, November 16, 2009

Situation in Iran

The Times: Reports that UN's IAEA has stated that Iran could have more secret sites in Iran. How long can Obama dither when it comes Iran, the President has been snubbed so many times by Iran one has lost count, at the end of the day Iran is a national security threat to Israel and the West. One just has to see the power North Korea has since it got the bomb, once Iran joins the nuclear club all hell could break lose in the Middle East, Israel would strike with or without authority from the White House, and thus one can see a chain reaction, Iran hitting Iraq and US bases in the region. The Government in Tehran would let lose a wave of terrorists attacks in the West, they would try to cut off the oil from the region, yes it could get that bad folks. Thus the clock is ticking, its not a long countdown, Iran is rushing for the bomb, they have already gone down the path of miniature warheads, that the same path as North Korea. Time is going fast folks, lets hope Hamlet in the Oval can see the clock and takes action against Iran, if not the Israel will take action and it will be hot new year folks in the Middle East.

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