Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Sanders and Warren lead in New Hampshire - US Election 2020

Lets Get Real:

The question that has to be asked, is VP Biden finished, he leads in some national polls but in the States he has been overtaken by Sanders or Warren.  One has to assume that President Obama might need to have a word with his former VP, either to get in to the game or considering getting out of the race.  It can be postulated that Barack Obama legacy was hurt by the fact that Hillary Clinton did not win 2016, he does not want to see his VP defeated.   The only thing keeping Biden in the race is the support of the African - American vote, but will last if he loses Iowa and New Hampshire.  It can be argued that the Democratic Establishment should start thinking of getting another candidate, thus we come to HRC, she did win the popular vote in 2016 and she needs something to do, also one would have hoped she would have learned the lessons of 2016, listen to Bill Clinton more, he knows about winning elections. 

UK General Election 12th of December - Part 2 - General Election 2019

Let's Get Real:

The last time a general election was held in December was in 1923, it lead to the formation of the first minority Labour Government.   The present Conservative Party has to fight this election based on a positive message, more funding for the NHS, more policemen on the street, lower taxes, and getting BREXIT DONE.   There will be endless polls, there will be ups and downs, also we have the debate between the leaders, PM Boris should be good at that.  There has to be Party discipline, keeping on a daily message, that a Corbyn Government would be a DISASTER for the UK and for Europe.  The stock market would tank if Corbyn was elected, the Russians would be happy, NATO would come under threat, Corbyn has stated that he would never order the UK to strike back if a rogue nation struck the UK with a nuclear missile.   This general election should also be about the defence of the UK. 

UK General Election on the 12th of December - General Election 2019

Lets Get Real:

This is a good day if you are a CONSERVATIVE and a BREXIT supporter, the UK will have a general election on the 12th of December.   The Conservative Party have to learn the lessons of 2017, no negative Manifesto ideas, get Brexit done, cut taxes, put more police officers walking the streets.  Protect NHS funding in the future.  PM Boris has to keep it simple, show the voters that they can trust the Conservative Party and paint Jeremy Corbyn as old Marxist unfit to be the PM, how Corbyn would take the UK back to the 1970s, strikes, three day week, looking weak around the World.  The Conservatives have to think they are 10 points behind, take the fight to the Labour Party and other anti Brexit parties.   The fight start tonight. 

Monday, October 28, 2019

The SNP and a General Election - Brexit Update 2 - General Election 2019

The change of strategy was even a shock to a few SNP MPs, the SNP knows that there is a tough criminal trial coming up in January, and it does not want its image tarred by the Trial, thus this move to support a general election in 2019.  It seems that Labour will have to be dragged in a general election, that does not look good, the older Labour MPs know that some of their colleagues will not be back, and some must secretly hope that they lose so they can get rid of Jeremy Corbyn. This is the chance for the UK voter to make up its mind, one way or another, not another minority Government, the UK system does not work when that happens. 

Today's playtime in the House of Commons - Brexit Update 1 - General Election 2019

Lets Get Real:

What a fiasco today in the HOUSE OF Commons, the PM tried to get a General Election through the Fixed Term Parliament Act, that failed, mostly Labour abstained, thus tomorrow we have a 2nd vote that will only take a majority.  Thus far it looks the SNP is on board, while the Liberal Democrats want to see the details, the above is the main bone of contention, well WAB is in LIMBO, thus see why no reason for not an election.  One does wonder what Labour will do, how many times can they refuse an election before looking like chickens and cowards. It is time for an general election, to end this issue, the UK is tired of the debate, and even this political blogger has had enough. 

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Warren LEADS in Iowa, Biden 4th in a new poll - US Election 2020

Lets Get Real:

If the Biden Campaign is taking comfort in the their lead in a recent national poll they are making a great political mistake.  At the end of the day it is down to the States, and these polls have not been good for Biden when it comes to Iowa and New Hampshire.  The Biden Campaign can not afford to lose Iowa and NH, this would give great political momentum to Warren if she can win both States.  The great lead that Biden has in SC due in part to the African - American vote could fall fast if Warren is seen as the winner.  Also Biden has to worry about Mayor Pete, he is 2nd in this new poll from Iowa.  Senator Harris who placed all her bets on winning Iowa and is no show.  Biden has to hit Iowa and NH hard, otherwise he will become yesterday's man fast.  Let not forget that the impeachment of Trump and his Senate Trial will take up the early months of 2020, a political distraction, the Democratic candidate need all the free TV coverage they can get. 

Labour to say NO to an election ? - Brexit Update 3 - General Election 2019

Lets Get Real

If the above is accurate then we have a ZOMBIE Parliament that has been take over by the HARD REMAINERS. PM Boris should call a NO CONFIDENCE in himself and get the Party to vote for it, then the House of Commons would have 14 days to find a successor to Boris or there would be an election. Is the House of Commons bubble so gone that MPs have fallen off political reality. Any attempt to place Corbyn in No 10 would lead to political disaster for those MPs who support the move. The nutters have taken over our political system.

Labour and a General Election - Brexit Update 2 - General Election 2019

Lets Get Real:

This is an interesting time for LABOUR, they have turned down 2 general elections requests from PM Boris, in political terms can they afford to say NO AGAIN, they are already being called Turkeys and a ZOMBIE Parliament, will Jeremy Corbyn allow himself to be controlled by the HARD REMAINERS, that would be a disaster for Labour, they would be seen as pure political operatives, who do not trust or believe in the UK voter.  Labour needs a hard think over the weekend.  The Change Party faces losing  all its seats even the Liberal Democrats could be hit, that is why the small Parties, such as Plaid Cymru and SNP are running away from an election.

12th December General Election ? - Brexit Update 1 - General Election 2019

Lets Get Real:

Thus will Labour MPs, be Turkeys voting for Christmas, if the EU grants a three month extension as demanded by Jeremy Corbyn what weasel words will he use to avoid supporting a motion for a general election.   Even if supports the general election his backbench MPs could refuse, most of the MPs in marginal seats know they face being sent to the jobcentre, it was typical of the BBC to have talking points for Labour MPs not to support the motion, it would be nice if the BBC allowed the supposed political party to make those points.  The tone of the BBC, was why have an election, they showed they are HARD REMAINERS who want a 2nd Brexit vote.  Monday will be interesting, what matters most to Labour, following the word of their leaders of keeping their warms seats in the House of Commons. 

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

JFK's Women - The Myth and Reality of being a Kennedy - US History

Lets Get Real:

One does wonder how then Senator then President Kennedy found the time for his women, it was only of late that the WORLD learned that he had his own intern problem, very much like President Clinton.   JFK's affairs would not have come out if not for Watergate, after that his historical legacy took a battering, then the world learned that Kennedy did a deal with the USSR over the missiles in Cuba, he agreed to remove the missiles in Turkey six months after the then USSR removed their missiles, but made it clear, that if it came out the deal was over. Political considerations were most important than World peace.  Yet Kennedy was a great President, he did make a deal with the USSR over the missiles in Cuba, yes he sold out Turkey, but that needed to happen to avoid World War 3.  Greatness does not mean perfection, just makes leaders human.  Bill Clinton is no JFK or Reagan, the old dog is far to flawed an individual. 

Three Month Extension for Brexit - Brexit Update 2 - General Election 2019

Lets Get Real:

This PM Boris gets a short extension and in that time can call a general election, the Opposition will find it hard to reject an election, they wanted an extension, well the have gotten one, what reason will they give to try to avoid a general election, all the polls show that Labour would get a massive beating.  The PM should go to the Country on a HARD BREXIT, that the House of Commons can not be trusted, and that the Courts have shown a REMAIN BIAS, specially the Scottish Courts.  There will be those within the Labour Party that wand a 2nd Brexit vote, but the Brexit supporters might just be lucky, Corbyn wants a general election, thus it might just happen.  A general election before Christmas, fantastic NOT!!.

PM Boris PAUSES Brexit Deal - Brexit Updat1 - General Election 2019

Lets Get Real:

Thus today was another anti climax, very much like Saturday, the Speaker would not allow a Brexit vote on Saturday, then today the House of Commons voted for a 2nd reading of the Brexit Deal but refused to follow the Government timetable.   The PM stated that he was pausing the process, this is wise, the PM should go for a general election, get an extension, a short extension and then call a general election and force the Opposition Parties to refuse to grant one after they said they would once a extension was give by the EU.  The House of Commons is a ZOMBIE Parliament, most of the HARD REMAINERS face getting the boot by the voters, that is why they are afraid of a general election.   PM Boris should go for a HARD BREXIT, he has given his word that the UK will be out of the EU on the  31st of October. 

Monday, October 21, 2019

Hillary vs. Tulsi - Part 2 - US Election 2020

Lets Get Real:

As stated in my previous most, either HRC has lost the plot or is planning to get in to the 2020 race, why attack a candidate so low in the ratings, we all respect to Rep, Gabbard's she is not in the top tier and at least she has served her Nation, unlike Bill Clinton or Bush 43 in Vietnam ( let's be be fair, Bush 43 was in the Texas national guard as a flyer and had a uniform).   It is interesting to see from the article that the feud between the two ladies goes back to 2016 when Gabbard supported Senator Sanders, the Clintons NEVER forget or forgive.  If HRC is going to make such statement from the touch line then she should expect to be attacked, if she really thinks the above she should get in to the race, she did win the popular vote in 2016 and did not grandstand over the issue, unlike Al Gore in 2000 over Florida.  Run HRC, the Crown could still be yours. 

Biden on Trump and Iran - US Election 2020

Lets Get Real:

This record shows that Biden has gotten Trump WRONG, he is a major appeaser, he has  removed US troops from Northern Syria, thus allowing the Turks to invade and remove the native Kurds and give the Russians a great security presence in the area.   In Afghanistan the Trump Oval wanted to have talks with the Taliban before they killed a US Soldier and Trump ceased talks.  When it comes to Iran, the Tehran Regime shot down a US drone and allowed Iran to attack Saudi Arabia, with no answer from the US.   In other foreign policy hot spots, Trump has bent over backwards to please Russia from the Ukraine to Syria, while he allows North Korea to develop nuclear weapons.  Trump is WEAK, he does not understand the need for the US to lead Western security and prevent the threats to US growing.   Thus Biden is flying a hail mary pass to save his campaign, it might not work. 

Has HRC LOST Her Marbles? - US Election 2020

Lets Get Real:

In normal process Presidential LOSERS, either fade away or are made Ambassador to Japan.  It seems that there is still fire in the belly of Hillary Clinton, it was all meant to be different, he was supposed to be Democratic nominee in 2008, and then again she was on the road to the Oval Office in 2016, she had had a speech ready, and in the end in 07 she lost to Barack Obama and then she won the popular vote in 2016 but lost the electoral college to Donald Trump of all people.   IF HRC really feels that Gabbard is a favourite of Russia she herself should get in to the race, it is not to late and it would spark more media attention on the field.  The Clinton Camp could argue that she won the popular vote in 2016 and VP Biden is hitting the skids, due to lack luster stage performance and the attacks by Trump on his son's business dealings in THE Ukraine.   If Reagan can run three times, 1968, 1976 and 1980,  why not HRC in 2020, if she is that rattled by the field, she should either get back in to the presidential race or spend more time with her grandkids, shouting from the touch line does not help. 

Mayor Pete SURGES in Iowa - US Election 2020

USA Today: Reports on a new poll that finds Mayor Pete Buttigieg surging in Iowa, the poll states, " The poll, taken Wednesday through Friday, put Biden at 18%, Warren at 17% and Buttigieg at 13% among 500 likely Democratic caucusgoers.  "

Lets Get Real:

It would not shock this blog if Mayor Pete could WIN in Iowa and NH, he is a war hero, he is young and he is gay, if that does not tick all the boxes for the LIBERAL Democrats then nothing will.   It can be postulated that VP Biden has hit the skids, the attack on Biden and his family by POTUS might have caused damage, and the fact that Warren is seen as being evasive on how she would fund her medical reform has not helped her.   The fact that Senator Sanders had a heart attack and did not tell the press for three days has pricked his balloon as representing the left and honesty.   It is still far too early to predict who will win Iowa, and let's recall New Hampshire likes to go its own way, so winning Iowa does not mean you have a shot in NH.  The front runners , Biden, Warren and now Mayor Pete have to spend the next the next three months in Iowa, they have to feel like a resident.   Of course the impeachment investigation is over shadowing the race, that is why Democratic leaders want it quick and finished by Thanksgiving.   Advice to candidates, wear heavy coats, its very cold in IOWA and NH in December and January. 

Friday, October 18, 2019

Has POTUS gone MAD ? - US Election 2020

Lets Get Real:

It can be argued that POTUS has shown that he is unfit for the Oval Office, Turkey invading Northern Syria is not a school yard fight, the US has betrayed its Kurdish Allies, the same Allies that fought Daesh and now face Syrian backed military that have Daesh and Al Qaeda supports among them.   The article reports that five hundred people have been killed and 300,000 civilians displaced within Syria, this is not a game, this is about life and death.  The Vice President and the US Cabinet should consider the 25th Amendment for the suspension of the President.   President Trump by his actions in the Ukraine and Syria have shown that he is unfit for the great office he holds, one doubts that the US Senate will remove him after impeachment, they are afraid of him, well his base.  US national security is being destroyed, one hopes that Trump gets defeated in 2020, otherwise god help the West. 

A New poll on Brexit - PASS IT - Brexit Update 3 - General Election 2019

Guido Fawkes: Reports in its 12.16pm post the following, " Important snap poll from YouGov. Top lines:

Lets Get Real:

At the end of the day it is about politics, as an old Democratic Speaker once said, " ALL  POLITICS IS LOCAL ". those in Leave Seats will face pressure to vote with the Government, while they will also face the threat of de-selection or having the whip removed, meaning that they can not stand as Labour Candidates if they vote with PM Boris.  Let's recall these brave souls voted for Jeremy Corbyn to be the LEADER of the Labour Party, thus one has to question their sanity and their political judgement, it can be postulated that they will fall in line with the Labour Leadership and find some weasel words to cover for their vote.  Thus we have a 3 month or more extension, we face a general election or another Brexit vote. 

Labour MPs and Brexit - Brexit Update 2 - General Election 2019

Lets Get Real:

This blog's confidence in LABOUR MPs doing the right thing and voting for BREXIT is LOW, let's recalled they voted for Jeremy Corbyn as leader and have failed to get rid of him, they have shown they do not have the guts to leave the LABOUR PARTY, they are more concerned about their political careers and are fearful of getting de-selected by left wing members of their seats.   It would be brave if Labour MPs did vote for Brexit, it would go down well in Northern Seats and help them get re-elected.  Of course if they vote for the deal and get de-selected they could get a peerage from a very happy PM Boris, just thought for LABOUR MPs to think about before they vote, they will get nothing out of Jeremy Corbyn. 

The House of Commons Tomorrow - Brexit Update 1 - General Election 2019

Lets Get Real:

It is a fool who would make a prediction, but then this is the internet, why not, one can postulate that PM Boris will come up short by a few votes, that he will have to send an letter to the EU asking for an extension, after that who knows, a general election or a 2nd Brexit vote.   This ZOMBIE Government and the " Dead " Parliament can not carry on like this, the UK system can not work like this.  One does hope that Corbyn has the guts to call a NO CONFIDENCE vote in the Government and then we can have a GENERAL ELECTION, to clear the House of Commons of the DEAD WOOD.   The House of Commons has become a RUMP Parliament, when is there a Charles 1 or a Cromwell to dismiss them, at least they were leaders. 

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

House Rebukes POTUS over Syria and Turkey - 2020 US Election

The Hill: Reports the following on the resolution, " The measure passed in a 354-60 vote "

Lets Get Real:

One assumes this resolution will be passed by the US Senate or something like it.  The Trump White House can not afford to burn its bridges with the Republicans in the US Senate, POTUS will need them to find him not guilty when he is impeached.  The Trump foreign policy is just madness, it undercuts US security  and Trump is doing what Obama did in Iraq, the removal of US troops lead to the formation of Daesh.  The Trump Oval is coming across as weak and with no long term policy goals at all, with the exception of getting Trump re-elected in 2020.   The way POTUS is acting, it cast serious doubts of him getting re-elected, Senator Warren just might have a chance in 2020. 

Trump's Madness over Syria and Turkey - US Election 2020

Lets Get Real:

The late Presidents Kennedy and Reagan must be turning in their graves, an American President has removed troops from Syria and welcomes that the Russians are taking over.  The OLD Republican Party of Reagan was about strong national security, the Trump Republican Party is about appeasing the enemy and not supporting US allies.   At their debate last night the Democrats sounded more hawkish than Trump, let's get real, if asked in 1975 would these candidates have supporting keeping troops in Southern Vietnam, many hundreds of thousands of US allies were left in the Country when the LIBERAL US Congress cut off monies to help Southern Vietnam fighting, while it was a LIBERAL Congress that cut off military support to the Contra freedom fighters in Nicaragua.   The Democrats are only hawks in name only, do you really trust them with US security, look at Obama taking US troops out of Iraq and the formation of Daesh, the US has to send troops back in to Iraq.   The World needs US leadership, thus far neither Republicans or Democrats seem to get that message. 

A Brexit Deal Update - Brexit Update 2 - General Election 2019

Lets Get Real:

Thus one can see the plan, a long night for diplomats, Cabine tomorrow and then a PM statement in the afternoon, or course this depends on no last minute hangups, and when it comes to Northern Ireland, there always problems. If PM Boris can get a deal and get it through the House of Commons, then he will be seen as a political great, of course he has to be lucky, we shall if the wannabe successor to Churchill and Thatcher can be that successful. It seems very tense few hours for the poor UK voter.

A UK/EU Deal is close - Brexit Update 1 - General Election 2019

Lets Get Real:

It seems a DEAL is close, if a deal is done between the UK and the EU, the UK PM will have to get the ERG ( hardline brexit supporters ) the rest of Conservative MPs and those Conservatives who had the whip removed ( Remainers ) and a few Labour MPs to vote for the agreement to get passed in the House of Commons.   The next few HOURS and DAYS will be interesting, it could be  a VERY long night in London and Brussels.   A EU Summit starts tomorrow and then we have the sitting of the House of Commons on Saturday.  Let's hope this ends the Brexit mess. 

Monday, October 14, 2019

Warren LEADS Biden in Early States - Election 2020

Lets Get Real:

It can be argued that the past few weeks have been good for Senator Warren, she was one of the first Democratic Senators to call for the impeachment of Trump, then Trump with his disastrous greenlight for Turkey to invade Syria, and for Turkey to attack the Kurds, an ally of the US in its WAR with Daesh.  Then Senator Sanders had a heart attack, his supporters it seems are moving to Warren, and US voters like to support winners, thus Warren could take Iowa and New Hampshire and the line for Biden is South Carolina, his African - American supporting is holding, but that might change if Warren can win the early States.  In all the match ups the Democratic candidates beat Trump, well to be honest these polls are interesting but they do not matter, it can be expected that Trump will throw the kitchen sink at Warren in a General Election, can the liberal firebrand really to toe to toe with Trump and not sink herself with her very liberal policies.  Iowa is getting close, expect the candidates to move to Iowa, that is the plan of Senator Harris, she has become a long shot for the nomination.  On the other hand as the article points out, Mayor Pete has become a player, will the young Mayor fell the giants of Biden or Warren, it is not impossible. 

A Deal this week on Brexit ? - Brexit Update 1 - General Election 2019

Lets Get Real:

It has been surprising that more has not leaked in LONDON or BRUSSELS when it comes to the presume deal between the UK and the EU.  One would have thought that one of the 27 nations making up the EU would have leaked the details of the aspects of the deal that could cause problems for the UK or the EU.  The Hard Remainers in the House of Commons on Saturday next plan to take over the order paper and get a 2nd Brexit vote, it will be interesting to see how Jeremy Corbyn and the Labour leadership deal with this issue, also how will the rebel Conservatives vote.   A thrilling week, we have had the shadow boxing of the Queen's speech, that real action in Thursday through to Saturday, there is the EU Summit and then the sitting of the House of Commons on Saturday.  

Friday, October 11, 2019

The House of Commons Coup by the HARD REMAINERS - Brexit Update 3 - General Election 2019

Lets Get Real:

It will be interesting to see if the Labour Leader, Jeremy Corbyn stands up to his HARD REMAIN MPs, for their plan to work they need the Labour Leader to support a 2nd referendum and not agree to a general election, that will be HARD, Corbyn has been calling for an election for months, and has actually turned down 2 chances for an election.  The House of Commons is a " Dead " Parliament and some MPs are acting like zombies, not following the Party order but are high on hubris.   In this they are helped by a bias Speaker.  Thus 19th of October will be EU day either way. 

The New UK plan - Brexit Update 2 - General Election 2019

Lets Get Real:

If the Irish go along with a new agreement, it will be VERY HARD for the EU to turn it down, a NO DEAL BREXIT would be their FAULT.  On the other hand there are zealots in the UK and the EU that want to override the BREXIT vote of 2016 and will look for anyway to cause problems, in this respect they will have the support of a BIAS Speaker and a House of Common out of control, Party control has broken down.  One could see a scenario were the UK and Ireland get a deal then the EU says it's okay with them and the deal is voted down in the House of Commons by HARD BREXIT and REMAIN MPs.   The next few days will be very interesting. 

Breakthrough between LONDON and DUBLIN - Brexit Update 1 - General Election 2019

Lets Get Real:

This blog got it wrong it seems, there seems that there could be an agreement between Ireland and the UK.  As with most political commutators this blog would have liked to have been a fly in the room when the Irish and UK PM's meet to thrash out the issue.   The question is who has given concessions, will the DUP buy in to it, or will they reject the deal and thus allow the extreme Brexit supporters off the hook and to vote against the DEAL.  The full details of the plan should be leaked in the next few hours,  then we should have a clear picture, will this plan fly or fly to close to the Sun and come down in the Water. 

Tuesday, October 08, 2019

Is there still hope of a BREXIT DEAL? - Brexit Update 4 - General Election 2019

Lets Get Real:

This is a good strategic move by PM Boris, he can blame the Irish and the Germans for the breakdown of talks, he can argue that HUBRIS has overtaken the Irish and Germans.   Once the UK is out of the EU, it will be the Irish that suffer, let's see how much the German taxpayer wants to bail out the Irish economy again.  Also since the UK will not place customs facilities near the border it will be up to the Republic Ireland, they have stated they will not, they will be placed under pressure by the EU to have some kind of customs structure, as the EU single markets would be damaged.  The losers in the long term will be the Irish and the Germans.  The UK will be fine. 

UK Voter supports a NO DEAL BREXIT - Breix Update 3 - General Election 2019

Lets Get Real:

The UK voter will like the challenge of telling the EU to bugger off, there will be a few troubling spots on they way, but as with any change they can be ironed out over time.  The Conservatives have to play in to theme, of US the UK against those in Europe and at home who want to be run from Brussels, thus the Surrender Act.  The UK has always done well when faced with troubling aspects, it can be argued that we are at our BEST when faced with fraught developments.  Think Dad's Army ( TV Series ), at Wars and Royal events we have no equal. 

The Road to a NO DEAL BREXIT - Brexit Update 2 - General Election 2019

Lets Get Real:

The Conservative Party should get ready for a short and sharp general election, the main aspect of the Conservative manifesto should be the that the UK will leave the EU without a deal and that the UK can prosper in the long term and keep faith with democracy.   The main target for the Conservatives should be the Labour Leader Jeremy Corbyn, he is the least liked opposition leader in years and is running a anti Jewish Party, without much effort to remove this stain.   Also he is a Communist, he wants to take over large areas of the UK economy, he wants to return the UK back to the 1970s, over powerful unions and never ending strikes.   

A No Deal Brexit General Election - Brexit Update 1 - General Election 2019

Lets Get Real:

It is all over except except for the set procedure, the Queen's speech is next week, then the Surrender Act forces the Government to ask the EU for an extension and then there will be a general election.   It seems that the EU will grant an extension, under the illusion that this will work for them, that would be a mistake, PM Boris will go in to the general election under a NO DEAL BREXIT, while the Labour Party will be roadkill in the middle, they seem to have forgotten that the average voter has the attention span of 15 seconds, if that, while the Liberal Democrats will be clear in wanting to revoke Article 50.  Prediction is a risky business, let's recall the Trump victory in 2016 and the failed election by PM May, thus this blog is predicting that the Conservatives will win a BIG MAJORITY, based on a no deal Brexit.  The EU will wish it had taken the Boris plan, sometimes hubris overtakes institutions. 

Friday, October 04, 2019

The Boris Brexit - Brexit Update 1 - General Election 2019

Lets Get Real:

It seems PM Boris is really trying to get a DEAL, the question is how many more concessions can he make without losing the DUP and the Hard Brexit MPs, one assumes that there is a strategy, that 10 Downing Street has been in discussions with its allies to see what their backstop is.  The point is getting the DEAL through the House of Commons and the EU.  Also how will PM Boris negate the Surrender Act if he can not get a DEAL.  The next 10 days will be very interesting. 

Trump on China, Ukraine and the Bidens - US Election 2020

Lets Get Real:

One thing about POTUS, he really does not give a d-m, he is so used to reality TV that he is taking the format of reality to the White House.  What is shocking, is that the Party of Reagan has not draw a line in the sand, the Ukraine crisis is about US national security and the defence of the Ukraine against the Russian Bear.   Today POTUS asked China to investigate the Bidens, this is illegal, and Trump does not care, one has to ask, is he so self deluded or has the Republican Party by the political balls, there is few resistance to Trump from the GOP, also over the past few days, the Ukraine has dragged in the VP, Attorney General Barr and the Secretary of State, so the 25th Amendment is out.  POTUS is making Washington D.C a laughing stock, what will it take for the Republican Senate to remove Trump, as it seems that the VP is implicated in the crisis, there is no way that Republicans would ever allow the Speaker of the House to get in shouting distance of the Oval Office.  What a FARCE, poor US. 

Thursday, October 03, 2019

Warren TOPS another National Poll - US Election 2020

Lets Get Real:

Thus at the next debate it can be argued that Senator Warren should have the  centre stage podium, as she leads NOW LEADS in two national polls and leads in Iowa and New Hampshire.  The Biden Campaign has to up its game, the Ukraine scandal is HURTING the Biden  Campaign, as POTUS is always going on about the how crooked the Biden father and son are, based on conspiracy theories that have be debunked by the main stream media. If there was a there there, the press would have found it by now.  It can be argued that the nomination is there for Warren to LOSE, the other candidates will start to attack her, her plans cost a fortune and as always the Middle Class will be hit by liberal ideas.  Also one has to factor in the recent ill health of Senator Sanders, he is the oldest candidate running, his voters might think it would be better to have another candidate to support, politics is ruthless, its not happy hour. 
Guido Fawkes: Reports on  a new poll by YouGov, that shows the political parties status with the voter, " Conservatives 34%, Liberal Democrats 23%, Labour 21%, Brexit Party 12% "

Lets Get Real:

This is good news for the Conservative Party, they lead the Liberal Democrats by 11%, the problem is breaking those numbers down to Parliamentary Seats, it has been suggested by experts that the Conservative Party needs to get the Brexit Party down to single figures to get a good overall majority.  Thus the PM has to go for a NO DEAL BREXIT, if there is no agreement between the UK and the EU.  The difference between 2017 and now is that Boris is PM, he actually likes people and is seen as a fun character.   The General Election awaits. 

Northern Irish Backstop scrapped by PM Boris - Brexit Update 2 - General Election 2019

Lets Get Real:

Thus the tone from the extreme Brexit MPs has been good, on the whole they agree with the new Brexit plan of PM Boris, on the negative side, the Irish Government has been very cool, while the Liberal Democrats are opposed, the same goes for the Labour Party leader.  The question is will Labour MPs from LEAVE seats vote for the agreement or will they toe the PARTY LINE.   One hopes the Labour Leave MPs vote for the agreement, then we can get back to basic politics for the General Election.   The nightmare of BREXIT has to finish, one way or another. 

The Boris PLAN for Brexit - Brexit Update 1 - General Election 2019

Lets Get Real:

Thus far the Boris plan for Brexit has gone down well with Conservative MPs even some Labour MPs, the tone of the BBC and Sky News has been negative.  The tone was more frosty than the tone from the EU.  The question is will the EU bite, one has to go back to the Surrender Act, it forces the PM if there is no deal to ask for a three month extension and to accept whatever the EU states.  Thus the EU might think it can say NO to the Boris Brexit Deal and after a General Election come back for more meetings.   The PM has to make it clear to the EU, that would be a roll of the dice, what if the Conservatives win a big majority in the House of Commons based on a NO DEAL EXIT, why should the PM give time to the EU.   If the EU had a brain cell it would take this deal, otherwise the this issue could go on for months. 

Wednesday, October 02, 2019

How Corbyn could save PM Boris - Brexit Update 4 - General Election 2019

Lets Get Real:

It would be ironic if PM Boris was saved by Corbyn, the Opposition Leader has made it clear that he will not support a caretaker PM who is not him.  Thus if a NO CONFIDENCE VOTE is passed and 14 days elapse without a new Government being formed, then we have a  General Election.  This would help the Conservatives win a overall majority, and then have a clean and clear EXIT from the EU.  It can be postulated than the Liberal Democrats will never vote for Corbyn, as they would face massive election losses, while the remaining Conservative rebels would never be forgiven for placing Corbyn in 10 Downing Street, while some even LABOUR MPs might not vote for Corbyn.  Thus Boris is saved. 

Ten Days to get a Brexit Deal or the UK Walks - Brexit Update 3 - General Election 2019

Lets Get Real:

The cynics in the political community have suggested that the Boris plan is an attempt to place the blame on a NO DEAL BREXIT on the shoulders of the EU,  while EU from sources have suggested that they are not open to a new deal as designed by PM Boris.  Thus we have a mexican standoff, neither side are going to give way or make a deal, the Surrender Act states that if there is no deal then the UK must ask for an extension to Article 50, PM Boris has stated he will not ask for an extension, then who will, will the House of Commons force the Cabinet Speaker to send a letter, does he even have the authority and then what, a general election that could give the Conservatives a majority and the Remainers will be left in the dust, that is why they have not accepted an offer of a general election, they are turkeys afraid of Christmas. 

The Surrender Act and Brexit - Brexit Update 2 - General Election 2019

Lets Get Real:

Thus IF the EU turns down the new UK plan for Brexit, then we reach an impasse, by UK law the Government must request an extension to Article 50, or will the UK Government try to find a way around the new law.   This blog has proposed that the UK Government Declare a State of Emergency, thus close down Parliament and have a General Election.  One is sure the Remainers will complain and try use the Courts against the Government, but the UK Government can argue that they will have a General Election no matter what, do the Courts want to block a vote of the people.  This is trench warfare, you have to be ruthless to win, it is a battle of attrition, the REMAINERS have to LOSE for the sake of UK DEMOCRACY.