Thursday, November 12, 2009

Hamlet of the Oval Part Two

Fox News: Reports that President Obama has rejected the military advice of the US military when it comes to Afghanistan, it seems that the President wants an exit out of Afghanistan in the future. This is the arrogance of Obama, he has spent to much time in the classroom and not enough time in the real world, he believes his own press statements. The US Commander on the Ground General McChrystal has requested forty thousand troops, Obama is under the odd illusion that there is clean exit out of Afghanistan, one has to wonder what he is smoking these days!! The point of Afghanistan is that Obama does not have a choice, he has one big problem, that is Pakistan, if you lose Afghanistan you lose Pakistan to the Taliban of Pakistan. It would not matter if it was just about Pakistan, but Pakistan is a nuclear armed power, do you want the Taliban in control of nuclear weapons Mr President. It seems that the Nobel Peace Prize has gotten to Obama, he really thinks he is God's gift to diplomacy, Tehran will be laughing their backsides off at the immature nature of Obama. Lets see if your the religious elite in Tehran and you seen Obama rejected the military advice of experts on winning wars, what would you think, simple one word appeaser, Obama can be rolled because does not want to do the dirty work of real statesmen, he does not have the guts to take on his extreme left wing, he would rather fight a war with Fox News than fight the Taliban. The problem with President Obama is that he has spent to much time in Uni seminar rooms, not the real world, the Taliban in Afghanistan will know that Obama can be waited out and that he will not defend his troops in the foxholes of Afghanistan, he gives moving speeches but wont back up his own military in the hell hole that is Afghanistan. It seems that we have a first class appeaser in the White House, roll on the Mid Term Elections in 2010 folks, then if the Republicans take over and Israel hits Iran, then Obama might wake up from his own arrogance, it might be to late, the terrorists will be on the march in Afghanistan and Iran, it will take a strong Republican candidate to win 2012 and roll back the disaster that is the Obama policy.

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