Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Senator Nelson NO to House Bill

ABC News: Reports that Senator Ben Nelson of Nebraska will vote against any version of the House Bill if comes to a vote in the Senate. As the article notes Senator Nelson is opposed to the cost of the House Bill but is in favour of the restriction on abortion. Thus on one hand Senator Nelson has a very good argument, the Bill will break the bank, in other words the USA will go bankrupt. But when it comes to abortion the Senator is just wrong, its discrimination against women. As stated this blog is opposed to the House Bill due to public option, the ration of care, the taxing of the rich to pay for those than can not afford to cover themselves or their family. But abortion is about natural justice and politics, women need support in this area, if the government cant pay for the abortion they should at least help with costs, why should women be sold out by Democrats, if women don't vote for the Democratic Party in 2010 they will be out of office. Thus it is a matter of morale and political justice for any health care bill to allow abortion paid for by the government, but that the government should not create an American NHS. Thus if your in Nebraska and oppose this liberal bill write or let the Senator Nelson know that support him, and if the public option is removed and the tax raises and cut, that it should pass but with an abortion element that allows women the freedom that is part of the culture of the USA.

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