Friday, June 28, 2024

Will Biden Survive the Week? 2024 Candidates/2024 General Election - Bide Era

Lets Get Real:

This blog watched the debate drunk, it was best, if you think about it, it was 1960 all over again, charisma over substance, POTUS looked tired and ill, that was the reason that the campaign used after the debate.  The CNN view of the debate above is being kind, what the reporters can not understand is how bad Biden was during the debate but was on form after the debate, that is simple, that is the real Biden when faced with pressure, God help the US and the West, while on the campaign is relaxed with supporters and has a teleprompter.   The Democrats will not replace Biden, he is the Democratic nominee, ALSO it would look like the Democrats were trying to steal the election with a new candidate.   If you had Mrs Obama it might work or Hillary Clinton, it might just work, the stress is might, neither women would want to be in this mess.  Also who would tell POTUS its OVER, no on has the backbone or cares enough about the US, so the US and the West might need to get ready for a 2nd Term for Trump.

Wednesday, June 26, 2024

The Leaders Debate between the Labour Leader and the Conservative Leader - 2024 Candidates/2024 General Election

Lets Get Real:

It was a scrappy debate, it seemed that the PM wanted it more, Sir Keir went on and on about his record as a Prosecutor, do you really think that President Putin will care, should the crisis in the Ukraine get worse.  There were not questions on foreign policy, the questions were all on domestic issues, it ca be fair to say that Starmer was all image and no substance as when he comes PM next Thursday, the crisis's developed, there will be no real support for him.    In other words when the reality of the World comes knocking they will find a PM will shallow support but with a Super Majority, this will be 1997 but worse, Labour could be in power for 20 years, and they will do what they usually do as my friend said, " a Shit show " after 18 months, the gleam will have come off, immigration of the illegal kind will rise, taxes will go up and the people cant complain, they gave Labour a super majority, of over 200.    It will take about 15 to 20 years to get rid of them, the UK VOTER has been told, I do not want to hear that non one told them.   The people get the Government they deserve!

Tuesday, June 25, 2024

North Korea launches Ballistic Missile at Sea - Developing Asia Crisis - Biden Era

Lets Get Real:

It seems that North Korea wants to make  a double impression, the US has sent a Aircraft Carrier to the region for military games with South Korea, and the North wants to make an impression, also there is the Presidential Debate coming up on Friday, they might want to draw the attention of US voters to the crisis developing in Asia.  The US voters should not be shocked if there are other actions by the North Korea, before the US election in November, they might try something during the debate itself, force to the candidates to deal with the issue of North Korea.  Thus far only Donald Trump has visited North Korea, they leaders met on the DMZ, after that the talks become frosty. Thus North Korea might be trying to help Donald Trump.

Monday, June 24, 2024

Russia Threatens US after Crimea Attack - Ukraine - Russia War - Biden Era

BBC News: Reports " Russia blames US for Crimea deaths and vows response.......Russia has blamed the US and vowed "consequences" for a Ukrainian missile strike on Sevastopol in occupied Crimea on Sunday, which officials say killed four people - including two children.  "

Lets Get Real:

This could be a real THREAT from Russia, they might want to play a role in the Debate on Friday in the US.  What better way than to hit a NATO country or close enough to raise Western tensions.   Putin knows that he needs Trump in the White House to STOP the Ukraine WAR, so what better way to undermine POTUS than to place him in a crisis with the Russia.   Thus far he has used the rhetoric of the nuclear reaction when the West does something he does not like.  A convention attack would be different, would Article 5 in come in to force if Russia attacks the Baltic States or Poland.  The Biden Oval and the White House Situation Room should have the CIA AND NSA on guard, just in case, this would be the time to act by Russia.

Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Will Israel go to WAR with Hezbollah in Lebanon ? - Israeli - Gaza War - Biden Era

Guardian: Reports " Hezbollah leader: Cyprus will be target if it lets Israel use its territory in conflict...Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah warns of ‘war without rules’ if Israel launches full-scale invasion against Lebanese militia "

Lets Get Real:

One doubts that Hezbollah wants a WAR with Israel, however much the rhetoric, after Gaza Israel will not hold back whatever the UN or the Biden Administration says, also Hezbollah has been armed up to the teeth by Iran, if a WAR does break out this could drag in Iran and then the US would come to the defence of ISRAEL, so far this blog does not see it happening, but a spark could happen, the Israeli PM is under pressure to allow the people who live close to the border of Lebanon to go home, thus he has to deal with the rockets being thrown over the border by Hezbollah, also lets not forget Gaza, that is on going.   One assumes the Biden Oval does not want another WAR in the Middle East, so it will try to smooth over any sparks, it might be to late, and this blog could be Wrong, a war between Hezbollah in Lebanon would be bigger than Gaza an could lead to a regional WAR.   Also the Kremlin would look to weaken the US due to its fight in the Ukraine, as a former US Defence Secretary said, its the unknown, unknowns that bother you, keep you eye this, it could breaking news at any time.

Russia and North Korea to support either if faced with aggression - New Cold War II - Ukraine - Russia War

BBC News: Reports "  Putin and Kim pledge mutual help against 'aggression'....Vladimir Putin and Kim Jong Un have signed an agreement pledging that Russia and North Korea will help each other in the event of "aggression" against either country.  "

Lets Get Real:

This could be the most important story of the day, the West knowns that Russia is getting ammunition from North Korea for its WAR with the Ukraine, in return it is though that Russia is helping North gain ICBM ability.   It could be worry if North Korea was to send troops to the Ukraine as stated in the above article, or that Russia could help North Korea should it try action with South Korea.   As stated many times in this blog and by other, we could be on the road of 1930s again, the Italian, Nazi Germany and Japan pact or the Nazi - Soviet Pact, other centres of power to the West.  At some point Putin is going to try his luck for a quick win in the Ukraine or to divert attention an attack on the Baltic States.    The decision could be down to who wins in November in the United States, a Trump win could be a clear signal for Putin to try something, or a weak Biden under the eye of a Republican Congress.  International Politics is always on the move. 

Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Savage Attack on Donald Trump by President Biden - 2024 Candidates/2024 General Election

Lets Get Real:

This is a savage attack on Trump by POTUS,  this blog supports Biden but people in glasses houses should not thrown bricks, Hunter Biden is also a felon and has a 2nd Trial in September.  The Campaign is dirty already, its only June, the DEBATE is next week, one knowns that Trump will respond, the gloves are off.   

Monday, June 17, 2024

1st Debate between President Biden and former President Trump - CNN - 2024 Candidates/2024 General Election

On the UK side the General Election should see according to a report on Sky News the Conservatives down to 72 Seats, a major disaster, Labour will to do a lot better than 1997 and the Conservative win of 1924.   The Labour Party will be be in power for least 15 years.   This blog does not want to hear about the Labour Government not being popular and that the Country is stuck with them.   The voters will give them a super majority that will take a decade to get rid off, in 2010 it took a coalition Government under David Cameron.    Thus the people will get what they deserve, it always ends badly under Labour, it will be our OWN FAULT.  Your have been warned.

Guardian: Reports " Muted mics, no props: CNN details rules for Biden and Trump debate.. Network says no studio audience in Atlanta and moderators ‘will use all tools at disposal to ensure a civilized discussion "

Lets Get Real:

Why the Trump Campaign agreed to CNN being the network for the 1st  debate, God only knowns, the are arch liberal and will set out to help POTUS as they can get away with.   Trump works best with a crowd, and the mics will be in the control of CNN, do you TRUST THEM, POTUS will have to be on top form, well get the fact that he is in a debate for his job.   Thus far the Presidential polls have been neck and neck with Trump ahead in the SWING STATES, both sides will want to launch a punch that takes the other one out and not create problems for their campaigns.   Of course Trump might be sent to jail, we can pray, the blog is supporting POTUS, he supports the Ukraine, and his win would not hurt US security and that of the West.  Get the coffee ready with the popcorn, the Debate awaits. 

Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Will President Biden commute any sentence given to Hunter Biden? 2024 Candidates/2024 General Election

Guardian - Live Blog: Reports 6.03pm post the following, " White House won't rule out commuting Hunter Biden sentence....The White House has not ruled out a possible commutation for Hunter Biden after a jury found him guilty on three federal gun crimes."

Lets Get Real:

After giving speech at a gun safety conference, POTUS went to Delaware to see his son and this was shown to the press, there no way POTUS will allow his son and father to his grandchildren to go to JAIL.   The problem for POTUS will come in September when his son on Trial over his tax affairs.    The Republicans see that as most important, thus if he his trial goes the way of Delaware then POTUS will act, one would expect nothing else of a loving father, we shall see how the polls after Trump is sentenced and before that the debate between Biden and Trump.    This election will be long, thank goodness we have alcohol.

Tuesday, June 11, 2024

POTUS and Hunter Biden - 2024 Candidates/2024 General Election - Biden Era

The political Gods are really sticking it to POTUS, a speech on gun safety after his only living son has been found guilty of breaking Federal Law on drug addicts owning guns!!

Sky News - Live Blog: Reports in its 7.46pm post the following, " Joe Biden doesn't address son's conviction during opening remarks....Mr Biden tells the audience that he knows how it feels to receive tragic news, saying: "That black hole in your chest, you feel like you're being sucked into it."

Lets Get Real:

Who ever put the above event on today's schedule needs to be fired, and this blog supports POTUS in 2024.   The last part as stated above was not about gun control, but how POTUS feels about what happened today.   There might come a time when Biden has to pardon his son or commute his sentence,  no father with the power that he has will allow his only living son and farther to his grandchildren to be set to jail.   Let's not forget that there is a 2nd trial in California over tax issues, not so easy to pull on the heart strings, when the law and politics mix, it dose  not work for either side.

Hunter Biden found GUILTY in Trial over ownership of a gun while a drug addict - 2024 candidates/2024General Election

BBC NEWS - Live Blog: Reports it its 5.32pm post the following, "  Hunter Biden has been found guilty of lying about his drug use when buying a gun. After three hours of deliberation, the jury found him guilty on all three counts... .........      US President Joe Biden released a statement saying he will "accept the outcome of the case" and "will continue to respect the judicial process as Hunter considers an appeal". The president reiterated his support for his son. "Nothing will ever change that," he said. "

Let Get Real:

The Delaware Jury went of script, they found Hunter Biden GUILTY, although a home town boy, the son of the President, POTUS will be careful NOW, how he attacks Trump, how Trump paid off a porn star is less important than the son of the President buying a gun when he knew it was illegal.   The CNN coverage of the case was sympathy for Hunter Biden, the guests they had on followed the CNN script, saying that the case would not have been bought if the Biden's surname was Smith, also that the Trump case was different, the liberal news network tried to have it both ways, saying that the trial would have no effect on the Presidential race, what planet are these people from, does CNN have its own planet.  The Son of President is a felon and he faces another trial in California over tax issues, there only so much water a campaign can take, Trump is show business President, the rules are different for him.  The sentencing is still come, the Judge could send him to jail, that could open a Pandora box  in the US, ah for the days of decisions made by men in smoking  rooms, less scandal and less democracy, was it really that BAD.

Jury in Hunter Biden's drug and gun trial are deliberating - 2024 Candidates /2024 General Election

BBC News: Reports " Jury begins deliberating in historic Hunter Biden case....Jurors in the Hunter Biden gun case have begun deliberating, and must now decide the fate of the US president's son.  "

Lets Get Real:

The Hunter Biden as with the Donald Trump case would have not be bought if they had different surname, the verdict in both cases should have been NOT GUILTY, in this case the Jury is from Delaware, Biden's home state and Hunter is a local boy, so while New York went wrong away, this blog expects the Jury to bring back a NOT GUILTY verdict, anything else would be political, the gun was never used, and on one for sure knows if Hunter Biden was on drugs, his father has said he wont use his Presidential power to Pardon his son, the father of six children.  In the old days, men in smoke filled rooms would have solved their problems like gentleman, present problems are due to people wanting a pure democracy, it cant work like that.   When in 1968 President Johnson discovered that candidate Nixon was playing games with the Paris Peace talks, he kept that quiet, it would have caused a political crisis, he kept it over Nixon, thus the Watergate break - in of 1972, Nixon wanted to know how much LBJ had told the Democratic Party.   Today is what you get when you have the ideologues in charge.

Monday, June 10, 2024

Trump and Biden are TIED in the Swing States - 2024 Candidates/2024 General Election - Biden Era

The Hill: Reports " Biden, Trump neck and neck nationally, in battleground states: CBS Poll...The CBS News/YouGov poll found that Trump received 50 percent support nationally among likely voters, while Biden received 49 percent  "

Lets Get Real:

What does it take with American voters, Donald Trump is a convicted felon, one can say the Court case in New York was bogus and the charges do not make sense, that the Jury was full DEMOCRATS.  But at the end of the day, Trump is guilty in other charges, he has ben accuse of RAPE and has to pay millions in fines and this does not move the polls, have the American people lost their common sense, also Trump is on Trial for the keeping of secret documents when he should not have had them.  The Biden VP should be out every day, punching Trump, if Biden does not want to dirty his hands and the Presidency. Democrats its the time to fight. 

Ukraine Fighter Jet shoots missile in to Russia - Ukraine - Russia War - Biden Era

Sky News: Reports " Ukrainian warplane fires weapon at target inside Russia for first time..."While damage assessment is still occurring, it is confirmed as a direct hit," a Ukrainian military source tells Sky News. "

Lets Get Real:

The article does not states if it was a Western fighter Jet that has been given to the Ukraine or if it was a Western missile, this latest development might be a RED LINE for Putin, let's say for argument sake that Biden wins in November and a Republican House also wins, the influence of Trump over the Republicans will be on the wane, then the Reagan Republican's can return the Republican Party to its past support for the Ukraine.   Thus more US military kit, drones, fighter jets and tanks.  The question is what will Putin do, would he really attack the WEST, NATO States, trying to se how far he can push a new re-elected Biden, that road to WW3 might have been set already.

Tuesday, June 04, 2024

Who WON the Election Debate between Starmer and Sunak - 2024 Candidates/2024 General Election - The Future Labour Government

Sky News - Live Blog: Reports in its 10.14pm post the following, " 

Sunak wins first TV debate... just...

We've just had the results from a snap debate poll taken by YouGov during the contest....The audience responded: Rishi Sunak: 51%, Sir Keir Starmer: 49%  "

Lets Get Real:

This blog thought it was draw, but one can argue that Sunak WON, his charge that Labour would raise taxes by 2,000 for everybody in the UK, hit home and the Labour Leader did not come up with a clear rebuke.   This blog was shocked that the Ukraine did not come up, what happens if Russia wins in the Ukraine, what will Sir Keir do then, he keeps going on about him time as Director of Prosecutions, what will he do about the WAR CRIMINAL Putin.   One does hope security comes up in the next debate.   Also the Scottish Question, what will Labour do about Scotland.   THIS is going to be long campaign, Labour will win with a big majority, the question can you trust them on security and the defence of the realm.

Biden closes the US Border with Mexico to illegals - 2024 Candidates/General Election - Biden Era

 I did watch the debate between the Labour Leader and future PM Sir Keir Starmer and the outgoing PM Sunak.  The debate was  a draw, the Labour Party is going to WIN BIG in July, the biggest Majority since 1924.  There is nothing that the Conservatives can do, 14 years in power is long enough, the next Labour Government could be in power for 15 years, that is the point of a BIG MAJORITY, it was take a few election cycles to get them out.   Also let's not forget the Ukraine, WW3 could be down the road!!  The UK voter cannot say that they were not told.

BBC News - Live Blog: Reports in its 7.30pm post the following, " Biden gives no hard number on when executive order will stop.....Biden doesn't give a number of crossings that will trigger the action to stop, but say that would happen when entries drop to a level that can be effectively managed.  "

Lets Get Real:

The Republicans have stated for ages that the Biden Oval has the legal authority to close the border, it has taken the fact that Biden is sinking in the polls to ACT.   At least this will remove a political arrow from the Republicans, and the Biden Oval can say that that order would have more force if the US Congress had passed the original Biden plan.  Thus far the political polls are tied, one would think that a Party Nominee who has been convicted of a Crime, would fall away in the polls, that has not happened, could it be that the American people have made their mind up about POTUS and it is not good.  It will be interesting to see the polls at the weekend.

Sunday, June 02, 2024

Republicans Support ME - Donald Trump - 2024 Candidates/2024 General Election

It is about time this blog dealt with the Trump Trial in New York, the Republican Nominee for President is a convicted FELON, anyone else it would be over with, but then this is the Trump, it can be argued that the case and charges are bogus, its not illegal in New York to pay of a porn actress, the charges are LEGALLY NOVEL to say the least, and the case cold be overturned on appeal, it might get to the Supreme Court even! 

Guardian: Reports " Trump hails Republicans for defending him and calls conviction ‘a scam’....In Fox interview, Trump derides his conviction and baselessly characterizes it as political weaponization of US justice system  "

Lets Get Real:

The Guardian is to the LEFT of Lenin, thus its reporting must be suspect, no fans of the Trump, the report is accurate that the Republicans on the whole have supported Trump, what if the Judge in NY does the US a favour and sends Trump to prison, the left might be happy, on the other hand the reaction might not be great on the right it could hand the Presidency to Trump, it wold be a brave Judge who would do this, the Republicans could and would threaten to bring the US Government to a standstill, NY could forget any money from a Republican Congress, and State always like Federal money.  Trump in jail might do wonders for US security in the short term, the appeal Court could throw the case out, and thus grant Trump the Presidency.   The Left legal system is playing a dangerous game, one it might come to regret.