Wednesday, June 26, 2024

The Leaders Debate between the Labour Leader and the Conservative Leader - 2024 Candidates/2024 General Election

Lets Get Real:

It was a scrappy debate, it seemed that the PM wanted it more, Sir Keir went on and on about his record as a Prosecutor, do you really think that President Putin will care, should the crisis in the Ukraine get worse.  There were not questions on foreign policy, the questions were all on domestic issues, it ca be fair to say that Starmer was all image and no substance as when he comes PM next Thursday, the crisis's developed, there will be no real support for him.    In other words when the reality of the World comes knocking they will find a PM will shallow support but with a Super Majority, this will be 1997 but worse, Labour could be in power for 20 years, and they will do what they usually do as my friend said, " a Shit show " after 18 months, the gleam will have come off, immigration of the illegal kind will rise, taxes will go up and the people cant complain, they gave Labour a super majority, of over 200.    It will take about 15 to 20 years to get rid of them, the UK VOTER has been told, I do not want to hear that non one told them.   The people get the Government they deserve!

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