Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Will Israel go to WAR with Hezbollah in Lebanon ? - Israeli - Gaza War - Biden Era

Guardian: Reports " Hezbollah leader: Cyprus will be target if it lets Israel use its territory in conflict...Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah warns of ‘war without rules’ if Israel launches full-scale invasion against Lebanese militia "

Lets Get Real:

One doubts that Hezbollah wants a WAR with Israel, however much the rhetoric, after Gaza Israel will not hold back whatever the UN or the Biden Administration says, also Hezbollah has been armed up to the teeth by Iran, if a WAR does break out this could drag in Iran and then the US would come to the defence of ISRAEL, so far this blog does not see it happening, but a spark could happen, the Israeli PM is under pressure to allow the people who live close to the border of Lebanon to go home, thus he has to deal with the rockets being thrown over the border by Hezbollah, also lets not forget Gaza, that is on going.   One assumes the Biden Oval does not want another WAR in the Middle East, so it will try to smooth over any sparks, it might be to late, and this blog could be Wrong, a war between Hezbollah in Lebanon would be bigger than Gaza an could lead to a regional WAR.   Also the Kremlin would look to weaken the US due to its fight in the Ukraine, as a former US Defence Secretary said, its the unknown, unknowns that bother you, keep you eye this, it could breaking news at any time.

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