Sunday, November 22, 2009

Breaking the BANK - WP

The Washington Post: The Dean of the Washington Press Core, David S. Broder writes the following on Obama's health care reform, " The challenge to Congress Obama -- remains the same: Make the promised savings real, and don't pass along unfunded programs to our children and grandchildren. " This is an excellent article that looks how the Obama health care reform could break the USA, how the costs of health always go up and how real cuts are never made by politicians. Voter hand on heart can you see your House Representative or Senator really make cuts in an election year, if you cant you have to get off your backside and make contact, tell them to oppose this fools gold for health care reform, tell them if they vote for this lunatic bill with the public option you will vote against them, and more you wont give them any money, that should get their attention, thus the POLITICAL WAR has just started folks, lets keep the pressure on moderate and conservative Democrats.

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