Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Russia and North Korea to support either if faced with aggression - New Cold War II - Ukraine - Russia War

BBC News: Reports "  Putin and Kim pledge mutual help against 'aggression'....Vladimir Putin and Kim Jong Un have signed an agreement pledging that Russia and North Korea will help each other in the event of "aggression" against either country.  "

Lets Get Real:

This could be the most important story of the day, the West knowns that Russia is getting ammunition from North Korea for its WAR with the Ukraine, in return it is though that Russia is helping North gain ICBM ability.   It could be worry if North Korea was to send troops to the Ukraine as stated in the above article, or that Russia could help North Korea should it try action with South Korea.   As stated many times in this blog and by other, we could be on the road of 1930s again, the Italian, Nazi Germany and Japan pact or the Nazi - Soviet Pact, other centres of power to the West.  At some point Putin is going to try his luck for a quick win in the Ukraine or to divert attention an attack on the Baltic States.    The decision could be down to who wins in November in the United States, a Trump win could be a clear signal for Putin to try something, or a weak Biden under the eye of a Republican Congress.  International Politics is always on the move. 

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