Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Hunter Biden found GUILTY in Trial over ownership of a gun while a drug addict - 2024 candidates/2024General Election

BBC NEWS - Live Blog: Reports it its 5.32pm post the following, "  Hunter Biden has been found guilty of lying about his drug use when buying a gun. After three hours of deliberation, the jury found him guilty on all three counts... .........      US President Joe Biden released a statement saying he will "accept the outcome of the case" and "will continue to respect the judicial process as Hunter considers an appeal". The president reiterated his support for his son. "Nothing will ever change that," he said. "

Let Get Real:

The Delaware Jury went of script, they found Hunter Biden GUILTY, although a home town boy, the son of the President, POTUS will be careful NOW, how he attacks Trump, how Trump paid off a porn star is less important than the son of the President buying a gun when he knew it was illegal.   The CNN coverage of the case was sympathy for Hunter Biden, the guests they had on followed the CNN script, saying that the case would not have been bought if the Biden's surname was Smith, also that the Trump case was different, the liberal news network tried to have it both ways, saying that the trial would have no effect on the Presidential race, what planet are these people from, does CNN have its own planet.  The Son of President is a felon and he faces another trial in California over tax issues, there only so much water a campaign can take, Trump is show business President, the rules are different for him.  The sentencing is still come, the Judge could send him to jail, that could open a Pandora box  in the US, ah for the days of decisions made by men in smoking  rooms, less scandal and less democracy, was it really that BAD.

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