Monday, June 17, 2024

1st Debate between President Biden and former President Trump - CNN - 2024 Candidates/2024 General Election

On the UK side the General Election should see according to a report on Sky News the Conservatives down to 72 Seats, a major disaster, Labour will to do a lot better than 1997 and the Conservative win of 1924.   The Labour Party will be be in power for least 15 years.   This blog does not want to hear about the Labour Government not being popular and that the Country is stuck with them.   The voters will give them a super majority that will take a decade to get rid off, in 2010 it took a coalition Government under David Cameron.    Thus the people will get what they deserve, it always ends badly under Labour, it will be our OWN FAULT.  Your have been warned.

Guardian: Reports " Muted mics, no props: CNN details rules for Biden and Trump debate.. Network says no studio audience in Atlanta and moderators ‘will use all tools at disposal to ensure a civilized discussion "

Lets Get Real:

Why the Trump Campaign agreed to CNN being the network for the 1st  debate, God only knowns, the are arch liberal and will set out to help POTUS as they can get away with.   Trump works best with a crowd, and the mics will be in the control of CNN, do you TRUST THEM, POTUS will have to be on top form, well get the fact that he is in a debate for his job.   Thus far the Presidential polls have been neck and neck with Trump ahead in the SWING STATES, both sides will want to launch a punch that takes the other one out and not create problems for their campaigns.   Of course Trump might be sent to jail, we can pray, the blog is supporting POTUS, he supports the Ukraine, and his win would not hurt US security and that of the West.  Get the coffee ready with the popcorn, the Debate awaits. 

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