Monday, November 30, 2009

POTUS = 30,000 = Afghanistan - NYT

The New York Times: Reports that President Obama has issued his final orders for Afghanistan, the NYT writes the following, " advisers to the president have said Mr. Obama intends to commit roughly 30,000 more troops. " One can argue that with the other troops from NATO Allies and close US Allies the request by General McChrysal of forty thousand will get close. So on this lets give President Obama a pass on the process, lets see what the results are, if its thirty thousand troops plus a few thousand more troops from the Allies this should give General McChrystal the troops he needs to secure the towns from the Taliban and help build up the Kabul Government. As to if it will work that is a different question, it really depends does President Obama have his heart in the fight, will he take on his Liberal base, the Liberals in Congress are not going to roll over when it comes to Afghanistan, they see Afghanistan as another Vietnam and Obama as the successor to LBJ. Thus expect the far left to go bonkers and the Obama polls to dive a bit, even with Republican support, one can postulate that Independents will be also very nervous with the Obama process and decision when it comes to Afghanistan. But lets be clear this blog supports Obama if the above is correct on the troop surge. Lets face it folks Obama needs to toughen up his act, he has Iran to deal with next year.

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