The Times: Reports that Pakistan has threatened to move its troops from the badlands of the border between Afghanistan and Pakistan and move them to the border between India and Pakistan due to the terrorist attack in Mumbai, India. If there is a conflict between India and Pakistan this could damage Western interest in Afghanistan, we need Pakistan to keep its troops in the badlands of the border. If they follow through with their idea to move their troops the USA and UK would have to consider placing Western troops in Pakistan. Lets not jump the gun, the USA under President Bush and Obama should send a diplomatic delegation to India and Pakistan, if that fails we should make clear to both countries, if they want a war then fine, but not nuclear, that has to be made clear to both governments. The West can not afford to see both India and Pakistan in a nuclear rubble, and not with Western troops in Afghanistan. That sounds harsh but its the reality, thus if and this is way off, should the terrorists win the final round, India and Pakistan must not be allowed to use nuclear weapons for any reason. Thus the CIA AND MI6 should make sure they are aware of the sites for these weapons in case they have to be taken out one way or another. This is the time for Obama to show real skill as a statesman, this crisis might not wait for January 20th 2009.
A look at the Politics of the United States and the UK. The Foreign Policies of both countries and how they behave in the International Community.
Sunday, November 30, 2008
India and Pakistan at War ?
Telegraph: Reports that India has placed herself on a War footing with Pakistan. The terrorists have won the first two rounds, they terrorised Mumbai ( Bombay ) for days, now India and Pakistan are back at each others throats. The West has to make sure that the terrorists don't win the final round, President George W. Bush should send a Diplomatic mission to the region, he should invite President - Elect Obama to send his envoy with the group. If India and Pakistan go to war, the entire region could go up in flames, lets recall both nations are nuclear powers. Thus the security of the West requires that the USA take an active role to get both countries back on the same page, the terrorists can not be allowed to start a nuclear war in the region.
Secretary Clinton
The New York Times: Reports that President - Elect Obama will announce Hillary Clinton as his nominee for Secretary of State on Monday. I cant decide if this move by the President is brilliant or the most foolish since the Russia sold Alaska to the USA; before the Russians knew about the Oil; it can be argued that Bill Clinton will go off the Obama Foreign Policy Reservation within six months. I could not cope with the Clintons for four to eight years, Obama must have the patience of a Saint, he is going to need that patience with the Clintons.
The Military and Obama
The Washington Post: Reports on the future relationship between the US Military and President Obama. As the article points out the main issue that could be a problem is Iraq, the pledge by Obama to get out of Iraq is sixteen months, the article states the following, " ..some Pentagon officials believe an Iraq withdrawal order could become Obama's equivalent of the Clinton controversy over gays,..." Obama will not want to leave Iraq in a mess, he does not want to be President Ford, those images of the Chopper leaving the US Embassy in 1975 are iconic, Obama does not want to turn a victory in to defeat. A quick withdrawal could lead to a civil war in Iraq, the chance for Iran to invade and take over the oil fields, cut off oil to the West, would not make economic sense but who said Iran was working from the Western Page. Does Obama want to see cars waiting for Oil, this would really help the Democrats in the Mid - Term Elections of 2010. Also if the USA is seen as leaving the Terrorists could come back, does Obama want to see Iraq in a Civil War with the terrorists throwing in their bombs. Thus it could be argued that Obama will be more moderate that his Campaign Pledge. Also keeping Secretary Gates on is a good move, will allow Gates to get the USA out of Iraq with honour. Lets be honest, the Western Economy is in the toilet we have to get out of Iraq, they have to take up the burden, we just have to leave with honour and our backs protected by the Government in Iraq.
NYT and Iraq
New York Times: Reports on the Civic Progress in Iraq. Well you could hit me over a with a feather, a positive article about Iraq in the Liberal Times. Read of the Day.
Mumbai ( Bombay ) DEATH TOLL
Telegraph: Reports that the Mumbai terrorist attack could lead to a death toll of three hundred killed. If this terrorist attack on India causes a military confrontation between Pakistan and India then the terrorists would have won. The USA and UK have to play an active role in keeping these countries on the same page. If India moves its troops to the border with Pakistan and Pakistan does the same, this will be a victory for the terrorists, the soldiers of Pakistan are needed on badlands of the border between Afghanistan and Pakistan. The new Obama Administration will have to work to keep Pakistan together, their economy is in a mess, they have parts of Pakistan under terrorist control and the central government is weak, none of this would matter to be honest but they are a Nuclear Power. The West has an interest in keeping both India and Pakistan in the Western side not falling under the threat of the terrorist.
Thursday, November 27, 2008
The Left and Obama
Politico: Reports on how the left has been quiet with Obama appointing hawks by the standard of the Democratic Base or keeping Bush people in place. The Politico writes the following, " Still, it’s clearly a team that tilts to the right of Democratic foreign policy thought. " Obama has an Economic 9/11 to deal with, he needs people who can run Foreign Policy, Gates will get the USA out of Iraq with honour, not like Vietnam in 1975. Secretary of State Clinton will start talks with Iran but from a posture of strength not weakness, Bill Clinton will not allow his wife to become an appeaser. This kind of weak policy would be bad for the Clinton reputation, both him and her. As stated many times with Hillary you get Bill, and Bill bombed the Serbian Capital.
New York Subway Threat 2008
WCBSTV.COM: Has more details on the threat to the New York Subway. As stated the last threat was in 2005, this time the Intelligence Organisations have to worry that al - Qaeda are following an election pattern, 1993 the new Clinton Administration had to deal with the first attack on the World Trade Centre, 2001 the new Bush Administration had to deal with 9/11, in the UK 2007 the new PM Gordon Brown had to deal with the failed threat in London and the attack in Scotland. The attack in Bombay could be a warning to the West or it could be a diversion, lets hope the CIA are connection the dots this time around.
Mumbai ( Bombay ) Terrorist Attacks
The Times: Reports on the terrorist attack on Mumbai ( Bombay ). It argues that it is to early to say who is behind this evil attack on the city. To be honest have not blogged on this Issue due to the fact that it is on going, also it is hard to figure out if this is a internal terrorist group, that might have been trained by al-Qaeda or a franchise group of al - Qaeda. It will take a long investigation and could take months before we have an answer to this question. I did see something interesting on the TV Networks last night, what if India joins Afghanistan and Pakistan and becomes a failed state or forced to become a failed state due to these terrorists actions. Lets recall that both Pakistan and India are nuclear powers, this could be one of the top Issues to face a new Obama Administration.
Deaths in Afghanistan
BBC News: Reports that two more British Soldiers have been killed in Afghanistan. The total of the dead now stands at 128. If we do send more troops in to Afghanistan after the New Year lets have new ideas of how to win, otherwise we are going to lose more good men and women in a War we cant win and we cant afford to lose. We have to strike the safe bases in Pakistan, this is the Obama Plan, but we need to strike in manner that does not cause the Government of Pakistan to fall. A failed State like Pakistan that is a nuclear power could make last few years look like happy hour.
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Surge for Afghanistan
Telegraph: Reports that an Obama Administration will send twenty thousand soldiers to Afghanistan. The article makes a great point, " Current and former US officials have warned that a surge of forces into Afghanistan will not necessarily meet with the same success as the troop build-up in Iraq. " The problem with Afghanistan is that throwing more troops in the mix never works, Afghanistan is a nightmare for combat troops, the environment helps the terrorist, also the terrorists can come over the border from Pakistan. All countries that have gone in to Afghanistan have in the end thought better about the idea, the UK in the 19th Century, the USSR in 20th Century, and of course we are back with the USA in the 21st Century. Afghanistan is just a god awful place to fight, high and dangerous mountains, tribal loyalties that are hard to breach. That the problem with the Tribal lands on the border between Afghanistan and Pakistan. We cant win but we cant afford to lose, the Commander that solves Afghanistan will become a legend.
The Real Iraq Policy - Obama
The New York Times: Reports on the President - Elects move to keep Robert Gates at the Pentagon. What is interesting is the following from the Obama circle, the article states the following on Iraq, " But advisers argued that Mr. Gates was a practical public servant who was also interested in drawing down troops in Iraq when conditions allow. " Thus the sixteen month deadline seems to have gone out of the window. Its a shame Obama didn't say that during the election, then even some Conservative Bloggers could have supported him, as stated this blog is very liberal on Domestic Issues, just when in it comes to National Security I want a President who is a hawk. It seems Obama is a very canny politician, the liberal left have no one else to support, thus he can throw them over board. Thus on the Domestic Front Obama can start a New Deal by public spending, lets recall it was World War 2 that got the USA out of the Great Depression not the New Deal. On the International Front, he will have Clinton at State, she is more of a hawk than Obama, thus don't expect Obama to visit Iran any time soon, the left will not be happy. At Defence Gates will get the USA out of Iraq with honour, not like Vietnam in 1975. This blog takes its hat off to the President - Elect.
Robert Gates at Pentagon
BBC News: Reports that Robert Gates is to remain as Secretary of Defence in a Obama Administration. This is a wise move by the President - Elect, Gates is an outstanding public servant and has made Iraq a low key War. The next job of the Secretary of Defence is to get the USA out of Iraq. The Government of Iraq has take over its own security. The West, UK and USA are in economic meltdown, we cant support two wars, thus Iraq is in a better position to take the load of security off the West. The War in Afghanistan is not going well, we need to win, if we lose in Afghanistan the terrorists will haunt the streets of London and New York again, it will be a long War. As stated in this blog, I want out of Afghanistan, but if we can develop new ideas and win, that would be a excellent development, lets hope Secretary Gates has new ideas for Afghanistan.
New York Subway Threat
BBC News: Reports on a threat to the New York Subway. As it should be recalled al-Qaeda has a pattern of going back to targets. If I recall al - Qaeda had a made plans to strike the New York Subway a few years ago, using poison gas or some the other substance. As we have a new Administration coming in 2009, it can be argued that their will be some reaction by the terrorist group, it follows a pattern. Read this BBC Report from 2005.
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Obama's Tax Hikes NO MORE!
The New York Times: Reports that President Obama has decided that his call for Tax Hikes on those on more that two hundred and fifty thousand no longer apply. Have to admit have been very impressed with the Obama Cabinet and this latest news on Taxes, Obama should have a word with UK PM Gordon Brown, Brown wants to after the next General Election to have a 45 percent tax band on those on one hundred and fifty thousand. The PM is pandering to the left of the Labour Party. On the other hand President - Elect Obama is following the example of Ronald Reagan, tax cuts work, the left of the Democratic Party will not be happy, Michigan Senator Carl Levin stated on CNN's Late Edition on Sunday that he wanted to raise the tax on the rich. Lets not get to far head of praise for Obama, lets see what he does after January 20th 2009.
Economic News in the UK
On the economic side we have some good news if you want to be conned, in this case its the new policy by Labour Government to cut VAT, Value Added Tax from its present 17.5% to 15%. The catch is that it will go back up after a year. Have to admit sat down to watch the Chancellor of the Exchequer but he was so boring fell asleep. Its a con, its being done as way to allow Labour to have some good news before calling a General Election. If Labour really wanted to help people it would have cut income tax, all the policies are pandering, make the left happy, what my concern is the future of the UK Economy. WELCOME BACK TO THE 1979 AND THE WINTER OF DISCONTENT FOLKS.
Death in Afghanistan
BBC News: Reports on the death of another British Soldier in Afghanistan. The total of deaths now stands at 126. After January 20th 2009, President Obama is going to ask the UK to send more troops to Afghanistan. I hope PM Gordon Brown has the courage to follow the example of the late PM, Harold Wilson and refuse such a request, in Wilson's case it was Vietnam. The UK is doing her bit, to much it can be argued, its about time that the rest of NATO got off their back sides and helped. The UK is in a War that is without End, we cant win and we cant afford to lose in Afghanistan, also we have the prospect of another Great Depression, we need new ideas and polices for Afghanistan.
Sunday, November 23, 2008
Liberal Fury at Obama
Telegraph: Reports that the Liberal Left of the Democratic Base is furious that President - Elect Obama is placing more conservative characters on his National Security Team. This shows a wise President - Elect, also a canny politician, Obama is liberal on the Domestic Stuff, Abortion, Stem Cell, Gay Marriage, but on the International Front he does not want to turn in to Jimmy Carter Mark II. Also Obama knows what happens when you follow the crowd, Munich 1938, Reagan in 1976 said of the then Soviet Union " We Win they Lose ", recall folks this was in 1976. At the time no one in the Foreign Policy Establishment was stating this view, their view was that the Soviet Union had to be dealt with as an equal, not confronted and finished off. Obama has to have a tough impression going in, he will be challenged, Iran and the Bomb, Afghanistan could blow up, the terrorists could try a Tet kind offensive, nuclear armed Pakistan could fall apart. Due to the economic 9/11 faced by the West, the USA has to get its troops out of Iraq, this will take time and has to be done in a delicate manner, Obama does not want a Civil War in Iraq and Iran taking over the Oil Fields, that would make a deep recession a depression. If Iraq falls apart and Iran goes in, could they stop the oil to the West, the 70s all over again. Thus Obama will get out of Iraq but in manner that does not recall the USA getting out of Vietnam in 1975. Obama does not want to see that last chopper leaving and the USA in decline, that would cancel in chances of re - election. The left have no else to vote for, he can afford to throw them over board.
No Tax Hike ?
The New York Times: Reports that the new Obama Administration could delay its idea to tax higher earners. If your in a recession, facing a depression you don't tax the rich higher, you cut taxes so they will spend money, it worked for the Gipper, the USA had years of economic boom. Obama should follow the example of Ronald Reagan, actually cut taxes for the wealthy, the middle class and poor will spend money to survive, the wealthy spend money on goods that they don't need just because they can, but in doing so they give jobs to a vast economic structure that is the United States. The Democratic base wont be happy, so what, who else are they going to vote for in 2012.
Saturday, November 22, 2008
Dr Who Meets the Original Time Lord, Albert Einstein
The Times: Reports on a new drama on Arthur Eddington ( David Tennant ) and Albert Einstein ( Andy Serkis), Eddington the man that made Albert Einstein famous. Its a nice cycle if you think about it, Einstein gave us the theory of relativity and from that we can postulate we get our favourite Time Lord. By the way sorry about the header, but could not help my self, not as bright as old Albert!
Update: Two words, Fantastic Drama. It shows why David Tennant is great as Dr Who, also why its sad that he is leaving but you can see why, he is a great actor, the combination of of DT and Andy Serkis made physics fun and interesting. One can Hollywood in the near future for DT. He had in many respects had the more challenging role, a repressed Edwardian not easy to play. Also someone who can see the future and its not Newton, also give it a World War One context even harder when the view he supports comes from a Swiss/German character. Both actors should be up for a Bafta for their roles. Also has the BBC considered Andy Serkis for Dr Who, would be different from DT but that's the point, he held is own and made a character that could not have gotten much sympathy very sympathetic. Also the 11 and 12 Dr Who are more darker characters. See Trial of a Time Lord.
Marc Rich Pardon
The New York Times: Interesting article on the Marc Rich Pardon that was granted by Bill Clinton on his last day in the White House. The issue has come up again due to leak that Eric Holder is to be Attorney General in a Obama Administration, Mr Holder supported the Pardon of Mr Rich. The article in the Liberal New York Times is very critical, the article states the following, " He had the last word at Justice on clemency petitions and he saw to it that he had the only word. He brokered one of the most unjustifiable pardons that an American president has ever granted. " An interesting article to be published by the Liberal Times, Mr Holder would be the first African - American to hold the post if he passes the confirmation process. It can be postulated that the Times has figured out it cant be the press department for an Obama Administration for four to eight years.
More on Clinton at State
The New York Times: Reports on the move by Senator Hillary Clinton from the US Senate to the US State Department. It writes the following, " But it could also disappoint many of Mr. Obama’s supporters, who worked hard to have him elected instead of Mrs. Clinton and saw him as a vehicle for changing Washington. Mr. Obama argued during the primaries that it was time to move beyond the Clinton era ...." In other words the Liberal New York Times, a firm supporter of Obama in the General Election is not happy with the idea either, if the Times is not happy Obama must be doing something right. A interesting aspect of the article is the news that Hillary Clinton can appoint her own Deputies. This is bad move by Obama, the State Department will become a rival Royal Court, the National Security Council will be loyal to Obama, while State will be in the pockets of the Clintons, yes plural, get one and you get one free, in this case Bill Clinton. If your a blogger the good times are back, YES ITS THE CLINTONS.
Woodward on Clinton at STATE
FishbowlDC: Reports that Bob Woodward of Watergate Fame thinks the placing of Clinton at State is very bad idea. Obama is must have great confidence in himself as a manager of people and absolute trust that A) Hillary Clinton will listen to him, B) Bill Clinton will remember that Obama is President. Call me a very very old cynic but politics has never worked like that, even Ronald Reagan had his problems, and Obama is not quite Ronald Reagan, no matter what his press team think at this present time. In 1980 Reagan at least trusted his main opponent, Bush 41 to make him Vice - President, Obama didn't trust Clinton to be his VP, why does he think that making her Secretary of State is a better idea now.
Obama Mistakes in Transition
Lets have a look at the Obama mistakes since he was elected POTUS. The very mistake was his comment in a news conference that he had not spoken to dead Presidents. In this case it was Ronald Reagan, he later phoned to say sorry to Nancy Reagan. The second mistake was his decision to appointment Hillary Clinton as Secretary of State, it will be LBJ - RFK feud all over again. The third mistake and this could be costly, was his statement that he wants his Administration to create 2.5 Million jobs in two years. After two years if this has not happened the blame will be placed at the Oval Office Door.
Madam Secretary - Hillary Clinton
BBC News: Has reported that Hillary Clinton will become the next US Secretary of State. The drama of the past few days, would she take the job, Bill Clinton and his business dealings, are part of the package when you deal with the Clintons. Of those who are Conservatives its great news, there nothing like the Clintons for fun blogging. How long will someone bet that Bill Clinton goes off the reservation when it comes to differences between him and Obama. It can be argued that Bill Clinton has been very supportive of his wife, allowing the Obama team to check the donors to his Foundation and Presidential Library. The problem with all great actors, and this goes for Ronald Reagan also, its not a party thing, is very hard for them to allow the spotlight to be taken by someone else, Bush 41 had problems, Obama is more lucky he is already a rock star, but how long before Bill Clinton gets annoyed or needs some attention on the World State. One does not see Bill Clinton as an EXTRA. I give it six months before Bill Clintons blows a casket, and goes off the Obama Reservation.
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Helping Africa
The Times: A very interesting and informative article in the Times today on business chances in Africa. Its a different take on Africa, its about business, investing in small companies in Africa and making money from the idea. Its different from the usual African call, Charity, its about helping people in Africa to follow the Western model, developing a business and getting rich. The Company if it makes a profit can develop and hire workers. Thus its a win ( African Company )/win ( more workers, the local economy gets richer )/win ( Investor, makes money and can feel good abut the business). Read of the Day.
Money down the Toilet
Fox News: Reports that Senate Republicans and Democrats have come together to bailout the Car Industry. The Chiefs of the Car Companies came to D.C to ask for money, how did they travel, private plane. Lets cut the bull, the Car Companies have become Welfare Departments. If they fail the argument goes millions will be out of work, lets see why does that ring a bell, yes the UK in the 1970s. It was bull then and its bull now, this is pure welfare by other means, if these companies cant survive without government help they should go down the toilet, that goes for Wall Street also. Lets hope this welfare programme is blocked, because it can be postulated that President Obama who is a Liberal will fund these broke Companies. The USA is going to become the Sick Man of the Western World.
Terror and the Law
Fox News: Reports that five alleged terror suspects have been ordered released by the Courts. This is madness, what if they return to the battlefield, what if they are part of another 9/11, this is out right bonkers. What if the Liberals get their way and terrorists are released and a nuclear terrorist attacks happens on American Soil. In War you keep the enemy as POW's, but since these terrorists are not from a country, you throw them in jail and lose the key. Lets us Pray that the Judge in this case does not over breakfast one day read that these alleged terrorists have killed thousands. There is sometimes a difference between the law and justice, justice was not served today and the law was let down. It can be argued that Bush has failed to make the Judiciary see the threat from the terrorist threat and that Obama will appointment more Liberal Judges.
The Left and Obama
LA Times: Reports that the Liberal base of the Obama support are not happy that Obama is placing Iraq War supporters in his Cabinet. This should make Obama pleased, these Liberals are not the United States and lets be honest they have nowhere else to go in 2012. President Obama can afford to dismiss them, there one concern is getting out of Iraq, his concern is getting a second term. If Obama makes a fast exit from Iraq, the place could fall in to a Civil War, Iran could come in, and Obama would be forced to send the troops back in, what would the Liberal base think then of Obama. This is a good move by Obama, shows he is own man and not under the influence of Liberals.
Nuclear Armed Iran
IHT: Reports that Iran has the ability to make one nuclear bomb. The questions has to be asked what will the out going Bush Administration do with news, nothing, strike Iran, allow Israel to hit Iran. It can be argued that Bush cant wait to leave the White House, does not want another War on his hands before he leaves his office, thus the problem will be passed over to new President. Thus the next question what will Obama do about Iran, will he follow through with stated aim to talk to Iran without preconditions, or he latest plan, well planned meeting before he would talk to Iran. Also what if Hillary Clinton is Secretary of State, is she going to be the fall guy for a weak Obama Foreign Policy. The joker in the pack is Israel, will Israel wait for a Obama Administration to make its mind up, its hitting of Syrian nuclear site shows it wont take threats in its backyard. Expect Iran to be a growing issue for the Obama Administration.
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Well folks you thought it would be all change, but what do we get, most of the White House Staff are from the Clinton Era. Then we have Hillary Clinton at State, Obama might think he is running Foreign Policy but he cant sack Hillary as Bill will not be happy. Does he want the Clinton Mean Machine on his tail in 2012 if tries to sack Hillary. The good fun days of the Clintons are back, four years of backstabbing, leaks, the Obama Team trying and failing to keep Bill on a lease. Folks THEY ARE BACK.
New York Times: Wise and Fun article from Ms Dowd of the Times on the Clintons. Read of the Day.
More on Bill and Hillary, NOT OBAMA!
That's the problem with the appointment of Hillary Clinton as Secretary of State, you don't get cool, you get hot drama. Here is the latest from the news cycle.
Washington Post: Reports that the Clintons have given the Obama all the information that they have requested but also promised that President Clinton in future will abide by all the Obama rules, all his speeches vetted by the White House. The more you get in to the detail of this idea, it just gets worse, as Bill Clinton ever had any self control, give me a break, what is going to be like with a new rock star in the White House, and he has to act like some unpaid Cabinet Member who has to get White House approval for all his actions. Does recall the Duke of Windsor after 1936, and that turned out well!! If Obama get Richardson in and quick, this is turning in to another Clinton Drama.
The New York Times: Mr Friedman gets to the crux of the Hillary problem, he writes the following in the Liberal Times, " My question: Is Obama considering Mrs. Clinton for this job in order to get her off his back or as a prelude to protecting her back? " The 2008 election race was a two year affair, if Hillary is at State then Obama wont face any problems in running in 2012, if Hillary is not at State and the economy is a mess, the Wars are still going in Iraq and Afghanistan then we could see Hillary do a Reagan as in 1976. In this day and age Foreign Policy is done from the White House, thus you get rid of Hillary at State, so no threat to a smooth run in 2012 and if its a mess on the domestic and international front you get cover from the Clintons. President - Elect Obama has learned Chicago rules well, but this is the Clintons, they are the original mean machine, will they think better for Hillary to stay in the Senate and wait for Obama to become less popular as a result of the above and run in 2012. Also lets be honest reader can you seen Obama supporting Clinton or wanting all the credit on the International Front, he is the new rock star, he does not need a Secretary who is measuring the Drapes of the Oval Office for a possible Presidential run.
Why the WAIT Hillary ?
Washington Post: Reports that Hillary Clinton can not make her mind up to take the post of Secretary of State. Lets be honest since 2000 she has only wanted one job, and that's the job of President of United States of America. Lets also be honest, a effective Secretary has to have a good working relationship with the President. Any President and that includes Obama would always be looking to protect his back against the Clinton Machine. The job of Secretary of State might look good to any one else but this is the Clintons, they are always thinking long term, what if Obama turns out to be Tony Blair of 1997, all that hope down the toilet. What if Obama turns out to be a one term President in the mold of Jimmy Carter and Bush 41. If the Economy goes down the toilet and the Wars are on going in 2012, will Obama get another Term as President. Think 1976, Could Clinton be the new Ronald Reagan, but the difference take the nomination, its very interesting if your a political junkie. I will be surprised if Clinton takes the job, there is the problem of Bill Clinton, who is going to keep Clinton on a lease, Hillary is not great will the Obama Staff. I still support New Mexico Governor Bill Richardson for the job.
Health Secretary Daschle
BBC News: Reports that Ex - Senator from South Dakota, Tome Daschle will be the Health Secretary in the Obama Administration. This works on two levels, if Senator Clinton cant be Secretary of State due to the business dealings of Bill Clinton it prevents her becoming Health Secretary. Also Senator Daschle is a former Majority Leader in the Senate, in other words he can help the President get his health reform through. Also nice not to have another Clinton on board, it was getting a bit old.
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Why NOT Hillary ?
Washington Post: If your close to Obama, get him to read this article by David Ignatius in the Post. If really wants to appoint Hillary to State, this article should tell him why its a very bad idea. In Diplomacy you need quiet, a Secretary of State that does not upstage the President. If you appoint Hillary you get Drama and Bill Clinton !. Also if you wanted secret talks with Iran, what is the one person you would not send as they get the most press, yes its Hillary again. If Obama really wants change he should appoint New Mexico Governor Bill Richardson. Read of the Day.
New US AG ?
Newsweek: Reports that the next US Attorney General will be Eric Holder. The article reports that the Obama Camp has asked if the Republicans in the Senate would cause any problems due to the fact that Holder supported the decision by President Bill Clinton to pardon Marc Rich, this was the last great scandal of the Clinton Administration, the ex wife of Rich was a major supporter of the Clintons. It seems Obama is in awe of the Clinton Administration, from his Chief of Staff to the next Attorney General all come from the Clinton Administration, its like Bill Clinton Mark 11 or the West Wing without Bill Clinton. The Obama Campaign ran change, what change, the Democrats might as well have nominated Hillary Clinton. If you going to have the Clinton's back at State and old Clinton hands running the Administration what is the point of Obama. All these old Clinton hands will have loyalty to Bill and Hillary Clinton, its LBJ and RFK all over again. I will promise that over the next four years you will hear stories that Obama made a mistake is appointing Hillary Clinton as Secretary of State, he angry that his Aides has talking to the Clinton's as if they are still in charge but he cant sack her as Secretary of State. As to the Marc Rich Pardon this is down to Bill Clinton, the ex wife of Mr Rich was a major supporter of Bill Clinton, thus Holder should use the cover that all Pardons are down to the President of the day, Dick Morris; Bill Clinton's Political Guru; states that this appointment would be a mistake by Obama. It does seem that Obama in a way is returning to the last major scandal of the Clinton Administration, there must be better Democratic prospects for Attorney General, change does not come when its the same faces from the same scandals. .
Monday, November 17, 2008
Obama and McCain
The New York Times: Reports on the meeting between President - Elect Obama and his Republican opponent Senator John McCain. Its a pity that the President - Elect didn't follow the example of the West Wing. In the series Democratic President - Elect offered the job of Secretary of State to his Republican opponent. But lets get real, if the Obama Presidency is in trouble due to the economic problems and the Wars a few years down the line it will be good to keep Hillary Clinton in the tent. To miss quote LBJ, if the wet tea bags are thrown its better that they are throw out of the tent not at the tent. Lets hope this Clinton Drama does not play out of the next four years, but with Bill Clinton you get drama, at least it fun if your a Republican or a Conservative.
NYT and Bill Clinton
The New York Times: Reports on the background checks of President Bill Clinton. Read this article folks and tell me that the Liberal Times does not want the Clintons in the Obama Orbit. It's almost a political hatchet job on Bill Clinton, like the one the Times did on McCain. Read of the Day.
The Bill Clinton Problem Part Two
Politico: Reports the one issue that could block a Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, of course that being Bill Clinton. The main concern of the Obama Camp as reported by Politico is the business dealings of Bill Clinton and his future charity work. Why President - Elect Obama went down this road is a mystery, if Clinton was not good enough to be his VP why is Secretary of State any better. if there are problems with the business or charity work of Bill Clinton and it blocks the appointment it will cause a rupture of the good relationship between the Clinton's and Obama. Also if there is no problem now what about the future, President Obama could never sack a Secretary Clinton. As stated before this was not a wise move by the President - Elect. Does recall the mess of the 1992 Clinton Transition.
Sunday, November 16, 2008
The Bill Clinton Problem !
Fox News: Reports on the problem that Bill Clinton could cause his wife in becoming Secretary of State. Does President - Elect Obama really want to give the Republicans a chance to do their favourite thing, investigate the Clintons. I would recommend Governor Bill Richardson of New Mexico, was UN Ambassador and Energy Secretary for Bill Clinton and supported Obama over Clinton in the Democratic fight for the nomination.
Clinton wants to be Secretary of State !
The New York Times: Reports on the views of the Democratic Foreign Policy Establishment on the idea that Senator Hillary Clinton should be the Secretary of State in a Obama Administration. The article states the following, " Mrs. Clinton and Mr. Obama ..........are not as far apart on foreign policy — particularly the issues of Iran and Iraq — as they seemed to be during the long primary battle for the Democratic presidential nomination. " As most of the Democratic Foreign Policy Establishment worked for the Clinton White House at one time or another this can be seen as a move by the Clintons to force President - Elect Obama to offer her the job, it seems from a reports that they have meet but there was no direct offer. It can be argued that the Clintons see this a their chance to get back in to power. Lets be very direct here, with Hillary you get Bill, as stated in the past that is a positive and a negative. Also if the Obama Foreign Policy goes in to the toilet, it will be very hard for Obama to sack Hillary Clinton. Also what about Bill Clinton, this is not just a husband or wife, this is a former President of the United States, will stop giving speeches for hundred thousand of dollars, what about the funding for his Presidential Library, lets be honest, you can see companies and countries thinking, how can we get through the Diplomacy, lets see give a large donation to the Clinton Presidential Library. Before you start this is not a critic of Bill Clinton its not, it would not matter to Clinton if you gave his Library Billions, he is more of a power man than money, but its a fault line that others might see and cause problems for Obama. Also can you see Bill Clinton keeping to the Obama Agenda on Foreign Policy, he is a former President. This move by Obama to have Hillary in the Cabinet would be one of the worse mistakes he could make for his Administration.
Iraq Exit 2011
BBC News: Reports on Agreement between the USA and Iraq for the USA to leave Iraq in 2011. As the USA and the UK are in a recession, any long term plans to stay in Iraq are out of the window. The New Obama Administration has a plan to leave Iraq within sixteen months if conditions stay as they are, Iraq taking over responsibility for her own security. Thus this new agreement will help the new Administration, as they can keep their promise to get most US troops out of Iraq, while keeping forces to fight the terrorists. Iraq now has a timetable, it has not choice it will have to take responsibility for its own security and fund its own security. Lets hope the Iraqi government can stand up to Iran. Also lets hope that after the West has left Iraq that a Civil War does not develop, as present Western economic crisis would be nothing if Iran moves in to Iraq and turns the screw on the West when it comes to oil.
Death in Afghanistan
BBC News: Reports on the death of another British Soldier in Afghanistan. The total now stands at 125 killed in action and accidents. I was watching a moving documentary on BBC 2 last night on those that have been killed in Iraq and Afghanistan, and the question that has to be asked was it worth it, the loss of good men and women in Wars that after they are finished will they be looked backed as just or glorious wars; glorious as long as we win, no matter for if just or not; when it comes to the Wars in Afghanistan and Iraq it can be argued in both ways, in Afghanistan it was a just War, all those that lived through the events of 9/11 would argue that the West was attacked on 9/11; the base of operations was Afghanistan, thus the War as Just; but its an endless war, that's the problem, what is the Exit route and how long will the public support the War. In Iraq it can be argued its a glorious War, in the long term we got rid of a tyrant, the reason for the War was rubbish but we won. The UK is out of Iraq next year, thus there is no reason to lose any more troops in Iraq. Thus on the one hand a Just War and a Glorious War, our Armed Forces Personnel had done their best, the politicians have let them down in Iraq and Afghanistan. In the years to come they will be remember as those that have died in WW1, WW2, Korea, Falklands, Gulf War 1 and Northern Ireland.
Saturday, November 15, 2008
NYT and Clinton Again !!
The New York Times: It can be postulated that the Liberal New York Times really does not want Hillary Clinton to be Secretary of State, in this article the Times writes the following, " Mrs. Clinton taking a top job in the cabinet: she would presumably have to disclose much more about Mr. Clinton’s earnings, especially from foreign sources, and donors to his presidential library than they have been willing to disclose so far." One can wonder why the Liberal New York Times would not want Hillary Clinton as Secretary of State, it is simple, they want to talk to Iran and other rogue nations without conditions, they want the UN to have a veto of US Foreign Policy. The Clintons are smart political operators, if the Liberal Times is opposed to policy its almost always a good policy. The Clintons, in this I count both Bill and Hillary Clinton will make the State Department an alternative power base. The Liberal Times wants the Clintons gone, a Secretary Clinton would send them over the edge.
NYT and Clinton
The New York Times: Reports on the prospect that Senator Hillary Clinton could become the Secretary of State in the Obama Administration. One gets the impression that that the Liberal Times is not that keen, it writes the following, " it was unclear how seriously Mr. Obama was considering bringing Mrs. Clinton, his onetime rival for the Democratic presidential nomination.....Democrats close to both the Clinton and Obama camps cautioned that Mr. Obama might simply be sounding out Mrs. Clinton about what, if anything, she would be interested in...." Lets be honest the Clintons are to centre for the Liberal New York Times, a Secretary of State Clinton is not going to be the fall guy for a weak Obama Foreign Policy, don't expect Clinton to fly to Iran for a quick visit. The Clintons know that it all this gushing for Obama can go away, it did for them, if Obama becomes another Jimmy Carter they want the freedom to run against him in 2012. Lets recall 1976, Vietnam and Economic problems, and what did we see, Reagan run against President Ford, nearly defeated a President of the United States. If Obama fails expect Clinton to resign as Secretary of State and run against him. Of course it can be argued that Obama can also read the political news forecast, in case his Administration goes down the toilet due to the economic problems he wants to make sure the Clintons are in his tent. Thus it could be a good move by Obama to have Clinton at State as long as Foreign Policy run from the Oval Office.
Major Terrorist Threat ?
The Times: Reports that President - Elect Obama is being warned by Western leaders and Intelligence that he could face a major terrorist attack in this transition period. As stated in this blog new Western Leaders are tested, Clinton in 1993, bombing of the World Trade Centre, Bush in 2001 with 9/11, Brown in 07 with the failed attack in London and the attack in Scotland. Thus one can postulate that there will be an attack, the question is when and how major. The Times article states that badlands on the border between Afghanistan and Pakistan is a perfect base as to plan such attack, as West has major problems in preventing the terrorists coming over the border from Pakistan to Afghanistan. In the Presidential Campaign, President - Elect Obama stated that he would strike in Pakistan, this has not gone down well in Pakistan, let recall Pakistan is a nuclear power, we need Pakistan as a friend. If the terrorists take over Pakistan, the last few years will look like happy hour at your nearest pub. LETS HOPE INTELLIGENCE IS ON THE BALL.
Friday, November 14, 2008
More on Clinton for Secretary of State !
The Times: Article on why President - Elect Obama should make Hillary Clinton the next Secretary of State, simple its leaked so he has no choice. If Obama jumps every time a story leaks he will be seen as weak, if he now appoints Clinton it will be seen that he was pushed in to the appointment by the press and the Clintons. One has to ask does Hillary Clinton want the job and why, in this day and age Foreign Policy comes out of the White House, will Obama give her a free hand to do what she wants, from an Obama view point it would better if she was a backbencher in the Senate. One can see a different power base within the Administration if Obama gives State to Clinton. At State you would have Hillary and Bill Clinton running the show in many respects, Obama is POTUS but he is young and Foreign Policy, well most policy is new to him, he's been running for President since he was elected in 2004. In a pure LBJ power political view point this was would be bad move, who is going to control Bill Clinton. I don't see President Clinton allowing his wife to be the fall guy if Obama's policy with Iran does not work; the Western Powers have tried to talk to Iran, they just play games; for high level talks you would need the Secretary of State, does Clinton want the blame when it does not work, does she want to seem weak when faced by Iran or Pakistan, thus if this move by Obama is on the cards its a very bad move, he needs someone like former Secretary of State, General Colin Powell, he will be loyal but also knows Foreign and Defence Policy.
Model T and the Bailout
New York Times: Interesting article that argues against the bailout of the Car Industry, the article states the following, " because if these companies are not permitted to go bankrupt now, they never will be. " Lets hope President - Elect Obama reads this article by David Brooks, even better Obama could appoint Brooks to be his Treasury Secretary. The problem has started with the Bush Administration, now a Liberal Obama Administration under pressure from its supporters will bailout the Car Industry, the problem is that it does not end there, every company with a large work force will go cap in hand to the government for money. Lets be honest it will be hard to argue with them, the banking bailout, the car bailout, why not every other Industry. Its better in the long term that bad companies go under and then the system can recover, the Great Depression did not end because FDR put money in to the market, it came to and because of World War Two. Thus if an Obama Administration learns the wrong lessons the world economy could be in recession if not depression for a very long time, the good days have gone folks, save that money its going to be tough out there, its mean time on main street.
Hillary Clinton for Secretary of State ?
New York Post: Reports that Senator Hillary Clinton could get the nod to be the third female Secretary of State. I don't see why Senator Clinton would want the job, lets be honest, she would not be the first female she would be the third to hold the job. The Secretary of State is only as effective as his or her relationship with the President. Also we have the plus and negative aspects that with Hillary you get Bill, on the plus side he is a former POTUS, on the negative side its Bill Clinton. On the whole it could be argued that Hillary Clinton should run for Governor of New York, then after an Obama Administration she can run for the Presidency again in 2016. Lets recall in 2016 Mrs Clinton will be 69, the same age as Ronald Reagan in 1980.
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Pardon All
The New York Times: Reports that Congressional Democrats are to go after the Bush Administration even after it leaves office. It time folks, and this is for Conservatives and Republicans to get on the phone, text, email, the White House. The President should consider a general pardon to those that have worked in his Administration between 20 January 2001 - 20 January 2009. Bush 41 gave out pardons and this closed down the Iran - Contra affair, it was a great service to the Party and Country. Bush has to face the fact that the Liberal Democrats with an Obama Administration will now feel free to go after all Bush has done to protect the USA. Liberals are more concerned about the rights of terrorists than law abiding folks. President Obama if he is wise will close the Democrats down, as either after four or eight years he will be going out of office, its matter of protecting himself, his predecessor and his successor. Thus if Obama is to weak to close down the Congressional Democrats, the Bush should grant a general pardon, then the files can be looked at considered; kept or destroyed if under a general pardon; and diaries considered free from the threat of charges, files can be assessed if they are worth keeping, memories can be considered and checked to counter views and factual views and actual views within the scope and spirit of the law. If no actual files to check and blanket pardon then the Democrats will be closed down, so get on that phone, text, email to the White House folks.
Threat from USSR sorry Russia !
Telegraph: Reports on the view as stated by Robert Gates; the American Defence Secretary, that the actions of Russia; placing missiles close to the border with Poland; over the placing of interceptor missiles in Poland belong to the Cold War period. This is in many respects the first test for Obama, if he is seen to have been bullied by Russia, then expect rogue nations and terrorists try it on, Iran in Iraq and its nuclear plans, the terrorists surge of violence in Iraq and around the world. The terrorists could even try something like 9/11. The Terrorists have a history of hitting when world leaders are new, lets recall the first bombing of the World Trade Tower in 1993, when Bill Clinton was in his first year, then in 2001 the world had 9/11. Then when Gordon Brown become PM, we had the failed attacks in the UK. Thus with a new Obama Administration expect something to happen, its just a matter of when, lets hope the Security Services are on the ball.
Obama and the Russian Bear
Time: Reports on Obama's attempt not to have a policy via Poland and Russia and the placing of interceptor missiles in Poland before he becomes the President in 2009. The Russian bear is on the move, the War between Georgia and Russia, the overt threats to NATO allies show the Russian bear has woken. The Russian bear has KGB on its paws, let see if the bear takes a walk to the Ukraine. A Russian invasion of the Ukraine could make the Cold War look like immature hour, it could be another Cuban Missile Crisis but much worse, the question the West has to ask is Obama a statesman in the mold of Jimmy Carter or Ronald Reagan.
Iran problem for Obama
New York Post: Reports on a major Foreign Policy problem that will faced by President Obama, that is Iran. In his election fight with Hillary Clinton, President - Elect Obama stated he would talk to Iran without conditions, now that he will be President from January 20th 2009, Obama is taking the more considered route, Obama could be Nixon going to China, Reagan to the USSR will it be Obama to Iran, for a deal over Iraq and the nuclear ambitions of Iran, talking does not cost in less its game by Iran, and Iran likes to play games with world leaders, just recall the problems Reagan had with Iran. A new Obama Administration should start low level international talks with Iran, even have a secret back channel talks with Iran, but this should at National Security Advisor or Secretary of State level. If these work, and that is a big IF, then a Presidential visit. If this does not work one can almost state that Israel will attack Iran, then Obama will have three wars to deal with in his first term.
Obama Transition
Time: Reports on the Obama Transition and how fast his Agenda will be acted on in 2009. If Obama is smart is will take the Reagan Model, the sole issue should be the economy, if that goes down the toilet the USA voter will not care about his other promises. Thus on Day One he needs to make sure that a recession does not come a Depression. Thus as Obama is a Liberal he will give money to the Car Industry, the question the voter will ask is will there be strings to the money. Also who else will come out of the woodwork to ask for money, as the Treasury Secretary stated yesterday, the plan approved by Congress for the US Government to buy bad mortgages has been thrown out of the window, now the Treasury is following the UK model and funding money in to the banks by buying preferred shares in these companies. The problem that Obama will face is that sooner or later he will have to say NO to a major industry. All this Yes We Can will go through the window, it will be then that we will see if Obama is really another Ronald Reagan or Jimmy Carter. Reagan had a major recession in the early 80s, had low approval ratings but still won a second term and was a beloved President of the United States.
Deaths in Afghanistan
BBC News: Reports on the death of another two British Soldiers in Afghanistan. The total now stands at 124. The new Obama Administration should either send more troops or we should consider new options for Afghanistan. Is Afghanistan going to become another Northern Ireland. Deaths that are reported but more coverage is given to latest celeb news. Our dead soldiers need more notice than a small mention in the news.
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
The Biden Problem ?
CNN: Interesting article on the role of Vice - President - Elect Joe Biden in an Obama Administration. The article suggests that Biden should be used on the Hill to get the Obama Agenda Passed by the Congress. Biden is a lose cannon, he loves to talk, lets recall his statement that President Obama would face a crisis within his first year. Biden should be allowed to talk, but on a plane and doing a lot of visits, Obama should pick someone that he trusts to keep on eye on Biden, make sure he keeps to the Agenda. Obama like Reagan should use his power to get his Agenda through, Reagan in his first year was on the Phone to House or Senate members seeking their support, he visited Congress more than Jimmy Carter ever did over four years. Thus Obama should be the front man for his own Agenda and Biden should be on a very long World Tour, in four years you can cover a lot of the world.
The Car Industry - USA
The New York Times: Reports that the USA car Industry now needs to be bailed out, Bush will do a deal if he gets a Free Trade Agreement through Congress, the Democrats just want the money. At what point will Democrats and Republicans see that sometime you have to say No to an Industry no matter the cost. This is what happened in the UK in the 1980s, Lady Thatcher would not fund Industries that lost money for the tax payer. The Car Companies if they go belly up, due so because they can not compete in the modern market. If you bail out the Car Industry what next American Football. Its better to be harsh now, make sure that workers are looked after and given new training than keep a bankrupt Industry in the game. This was the UK as the sick man of Europe in the 1970s, the USA will be hit hard by the Car Makers going out of business but the USA will hurt more if it keeps a bad company going. Obama is a Liberal he will bail out the Car Industry next year, but this wont fix the problem, they are not effective in the market, thus one day in the future Obama will have to say No to another bailout or the USA will get another Reagan or Lady Thatcher, these two leaders changed the map, bough the UK and the USA out of recession and weakness, does Obama have the back bone to say No to the Liberals, Unions, the Main Stream Media.
The Future of Drudge ?
Slate: Reports on the history and the future of the Drudge Report. It is simple for this blogger, if you blog you read Drudge, its that simple.
Let us Remember
At the 11 Hour of the 11 Day, of the 11 Month lets us Remember all those that have died so we can be free. Let us never forget the sacrifice of those that gave the ultimate for their country so we can be free. Let us also remember those still fighting in Iraq and Afghanistan.
Obama the New Reagan ?
WSJ: Reports that polls show that the Reagan Agenda is not finished. That Obama followed the Reagan Campaign book on how to get elected, the question the article asks " Will he be able to govern that way, too? " . I think the most important question for new President is his staff in the Reagan mould, in 81 Reagan had an economic mess to deal with, the one issue on the Agenda was the Economy. In 81 when the then Secretary of State, General Haig wanted to make Foreign Policy the top issue he was shut down by the White House, it was the economy. The problem the Obama Presidency will face is as stated that he has an economic 9/11 and two wars going on, also the terrorists will try to see if he is weak. Thus President Obama might want to deal with the economy at first but to quote and old British PM, " Events, Events " might over take him. In 2000 Bush it should be noted wanted a humble Foreign Policy, he didn't want to Police the World. The World came knocking on 9/11, Bush has the lowest historical approval rating of any President, including Nixon, but so did Truman. If Obama makes a mess of the first year you will see that Bush will get a better report card from History. Obama is good with speeches but one to one he does seem a bit cold, very academic, he needs some acting lessons to look warm with people. Reagan had the ability to become the American Ideal of a President, does Obama, time will tell for President Obama.
Bush 43 and Obama 44

The first meeting between President - Elect Obama and the out going President George W. Bush. This transition recalls the 1980 transition between Carter and Reagan, then the USA faced the hostages being held by Iran. Today the USA is in two wars, Iraq and Afghanistan, and the biggest Economic Crisis since 1929. It is important that this transition has no flaws, the enemies of the United States are looking for weakness, thus Iran or the terrorist could try something between now and the Inaugural of Obama. In Iraq we have seen a surge in bombings, the terrorist are sending a test to the United States, the Obama Administration in 2009 can expect a massive surge in bombings and other terrorist attacks. President Obama has stated that he wants the USA out of Iraq in under two years, well the terrorist want the USA out of Iraq with their tails between their legs. Think South Vietnam in 1975, choppers taking people from the Embassy while leaving thousands to their fate at the hands of North Vietnam. Thus while Obama will want to do a Reagan and deal with the Economy he will face a International Test sooner than he might want and if he makes a mistake it could effect his entire Presidency. At the end of the the Presidency of Bush 41 he sent troops in to Somalia, when Bill Clinton took over he took the troops out, this was seen as weak by the terrorists, thus we in some respects 9/11. The Obama Presidency in its early days will face a test not unlike JFK in 1961, lets be honest that didnt go well either, the Cuban Missile Crisis of 1962. Lets hope Obama selects the best National Security Team, as it can be postulated the new Administration will be tested in 2009.
Sunday, November 09, 2008
More Troops for Afghanistan ?
The Times: Reports that Sir Jock Stirrup, the Chief of the Defence Staff for the UK Armed Forces does not want to send troops coming back from Iraq to Afghanistan. The UK military and the Foreign Office know its not a War you can win, the badlands of the border between Afghanistan and Pakistan make a War without End. The Terrorists can come across the border from Pakistan, attack Western Troops and then go back over the border. The USA has hit with air power the tribal areas of Pakistan but if you going to win you need to get troops on the ground, a large troop attack could weaken the government of Pakistan. If the government of Pakistan falls and the Terrorists take over, the West would have a major problem, Pakistan is a nuclear power. Thus when President Obama asks for more troops the UK should state that he needs to ask the rest of NATO. Also when the USA leaves Iraq it can transfer it troops to Afghanistan. Thus Afghanistan could do to Obama what Iraq did Bush, if there is a surge then it becomes Obama's War, lets hope he has read some history.
President David Palmer ( 24 ) & West Wing
The Sunday Times: Interesting article on how TV and Cinema might have helped Obama in 2008. It can be argued as does this article that President David Palmer on the Series 24 allowed voters over the years to get used to a African - American President. I must admit preferred President Palmer to a President Obama. I did wonder if the actor who played Palmer, Dennis Haysbert ever thought about running for Office. Hysbert as Palmer allowed you to disagree with him but still support him, also he was very tough on National Security, doubt Obama would allow his Secret Service to beat up a Presidential Aide in the name of National Security as Palmer did in one series of 24. As stated on domestic stuff quite Liberal, Abortion, Gay Rights, etc but a hawk when it comes to National Security, every President has to get his hands dirty as to make sure the rest of us have the freedom to go about with our daily life's. I hope President Obama invites Dennis Hysbert ( President Palmer ) to his Inauguration, he owes him in some respects, also Jimmy Smits aka Matthew Santos from the West Wing, over two years the voters had the 2008 race run for them, and Santos won in the end.
Bush and Obama, Ist Meeting 2004
Fox News: Reports on the first meeting between Senator Obama and President Bush in 2004. Lets just say, DISASTER. Read of the Day.
The Great Society 11
The New York Times: It has started folks, the Liberals just want to throw money at the problem of the economy, another LBJ 11 Great Society Agenda would make them happy, the Times writes the following, " Tax rebates and other tax cuts, in contrast, pack relatively little bang for the buck. And tax cuts are difficult to take away once granted and so tend to add to the long-term deficit. ". One can postulate that the Liberal New York Times want to make sure that people survive in a hole, just enough to survive, they don't want the poor to get out of the working class and get in to the Middle Class. It seems Liberals don't want people to get rich, on a very deep level the Times needs people to be poor, as the poor tend to come from an ethnic background the Times seems to have a paternal racist view in some respects, they know what is better for people, poor and reading the the Times. Ronald Reagan was critical of the spending of the Great Society, thus his Agenda to cut Government Spending when in came in to power in 1981.
The Obama Agenda in 09
The New York Times: Reports on the Obama Agenda for 09. Looks at what Campaign promises should be moved first and which can done later down the line. The Obama Agenda has two sections, Domestic and International. On the Domestic side the President has to get his tax cuts through, also if he going to repeal the Bush Tax cuts for those making more than two hundred and fifty thousand now is the time, it not a matter if you think its a good idea or a bad idea, its matter of politics, early he can get it through. Also there should be help for Main Street, the banks have been bailed out, the car industry will be bailed out, what about those that are losing their homes, how about a house bail out. This would help the economy, as people could stay in their homes and the Local, State and Federal Government would not have to fund them. Also the Western Banking System has to be saved, not a minor point, thus it can be postulated that it will cost more money.
On the International Front, Obama has to deal with Iraq, Afghanistan, Iran and Russia. As the USA is in a major recession, facing a Depression, its time to get out of Iraq, Iraq has the money to protect its own internal security. As President Elect Obama has stated he will leave forces their to go after terrorists, thus this should also be a warning to Iran. The only danger is that Iraq goes in to Civil War, thus Obama could be forced to send troops back in, its a fault line but lets see how Iraq copes. The Sixteen Month timetable of Obama is to long, Iraq will have take the security load faster, the Western Economy is in a mess, plus we need to send troops to Afghanistan, Afghanistan could became Obama's War, if he sends troops in to Pakistan this could undermine the Government, there is a chance that the Terrorists could take over a Nuclear Armed Pakistan. Thus Obama will need some very careful Diplomatic skills to make Afghanistan and Pakistan work. Obama had promised to talk to Iran, now that he is President one is starting to see a more moderate view, Reagan wanted to talk to Iran and it cost, Iran - Contra. Thus Obama will need a tough Secretary of State, not Senator John Kerry. The Obama Administration should start will low level talks with Iran and if they work build up to a Secretary of State and then only Presidential visit, Nixon to China, Reagan to Moscow, Obama to Tehran ? As to Russia, Obama has to careful that he does not end up like Jimmy Carter, seen as weak after Afghanistan invasion by Russia. The Russia bear has already started to bully, threatening to place missiles close to the Polish border as to prevent the USA shield to protect against Iran from working, this will be the first test for Obama, if he can be pushed around by Russia he will be seen as weak, lets recall Reagan, he was tough and got what he wanted, the end of the Cold War, if Obama is weak he could start another Cold War or hot war should Russia go in to the Ukraine.
Obama and Reagan, The First Mistake Reports on the first mistake by President - Elect Obama, he was asked at his first press conference on Friday as President - Elect if he had talked to the former Presidents, in a slip of the tongue he stated that that he didn't want to get in to discussion about Nancy Reagan and doing a seance. In other words he had talked to all living ex - Presidents but not those that has passed away. To give the President - Elect the benefit of the doubt he did phone Nancy Reagan to say sorry, also to his credit Obama has stated that Reagan was a Transformational President. President - Elect has learned a lesson, his every word after January 20th 2009 will come under a microscope, thus less said the better in from of a open mike.
Friday, November 07, 2008
Bush and History
CNN News: Reports on how history will treat the 43rd President of the United States of America, George W. Bush. I recall reading in the third Bod Woodward book on Bush that the President wanted to be Ronald Reagan and not Bush 41. Is Bush 43 a great President or a disaster from Texas. The answer is complicated, he had to deal with 9/11, two wars, Afghanistan and Iraq and a economic 9/11. It can be argued in the following manner, there has not be another terrorist attack on the USA. In Afghanistan the War went well at the start, now its a mess, did Bush take his eye off the ball with the War in Iraq, the answer is yes and no, yes the President was more interested in Iraq but events on the ground in Afghanistan has not helped the UK in the 19th Century and the USSR in the 20th Century. In Iraq Bush allowed his Defense Secretary run the war he wanted, it was only after 2006 that Bush really took charge, the surge worked. In between 2003 and 2006 Bush made Reagan look like he was micro manager of policy. On the Economic 9/11 that is still going on but the bailout what ever you think of it has worked, the banking system is still going even if they are under government control and they system will fall in to recession if not a depression. Thus Bush 43 will look like a Great President in the years to come, just it will take some time, he is no Reagan but he is not Hoover either, so not bad on the whole when looking at the Bush Presidency.
Rahm Emanuel = Josh Lyman !
The Independent: Reports on the appointment of Rahm Emanuel as Chief of Staff to President - Elect Obama. Also more important how Emanuel inspired the character of Josh in the West Wing. As noted by the paper Mr Emanuel has a different private life to Josh. It should also be noted that he has more hair. In the last scene of the West Wing, Josh in Chief of Staff to President Matt Santos; a character with an ethnic background; in fact the last season of West Wing was the 2008 race, just it had better writers. Alright fans if your out there lets get NBC to bring back the West Wing, lets face it this would be the time. Thus if your in the USA send emails, text, letters to NBC, get them to bring back the West Wing.
Obama and the Real World
The Times: Reports on the Obama Presidential Press Conference on Friday, how Obama and his team want their supporters to understand that Obama needs time to achieve his Agenda. President Elect Obama has the toughest In Tray since since Reagan came in to Office. The Gipper had to deal with a recession, the indicators then, inflation, unemployment make the present troubles look like immature hour in some respects, at present both above indicators are low, but it has to be noted the Gipper did not have to deal with an economic 9/11, the last time a President had to deal with that kind of crisis was FDR in 1933. It should be noted that FDR did not have to deal with two wars and a terrorist threat in 1933. Thus Obama has a tough year ahead for himself and his Administration.
Thursday, November 06, 2008
Bill Clinton Mark 11
The New York Times: Interesting article that looks at the tensions in Obama Administration between those that want a Obama Administration and not a Administration that is full of Clinton people. This does recall the Bush Administration in 2001, the Vice - President was Cheney, Chief of Staff to Gerald R. Ford, the Defense Secretary was Donald Rumsfeld, also a Chief of Staff for Ford and his Defense Secretary. Lets be honest the two people that have caused more political trouble for Bush 43 than Bush himself. Obama needs a clean slate, if the Obama Administration is full of Clinton people, one has to ask who will they be talking to in those Georgetown Parties. Lets recall LBJ kept the Kennedy people and thought their loyalty was to the Kennedy's. Thus Obama needs people with experience but he also needs people who own their loyalty to him.
The Pollsters and 08 Race
Texas on the Potomac: List of those pollster that got the result right. Read for future reference, remember 2012 only four years away. At the top for accuracy was Pew and Rasmussen. Read these four years down the line. Read of the Day.
They all need a Halderman !
BBC News: Reports that President - Elect Obama has asked Rahm Emanuel, a friend from Chicago, a Democratic Congressman and a former Aide of President Clinton to be his Chief of Staff. Emanuel is seen as tough character, a Democrat to his toes, the Republicans cant stand him, any change message of Obama would be undermined by the appointment of Emanuel from the view of Republicans. The President - Elect is making the right choice, the White House needs a tough Chief of Staff, not as tough as President's Nixon's Chief of Staff , H.R. Halderman, Watergate anybody, but a tough Manager who will make sure the Agenda of the President is served. If Mr Emanuel is appointed he will recall the mess made by the Clinton team of their transition in 1992. This is a good move by Obama, it should be noted that President Obama will have around eighteen months to get his Domestic Agenda through, as LBJ noted after that period the Congress will be up for re-election, if Obama is high in the polls they will support his Agenda, if the Presidents approval rating is in the toilet, George W. Bush, they will run as opposing the White House, a lot of Blue Dog Democrats in the House, in other words a Conservative Democrats. Thus the need for a tough Chief of Staff if not quite a Halderman.
Update: Mr Emanuel has accepted the post of Chief of Staff to President Obama. Obama has his tough Chief of Staff, but will the change message only come in to effect if you agree with Obama. It can be postulated that Mr Emanuel is the Gene Hunt to Obama's Sam Tyler. The question is will the Sheriff know that he is the Deputy. Also a tough Chief of Staff can cause more problems that he solves, it really depends, is Mr Emanuel good at Inter - Personnel skills, the job of Chief is to say No a lot, its better if those on the Hill don’t end up hating your Chief of Staff. Lets recall that Speaker O' Neill could not stand the Chief of Staff to President Jimmy Carter; he had a better relationship with the Reagan Staff.
Wednesday, November 05, 2008
Bush 43 on Obama

The White House: President George W. Bush has stated the following on the transition period between his Administration and the Obama Administration, " There's important work to do in the months ahead, and I will continue to conduct the people's business as long as this office remains in my trust. During this time of transition, I will keep the President-elect fully informed on important decisions. ". This sounds like Bush telling Obama, okay you might be the President Elect but I am still President of the United States of America. A lot could happen in the next ten weeks, the surge in Iraq could falter, Iran might try and end run before Obama becomes President. In Afghanistan the Terrorists could try a Tet type offensive, in Middle East Israel could attack Iran, might think it better to attack while Bush is still President. Also the Bush and Obama Administrations still have to deal with the economic 9/11 affecting the banks and the market. Of course nothing might happen between November 5th and 20th January 2009, lets face it the West has not been that lucky of late, interesting couple of weeks ahead for Bush and Obama.
Death in Afghanistan
BBC News: Reports on the death of another British Soldier in Afghanistan. The total of British Deaths now stands at 122. This is the real world, its up to the new Obama Administration and PM Gordon Brown to come up with a winning strategy in Afghanistan and Pakistan or find the Exit Door. Afghanistan will be one of the first tests for the new President, he wants a surge, great, what next, Afghanistan has buried a few soldiers from different countries, UK in the 19th Century, the Russians, who next UK again and the USA. Lets have new ideas, out of the box, we cant lose Afghanistan but we might not be able to win either, lets makes these High Ranking Officers earn their pay. New ideas Please for WINNING in Afghanistan.
The Final Result - US Election
At the end of the day my prediction was not wrong, Obama did win by 6%. The Margin was Obama 52% - McCain 46%. My prediction of Obama 53% - McCain 47% was 1% out. As not a professional pollster not a bad result. On the Electoral College result Obama gained more than in my prediction. the actual result was Obama 346 - McCain 163. My Prediction was Obama 311 - McCain 227. I did not see Obama taking Florida. Lets see when to start on 2012.
President - Elect Obama
A first great speech by the new President, but good rhetoric is okay for a Campaign, when President Obama is in Office, he will face having to deal with two wars, Afghanistan is becoming more dangerous for Western Troops, the terrorists are coming over the border from Pakistan, the Taliban has recovered, the UK Military and Diplomatic core cant see a win, they want to talk to the Taliban. In Pakistan the country is in a economic mess, it wants a bail out from the West, the West has its own problems. In Iraq the surge has worked, the UK wants out, we cant deal with Iraq and Afghanistan. The Government of Iraq will have to carry the load for its security, the USA and the UK cant fund them forever, thus Obama will need to get the troops out without causing a Civil War or Iran coming in to Iraq. On the Terrorist side, both Obama and McCain want to close down the terrorist holding base in American controlled Cuba. The problem that Obama will face is what you do with terrorists you cant send back home as they will be killed and if you cant release because they are a National Security Threat. As stated next year could very interesting, well President Obama wanted the job, lets see what kind of POTUS the 44th President of the United States will be, one request, please keep Biden in the Cheney Cave, he has foot in mouth syndrome, the White House needs a clear message, the President's Agenda does not need Vice - Presidents who think they should be President. I see a lot of travelling in the future of Vice - President Biden, he will collect a lot of Air Miles.
The States in Play - Obama is the President Elect
Florida: Looks like a close pick up for Obama.
Indiana: Looks like McCain will keep this state Republican. Obama is now leading in the state, on course to win.
Virginia: Looks like McCain will keep this state Republican. Fox News Reports that Obama has taken Virginia.
Ohio: It can be postulated that Obama will take this state.
Indiana: Looks like McCain will keep this state Republican. Obama is now leading in the state, on course to win.
Virginia: Looks like McCain will keep this state Republican. Fox News Reports that Obama has taken Virginia.
Ohio: It can be postulated that Obama will take this state.
The new voters that President Elect Obama has bought to the system has allowed the Democrats to create a new political model, African - Americans who have not voted in the past have come out to support the first African - American with a chance to become President. Also Obama has bought in younger voters who have not voted in the past. The final part of this model is that white voters have voted for the first African - American to become President. Its a new day folks, yes historic, new agenda and new ideas. Lets see how President Elect Obama does in the Transition and his first Hundred Days. Lets take a moment to understand the historic importance of this result, okay that enough of the historic, lets see what a Obama Administration does, will the voter get a tax cut, will Obama get out of Iraq without causing a civil war. Also will Afghanistan be won, lot on the plate for President - Elect Obama.
ABC News and Fox News: Report that Pennsylvania has gone to Obama. This night is over folks, it was over already but if your working tomorrow you don't have to wait up, Obama President Elect and with a healthy Majority in Congress.
Tuesday, November 04, 2008
The Final 08 Race Poll - OBAMA WIN
IBD/TIPP: The final poll of the 08 race by the most accurate pollster of 04. A clear Obama win by 7.2%. The final poll of 08 has the following result, Obama 51.5% - McCain 44.3%. Tonight will be a clear win for Obama, he will have a clear mandate for change. The New Democratic President and his Majority hold of Congress will allow Obama to take America the way he wants with little resistance from the Republicans. The downside of course is that if Obama makes a mess of his first two years, the Republicans can come back in 2010. Thus the Transition period is very important for Obama, lets recall the mess Bill Clinton did of this period. The naming of his Cabinet will be interesting, if he governs from the Centre he should face an easy re - election, should he govern from the left then will become another Jimmy Carter, Bush 41, Presidents who served only one term. Its going to be a fun year folks, a new President a new Agenda, also the Republicans will be searching for a new Ronald Reagan for 2012.
Monday, November 03, 2008
Exit Polls
Forbes: Great Article on Exit Polls, should be read if your a political junkie. I recall looking for information on Exit Polls in 2004, early on election night I thought Kerry has won but then the actual vote came through, thus it is important when you look at the early Exit Polls, yes they will leak, to recall they are a snap shot of a period of time, also they can be wrong, thus Obama might look likes he on to a landslide but the end result is more of a narrow win, lets say around 6%, not that I would want that result just to confirm my prediction! Read of the Day.
New Poll - Obama Winner Part Two
IBD/TIPP: The latest tracking poll from the most accurate pollster of 2004 has the following result, Obama 48% - McCain 43%. The Obama lead is 5%, 1% less than my prediction of a 6% Obama win over McCain. Thus Virgina is an early test, that closes at 7pm USA time, around 12am UK time. If Obama wins big expected, Florida and Ohio to go to Obama. If the result is closer expect a longer night, the result wont be different a Obama win but will make election night more interesting for political junkies. The early indications will be the Exit Polls, but lets recall Kerry was winning in 2004 before the Republicans voted later in the day. See you on election night folks.
New Poll - Obama the Winner
Fox News: Has a new poll out, Obama well ahead of McCain. The Poll finds the following, Obama 50% - McCain 43%. The 7% if followed in the state votes should give Obama a landslide in the Electoral College. As the seven percent lead is in line with my prediction; just one percent more by Fox; it can be argued that this election will be over early on Tuesday night in America. The New Obama Administration will have a lot on its plate, as stated in the LA Times the new President Elect could be tested in Iraq by the terrorists. When Obama comes in to power in 2009 expect either the terrorists or a rogue nation to test the President, it can be postulated that the terrorists will test the President in Afghanistan and Iraq. They will try to see his weak spots, how does he react under pressure, it will be an interesting year.
Electoral College Prediction 08
I have made the following predictions for the popular vote, Obama 53% - McCain 47%. On the Electoral College Side I have the following prediction, Obama 311 - McCain 227. After looking at the polls and the ground work done by the Obama Campaign it can be argued that Obama should take Ohio.
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