Tuesday, October 22, 2019

JFK's Women - The Myth and Reality of being a Kennedy - US History

Lets Get Real:

One does wonder how then Senator then President Kennedy found the time for his women, it was only of late that the WORLD learned that he had his own intern problem, very much like President Clinton.   JFK's affairs would not have come out if not for Watergate, after that his historical legacy took a battering, then the world learned that Kennedy did a deal with the USSR over the missiles in Cuba, he agreed to remove the missiles in Turkey six months after the then USSR removed their missiles, but made it clear, that if it came out the deal was over. Political considerations were most important than World peace.  Yet Kennedy was a great President, he did make a deal with the USSR over the missiles in Cuba, yes he sold out Turkey, but that needed to happen to avoid World War 3.  Greatness does not mean perfection, just makes leaders human.  Bill Clinton is no JFK or Reagan, the old dog is far to flawed an individual. 

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