The New York Times Global: Reports that President is getting conflicting advice from the ground in Afghanistan, it seems that the Ambassador to Afghanistan does not want more troops in country, the NYT writes the following on the Ambassador's advice to President Obama, " has expressed in writing his reservations about deploying additional troops to the country, three senior American officials said Wednesday. " Thus we see the background for President Obama's rejection of the advice of General McChrystal, the Ambassador, General Eikenberry is telling Obama what he wants to hear, that there are enough troops in Afghanistan, it is the perfect get out of jail card for a President who has no clue about Foreign Policy, lets recall General Powell during the First Gulf War wanted to give sanctions a chance, those would take years, that was not a political option for Bush 41. The advantage for Bush 41 was that he was a War hero himself, thus didn't need to take the advice of General Powell, readers should be aware that Bush 41 is one of the few people still alive who has been shot down by Japanese Zero plane during World War Two. Thus we come to President Obama, don't think he has ever went West Point, don't think he would make the cut to be honest, dithering in the Army is not a great quality when you have soldiers in foxholes in need of back up. Thus Obama as previous post, is finding reasons for doing nothing, poor NATO soldiers in Afghanistan. If Obama wont back up his troops then the UK should remove our troops, our brave soldiers should not die or suffer great injury due to the fact that the USA has the 1st APPEASER as President.
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