Tuesday, November 24, 2009

A - Day - How many more Troops for Afghanistan ?

Fox News: Reports that President Obama will speak the Nation on Tuesday on Afghanistan. It here folks, Obama finally has to make a decision, one has to wonder did he try to make it past getting the Nobel Prize in December, but the political climate would not tolerate such grand standing. Fox reports that that the US military expect President Obama to send about thirty two or thirty five thousand troops to Afghanistan, not quite the forty thousand as requested by General McChrystal but not complete surrender, JUST, lets see the details folks. Liberals will be hopping mad if that is Obama's decision, it would be the first time he has gone against the base of his support. But this blog is totally honest, there is one other side who also have a vote on the success or failure of this surge, the Taliban, they have seen a President takes months to make up his mind, how much money would you bet that they are planning a big style Tet offensive in the New Year. In Obama the USA has a weak Jimmy Carter, lets recall that lead to the Soviet Invasion of Afghanistan in 1979, thus the hot spot for Obama could be Iran, lets recall that when the US Embassy staff in Tehran were take hostage the US military wanted to strike Iran but Carter said no, he wanted diplomacy, and what has that gotten the West, the threat of a nuclear armed Iran. That for the New Year folks, its Afghan Time NOW.

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