Monday, November 16, 2009

Obama's olive branch to Russia - WORKING ?

BBC News: Reports that a Russian nuclear plant being built in Iran wont be finished by the end of this year as planned, also Russia is being slow in the delivery of air defence system to Iran. As the BBC states this is down to Iran's march toward becoming a nuclear armed power. Lets be clear Russia is playing ball with the Obama Administration not because they are in the tank for Obama, no it is because they don't want Iran as a threat to Russia, also it can be postulate that Moscow thinks that if they play ball with Obama over Iran then Obama will allow Moscow more influence over the Ukraine if not Poland and the Czech Republic. It would be a smart move by Moscow, if VIEWS was in Moscow that is how he would play it, Obama has a problem, Israel will not allow a nuclear armed Iran, thus either Obama works his fading magic with Iran and gets them to follow the deal by the IAEA or either the USA or Israel have to take action through military strikes. An attack by Israel on Iran could set in motion a regional War, thus it would have to be the USA that takes action, how would the new Nobel Prize winner explain that to the Nobel Committee. Thus the Russian bear has a few Aces up its sleeve, lets hope the bear does not greedy, Obama can also give the bear so much concessions, still think that Middle East will be hot next year, and it wont be down to the Sun.

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