Thursday, October 24, 2019

Warren LEADS in Iowa, Biden 4th in a new poll - US Election 2020

Lets Get Real:

If the Biden Campaign is taking comfort in the their lead in a recent national poll they are making a great political mistake.  At the end of the day it is down to the States, and these polls have not been good for Biden when it comes to Iowa and New Hampshire.  The Biden Campaign can not afford to lose Iowa and NH, this would give great political momentum to Warren if she can win both States.  The great lead that Biden has in SC due in part to the African - American vote could fall fast if Warren is seen as the winner.  Also Biden has to worry about Mayor Pete, he is 2nd in this new poll from Iowa.  Senator Harris who placed all her bets on winning Iowa and is no show.  Biden has to hit Iowa and NH hard, otherwise he will become yesterday's man fast.  Let not forget that the impeachment of Trump and his Senate Trial will take up the early months of 2020, a political distraction, the Democratic candidate need all the free TV coverage they can get. 

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