Sunday, November 29, 2009

Iraq War - Was it Legal ?

Guardian: Reports on a letter from the then Attorney General Lord Goldsmith to then UK PM Tony Blair on the legality of the War with Iraq before the War stared in 2003. One does get the impression that former PM Tony Blair is being hung out to dry by the Establishment. Also one has to wonder does PM Gordon Brown not regret allowing a public inquiry, the UK Establishment is seems has decided that someone needs to get the flak, so place the total blame on Tony Blair. As stated this blog supported the War with Iraq based on the evidence of WMD, but there were no weapons and the after war planning was a disaster, thus someone needs to be new Eden, as Bush 43 keeping under the radar in the USA its down to Mr Blair to take the critical mauling, not fair but that's politics. Also Tony Blair is very good on the back foot, he will come out smelling of roses, he will blame someone else, the tea lady and most of the public will go along with the argument, he has that Reagan ability of being Teflon, its just that the Labour Party cant stand him.

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